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Results for 'Migraine Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) Gabapentin Weight Medication'

I am starting gabapentin tonight, how serious is the weight gain and "word finding" issues?

Can anyone tell me how serious the "weight gain" problem is with this medications and the "word finding" issues?

Weight gain on Topamax?

I started taking Topamax to control my migraines. Since I have a very low tolerance to medication, I was only taking 25mg per day. My... read more

Has anyone lost the weight they put on from gabapentin?

I have put on 40lbs in 5 months from this stuff. I just learned tonight that this was the cause and I am so angry. I am dosing down starting now then... read more

Is the weight gain easy to lose if you stop gabapentin?

... i get married in four months and I want to get back to my normal size and i am desparately unhappy ..i am three times bigger than i was and my... read more

Is most of the weight gain caused from Gabapentin a water weight gain?

I've read a lot of the questions and answers about the weight gain caused from Gabapentin and some said it was a water or... read more

Does gabapentin cause weight gain?

Does Nurtec ODT cause weight gain?

Had to stop Gabapentin due to weight gain - now how to lose weight and what to use for neuropathy?

I really liked LaurieShay's eating plan for weight loss after Gabapentin use and will try it! However, now that I am... read more

Qsymia - How can I find a List of doctors who prescribe Qysmia?

I am trying to decrease in my over all weight. I have not had any luck in obtaining a physician that prescribe the weight... read more

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