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Results for 'Gabapentin Prescription Anxiety Bipolar Disorder Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Insomnia Migraine Neuropathic Pain Pain Persisting Pain, Shingles'

Can you take expired Lyrica/pregabalin?

Can you take Lyrica/pregabalin that is expired in 2015 so about 4 years old? (25 mg, possibly multiple)

Lyrica vs Gabapentin: What's the difference?

Is gabapentin addictive?

How long does it take for Lyrica to work?

Is it appropriate to ask for higher dose of pain meds?

Re;pain tolerance; Neurontin since2007... with of oxycodoneHCL since nov.2008 w? with 200 mil.ultram once a... read more

How long does Lyrica stay in your system?

How to manage bloating on Lyrica?

I am trying to manage my sodium. Also drinking lots of water. I noticed warm water is better because cold water makes it worse. Does Gas-x pills... read more

I was prescribed Gabapentin after an awful outbreak of shingles last June?

My PCM ordered 300mg to be taken 3x a day. I haven't felt any significant relief from this, so I looked it up on this website. I found that I... read more

Does Ketamine’s therapy work?

I have been living with chronic pain for over 20 years. It’s a struggle to get a Dr. to understand and believe you.... read more

Can you stop Lyrica cold turkey?

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