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Opioid Overdose - how many oxcontin 10mg would be fatal?

10 Answers

sirius1 19 Aug 2018

well, who've tried the fatal dosage and can talk about it ? a friend of mine started by 1- 15mg and he got high the first time, after 6 times of doing it, it took 20mg to get the same buzz. He can now take 30mg after 3 weeks and get the same buzz as before BUT it look like he will have to increase every week if he keep doing it every 2 days. So , if you never took any, a 50mg might spell trouble for you, 60 -100 mg will be DANGEROUS specially if it is mixed with benzos. If you become tolerant to it a 40 mg will be a light dosage. So never take a high dosage before you feel the normal 10mg and feel that you can increase slowly after 30 minutes if everything seem normal ( you can walk, speak and cut a pill in half easily ) ... If you have to take 60mg +, you might need another type of analgesic... BUT it's not a good idea to play with your life , so find another pass time. If you have pain, your doctor will fix the right dosage.


Oxycontin is not a toy and it's too hard to tell what is exactly a fatal overdose dosage. Some crazy dudes can take over 200 mg and talk about it the day after... while others will never talk anymore.

Votes: +0
1mommy5 25 July 2017

This would depend on the persons tolerance to OxyContin. Weight, and any other meds they are mixing with it.

Votes: +0
smurfdog10 12 Aug 2016

Will 15 20mg oxy be good

Votes: +0
gembey 5 Oct 2010

I just read your details,

I so feel for you, the losss annd grief for the life thats gone can be the hardest and yet the most overlooked. You cant change what has happened, only change how you feel about what has happened.

This is not meant to be a smarmy/clever reply, its very hard to live in the twilight zone of drugs and doctors and medical appointments, amd not being able to do the things your friends and family do.

Yet, my most profound time was when i was bedbound for nearly two years, i fiinally learned the art of being a human, and to be content in each moment. My bedroom was so still that prettymuch everyone entering it,carers particulary, would burst into tears and unload their problems, dry their eyes and walk out feeling loads better. hah hah.

It was definately easier to be so poorly that others could look and see that i was unwell, than it is at the moment where i am partly well.

i think there are many of us out there in the world, i am sure we have a purpose beyond physical ability

Votes: +2
gembey 5 Oct 2010

dmlady, the message I posted above was for you. (starts I just read your details)

christineATU 5 Oct 2010

gemby, what an insightful comment... "I am sure we have a purpose beyond physical ability." It was only recently I started to believe this myself. You have already reached out and helped someone. I know your comment wasn't meant for me, but thank you for reminding me we here for a reason, not yet understood, but let's stick around to find out what it is... how ever bumpy the road may be :-)

dmlady 5 Oct 2010

when I was in the hospital I was on 80 mgs of oxycontin and another 20 so that 100 I was also taking 1 10 mgs of percocet due to the fact I needed relief sooner the the 100 mgs would take and on soma and vallum 3 during the day 5 mg and 25 mg at night so To make this fast and to the pont they left out the 20 mg and got 1 perc and no vallum and I had a mouth full of potatoes and the nurse came in and made me take my meds when I wasn't time so I poured the cup full of pills down and not thing I chewed them with my food I wound up over dosing and my heat rate went to a 5 when it should be 17 and there was a ventalater put in my room when I came to I did not remember a thing. they all had to tell me what happened

Votes: +0
gembey 5 Oct 2010

Thank you kind stranger, I didn't intend to get folks jumping. It was and is an honest question. Haven't quite got the hang of how to email privately, will work on it... Am feeling a little quiet, and neutral, and very warmed by all of your responses.

Votes: +1
Inactive 5 Oct 2010

Hey Gembey, It's Patti again. i wanted 2 mention how jealous i am that u live in the birthplace of some of the greatest rock musicians in the history of rock, The Beatles, ELO, Queen, Judas Priest, Freddie & the dreamers, keane and even The Darkness, they r all favorites of mine. I am also a bit jealous u have ur Mum, altho I realize it is difficult to care 4 a person who is older and so ill. My Mom died from alcoholism 22 yrs. ago at age 62. i watched one of the Dawn of the Dead movies once and had a nightmare that i had 2 quit my job to protect her from zombies, and i was so scared i couldn't protect her and she would get out of the house and b killed. i promise u that fear was so real that i never forgot how desperate and overwhelmed i felt trying to protect her, how i tried to brainstorm a way to keep her safe. We worry when we have responsibilities and we imagine the worst thing is going 2 happen, just knowing someone else cares helps so much.


