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Results for 'Overdose'

Overdose Support Group Editor's Pick

Ask questions and get answers about Overdose. Our support group helps people share their own experience. 60 questions, 294 members.

How does Narcan (naloxone) work in an overdose?

Can someone die after taking an overdose of Dopaquel?

My brother passed away last week and my sister in law claims that the might have overdosed on Dopaquel. He would normally use 1 tablet 2 - 3 times a... read more

Can you overdose takink two 0.5mg of clonazepam the same day?

i am new at taking medication

Can you overdose on alprazolam.can it kill you?

Trazodone - Overdose??

My 32 year old son has just taken 6 Trazodone. He has been under Psychiatric care for BiPolar/Depression. How dangerous is this amount?

Can you overdose on metformin?

I am on metformin 1000mg twice a day, but tonight I think I might have mistaken my metformin for my atorvastatin and took it 3 times. Will I be ok?... read more

Overdose - A family member attempted suicide using Xanax. Now off life support but she suffers from?

... dimentia like confusion or hallucinations of some sort. Does anyone know if this is permanent? She's only 51 and if this is permanent she... read more

Saxenda - How can I stop the sides affect of the overdose?

It's my first day of using this. Accidentally I injected 5 times 0,6 dose in 5 different places . I can't stop vomiting. Since morning... read more

Wellbutrin accidental overdose (600mg) seizure symptoms?

Hello, I would really appreciate it if someone could answer me asap. So today I took an 300mg wellbutrin pill sometime at 11 in the morning. Then i... read more

How does Vistogard work?

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