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Results for 'Levothyroxine Pravastatin Underactive Thyroid'

I am a 28 year old female who was recently diagnosed with underactive thyroid. My tsh level was 9.75

... and I was immediately put on 50mcg of levothyroxine about 4 weeks ago. IMO symptoms before starting medication was extreme tiredness,... read more

Levothyroxine makes me gained weight?

I was diagnosed of hyperthyroidism year 2009, I've had the thyroid iodine treatment right after and had 50mcg levothyroxine and... read more

Can I take diet supplements/fat burners with Oroxine (levothyroxine)?

I have been diagnosed with underactive thyroid for the last twelve months and have been prescribed 50mg Oroxine (levothyroxine)... read more

What happens is I don't take levothyroxine after thyroidectomy?

Had thyroid taken out last year, the meds are just as bad so I haven't been taking them. They didn't even need to take it out! I... read more

Has anyone experienced major weight gain after starting Levothyroxine?

I started this medication last fall for an underactive thyroid. Since then I've been packing on the pounds even while watching... read more

My doctor recently changed the dosage on my levothyroxine from 2 112 mcg to 2 88 mcg per day. Why?

I've had hypothyroidism for almost 20 years. But my doctor lowered the dosage on my levothyroxin, even though my test results showed my... read more

Levothyroxine morning or night?

I have had normal results on TSH for 5 years until the last 6 months now they are running high I have always taken it at night. Could that be the... read more

What is taken into consideration when prescribing levothyroxine?

I've been taking this medication 2 weeks and my original symptoms have came back after going away after 10 days. My voice has become hoarse once... read more

Does my mother's PCP know what she is doing?

Why would my mother's PCP increase her dosage of levothyroxine which is prescribed to her for underactive thyroid if her... read more

Best time to take levothyroxine if exercising in the morning?

I want to exercise in the morning, I used to do this fasted but I don't feel great and would prefer to eat something light before workout.... read more

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