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Results for 'Klonopin Anxiety Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Panic Disorder Seizure Prevention Generalized Anxiety Disorder'

How to taper down from 2mg of Klonopin to 1mg in one month?

I am 21 years old, 6'1", and 190 lbs and have been taking 1mg of Klonopin twice a day equalling 2mgs daily for about the past 10... read more

Relief from Klonopin withdrawals; weaning from Klonopin?

I've been on klonopinfor the better part of a year, and the last week I've been forcibly taken off the medication as a result of not... read more

What are the affects of very long term use of Klonopin?

I have been taking Klonopin for 20 years for panic attacks and anxiety. The dosage has steadily increased to 2mg three to... read more

How the heck do I get off Klonapin after 20 yrs?

I was put on klonapin 20 yrs ago because of panic attacks and severe anxiety. I couldn't leave my home and if I did I never... read more

Pharmacy said clonazepam isn't being made anymore?

how can I tapper off clonazepam if they quit making it, I have been on for 25 years, I am scared. I can't get ahold of my doctor yet, and... read more

Tapering clonazepam after over 20 years?

Female age 65 been on clonazepam over 20 years for MVP with dysautonomia and what I was told was anxiety and panic. I would have... read more

Considering switching from Klonopin to Librium?

Hi. This is my first post, so forgive any mistakes. I've been on a high dose of various benzos for almost 23 years. I've been diagnosed... read more

Clonazepam - Replacing Xanax With Klonopin?

Will I go through withdrawal symptoms from long-term Xanax use while i start Klonopin? Or will replacing 1 benzo with another take care... read more

Why did my mental health provider want me to stop taking Klonopin before joining her...

... practice? Klonopin was working well for me for 10 years, no signs of addiction and dependance. She knows this but she is in a different... read more

On 10mg Valium built a tolerance is there anything stronger I cant take xanax or klonopin?

i been on 10mgs of Valium 3x a day i dont know if theres anything they can give me stronger been on Valium for 8 moths i have very sever... read more

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