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Results for 'Herpes Symptom'

Herpes Simplex - are sore testicals are side effect of acyclovir or a symptom of herpes or stress?

I am waiting for a "specific" blood test for genital herpes, and am taking acyclovir 800mg every four hours. My testicals seem to be... read more

Hi, I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. I am a little upset. I found some pills in?

... an old coat tucked in our closet. The pills turned out to be Acyclovir. I found on here it is used to treat Herpes virus. Does that mean... read more

Can the shingles vaccine cause a genital herpes outbreak?

I got my vaccine on a Friday, felt headachy and rundown all weekend. By Tuesday I was getting an outbreak. I hadn't had one in a pretty long... read more

How to cope living with herpes?

I contracted herpes from my girlfriend and have been dealing with it for the past year and a half. I have occasional breakouts on the mouth,... read more

Creams for genital herpes?

Ocular Herpes Simplex - I am a Nurse Practitioner and got HSV at work?

I was infected in my eye while culturing a patient. The virus was mutated and had Type 1 & 2 in it. It caused Keratitis, then spread to my brain... read more

I have genital herpes and I had a flare up on my eyelid in 2015. I think it is happening again?

I found my valacyclovir 500 mg tab, but the expiration date is 1/27/22. Can I still take them before my flare up gets really bad? Is there any type... read more

My boyfriend has a cold sore, can I get genital herpes from him?

So my boyfriend gets cold sores, and he's been avoiding kissing me so I won't get it, but last night he licked his fingers while we were... read more

I found a prescription for Valtrex in my boyfriend's name. We've been together for several months &?

... I've never noticed any warts or genital sores, & He "Claims" his dermatologist prescribed it for his face! He doesn't get... read more

What dosage of lysine is best for herpes outbreaks?

I am just starting to take l-lysine as a friend suggested it. I am two weeks into shingles, started getting two cold sores and a terrible sty on the... read more

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