Please join with all of us and know we support u and pray for u, and let ur son help some 2. u know he loves u and ur Mum and I know he will b glad 2 do whatever he can. Thank You 4 letting us hear from u and get 2 know u. WE CARE, and share. Go to youtube and play some old songs from back in the day, it may cheer u up a bit, maybe get ur son to have a listen, my 19 yr old daughter loves 2 laugh at my music, and knowr every word of each song.

Laurajane24 18 Dec 2017

Does anyone still use this site? I could use some advice..thank you in advance..Not feeling so hot..on prescription pain meds too long.I'll be 64 in Jan.!

Shellie11 26 Dec 2017

Hi all, I hope you’re having a wonderful Christmas. I just wanted to know if anyone still uses this site and if so are they available to offer some advice? Thank you in advance for reading my comment. All the very best to yourselves and yours.
Merry Christmas

Psyched 4 Oct 2010

I guess you could tell by now that your question seemed to alert everyone. Just wanted you to know as one stranger to another, my private question box is open anytime if you need to post(talk). I do try and answer everyone every day. Just offering an ear and a hand, as humans we all fall and I personally think each of us deserves hand at getting back up. Hope to hear from you.

Votes: +3
Inactive 5 Oct 2010

Psyched, I concur, we all need support at one time or another!

gembey, keep us posted on how you are feeling, we care.

christineATU 4 Oct 2010

Hi there Gemby. Believe it or not I happen to be a Tottenham HotSpurs fan. Well, used to be anyway. The Brits sure are crazy over "Football" or Soccer as it's called here. Manchester United are like the Yankees of baseball over here. Personally I'm a die hard Cubs fan, don't laugh. I have a friend in Haverhill, Suffolk. Are you near there? He's a great guy, happens to be a counselor too. Former addict who lived on The High Street! Honestly, but how ironic!

You certainly have a lot of pressure on you. I don't know what I would do in your shoes, but please stay with us. Many people here are very supportive, kind, and are going through much of the same issues as you. It helps knowing you are not alone. Please add people as friends, ask questions, answer ones you might be able to help someone with. You'd be surprised at what you know, but no one ever asked.


If you can find the time to come online and participate, you will not be disappointed.

If you don't mind, I will add you as a friend and we could send messages back and forth. It's a nice way to get things off your mind and talk about anything you want. Patti and Sweetlemon are great supporters! Also look for "beanmarie", "Fall Queen" just type their names in where it says, "find member" But please don't think this is the end for you. I know how frustrated you are with the bureaucracy. Even though I am disabled now, I keep getting denied. It's almost automatic! They deny the majority of disability claims hoping the person will just give up and go away. Not me, no sir! I know what I can and can not do, my surgeon agrees. Even the state agrees I can not do my old job. I'm just as frustrated as you in that department. But please don't give up the fight. And Fall Queen has first hand knowledge of what it's like caring for your "mum" but lives in so much pain herself.

As to your question, I don't know. But please stick around ok?

My thoughts and prayers are with you,

Votes: +3
Inactive 4 Oct 2010

Hi gembey,
Please call your doctor asap, there are medications that will make you feel better! There is a reason God put you on this earth, so please do not harm yourself. Think of all the people that love you, they would sorely miss you, if you were gone. Think of your son.
We are all here to support one another, so please keep us posted on how you are doing. We care! Never lose hope, for it is all we have at times.
Wishing you the best,

Votes: +1
Inactive 3 Oct 2010

I am not sure if you are asking this as you want to go out this way, or if you suspect someone who is taking opiates is overdosing, or what your reason is. I hope you are not planning to go out this way. Please call a suicide hotline if that is the case, or any type of helpline. Opiates will kill someone who takes too many, which may vary from person to person or if they take them too long, also which will vary. I hope you will hit comment or answer and let us know if we can be of some assistance for you.

Votes: +1
gembey 3 Oct 2010

thank you - it partly answers it. The question is really what the resistance level is for each person It is me question is about. I am with a mental health crisis team, but I have said that i wanted to get my affairs straight before i pass on. Thing is I dont think itis realistic, as i am functioning at such a low level now it isa poitnless excercise really. I have 30 x oxcontin mr 10mg. I already take 12 hourly meds for chronic painsyndrome and used to use oxynorm 5mg as breakthru relief. I was on 20mg mr for 2 years and got off it 2 years ago, on my own. I tried one 5mg oxynorm this afternoon and felt little effects, which makes me think that I will need to use all the pills i have. Do you know if this will induce coma before death? escuse me being so blunt, but its important for me to know what will happen. I had a n experience two years ago when i took a damage mr capsule and realised i was overdosing.

