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Results for 'Fentanyl Withdrawal Cold Turkey'

Has anyone experienced cold turkey withdrawal of lexapro 20 mg taking for 20 years?

Did feel like brain damaged and partially functioning after headaches and mind zaps stopped? Did you experience deep depression afterward and high... read more

Tizanidine - If I am stopping tixanadine anaflex cold turkey, how long umtil withdrawls sets in?

Can I push through it or do I need to taper?

Abilify - Should I wean off or go cold turkey?

I was on 2-4 mg's of abilify at various different times for 5 years. I just tried to quit cold? turkey and have been having... read more

Quitting Effexor XR 75mg cold turkey! How long for withdrawal to cease?

I know this has been asked a lot as i have read forum after forum. I don't seem to find a clear answer. Is there anyone who has successfully... read more

Is it possible to quit buprenorphine cold turkey?

I have been off of buprenorphine for 12 days, cold turkey after being on it for five years. How long is the maximum length for... read more

Can you stop taking baclofen cold turkey?

My primary doctor has retired and my appointment doctor won’t renew meds until she sees me. I can’t get an appointment before I run out... read more

How long to get through tramadol withdrawal cold turkey?

I have been on tramadol for about 4 months at 200-300mg. per day. for severe arthritis. I stopped after taking 100 mg. Sunday morning. I have... read more

What symptoms or long term effects of stopping cold turkey 30 mg of Focalin XR have you experienced?

It seems stopping many drugs cold turkey is not advised. I'm wondering what others experienced when stopping 30mg Focalin XR?

I was on 40 mg Viibryd for about 7 mos. Stopped cold Turkey 1 week ago, do I tough out withdrawals?

.Semi-long story but bottom lineis that it was a bad idea. I've been mean, lazy and anxious. (Like to think these aren't my usual... read more

Opiate Withdrawal - Hello all Day 6 and I am feeling a lot better then day 1,2,3 going cold turkey?

... sounded rough and let me tell u it is!Not trying to scare ANY1 because so far its the BEST decision i have made and i thank god my daughter and... read more

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