Inactive 4 Oct 2010

I really don't know but I wouldn't want to comment on something that would bring another harm. I have never used this medication you are asking about but I know it is strong. If you are in chronic pain, and want something that may fix it so your pain meds will work again, check out member l'il stevie's experience with Ibogaine. Go to find or search for a member and put in l'il stevie and read his profile. If you are in mental pain caused by an emotional void, ie anhedonia, please join some groups here to see if we can get you some support. In your field, there is a high burn out rate and if you add physical pain, well , that would make it much worse. I am sure the world will be less bright if you are not here, I have suffered this anhedonia also, but struggle on. I will not judge you, I simply hurt for you and want there to be less pain for you.


If I were you, I would definitely see another doctor to see if anything can be done to improve your quality of life. I don't think anyone here will be able to tell you if this would cause your end, we are more of a support team.It is also a live chat, for that go to community, click on the prompt for forum/discussion board and start a thread, if you know what that means, I am kind tech dumb, I don't. But there should be some people on it all day and night if that will help. I will check back later, I will say some Prayers for you also.

gembey 4 Oct 2010

you are a star pattishan61. what a treat to be in communication at this time of the day. Are you in USA ? I am a Brit

I fully understand what you are saying and i will check out lil stevie. Thank you for the prayers too.

My story is complicated Two years ago I became my mothers primary carer, by default -she has severe vascular dementia. Definately the unwell lookinh after the unwell. hah, only possible in the 21st century in a 'civilized society'. The strain of this has put my pain management balance to its limits, and whilst being responsible for another i have deferred increasing my meds, or trying morphine patches.


Recent events have been so strresful that I am ashamed to admit I have had to leave my mums house and am staying at home with my 21year old son. I have burned out mentally, 4 days ago, andrealise that this is unstustainable situation to be in. Once my mum is successfully placed in a residential home which is one of the recent stressors, I can look at my own life, and at 52 it looks way too long.

My goverment funded carer support package, for me personally, has gone down from 30 hrs per week, to zero in 5 weeks, after 5 years! Draconian cuts. This leaves me in an impossible position and having to fight for my rights, again, and justify my disbilities, again, and I genuinely dont want to go thruall of that stuff again. It isnt worth it, so i have decided I am ready to die, in my own time, and in a peaceful manner.Trying to work out my tolerances to my meds is tricky, which is why I found this site.

Really glad you answered.

gembey 4 Oct 2010

just readlil stevie's account. amazing,. I have heard of this thru a friend of mine who's son was a ketamin user. Thankfully he is off it now.

Thank you, and am calling my doctors service for an appt today.

Inactive 4 Oct 2010

Hey Gembey, I know we as American's are known as fighters, it is in our blood and certainly our history, and that is not always such a bad thing. I live in an area that is usually heavily battered by hurricanes this time of year, we got a horrible one with Frederick, in 79, Ivan, in 2004, and Katrina, in 2005, believe me, we felt like God was personally trying to take us out. The one thing I remember about all those storms was that People were really kind to each other the next day, I actually call Katrina the Great Humbler. Southerners are known for the hospitality, but it went beyond that the next day, people didn't just open the door and hold it for you, they looked you in the eye, to see how you really were. It sounds like things are not their best right now for you, You are trying to do for you Mum, and it got unbearable, and it is OK that you stepped away, Thank God for you Son, He is there for you.


Do keep me up on how you are doing? I am so glad to see your notes this Morning. It is 9:30 a.m. on Monday Oct the 4th here and I woke up and began listening to old Beatles stuff on YouTube and am checking my profile on I hope this day finds things a bit better for you. The oppposite of Grief, Is Hope. I hope there is some Hope in you today. Let me know if things get any better, and do fight, at least some for what should be Yours, sometimes others benefit from our fights. Patti

Inactive 4 Oct 2010

Gembey, I don't always have computer access, during the week I answer stuff here from my cell phone and it is ridiculously hard to navigate the site, I will try to access this post later today after I go home. I realize it is probably the middle of the night across the drink, please don't think I am ignoring you. I live with a handicapped former neighbor male who is 71 and probably has Aspberger's syndrome, a form of autism. He gets his disability check on the 3rd of the month and we will go big grocery shopping today, so, I will be out of pocket some. I will check back periodically throughout the day. Hope things are a bit better by the time you read this. Talk With You Later, Patti

Psyched 4 Oct 2010

Good job! free discount card

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