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Results for 'Female Gender'

What is the nub theory and does it work?

Stopping spironolactone abruptly?

I can't seem to find a clear answer anywhrere about this. my wife was prescribed this due to high testosterone levels. there was a hiccup in our... read more

Does aripiprazole make me female?

In transitioning male to female, is it OK to take bovine ovaries as a step before hormones?

I am interested in transitioning into a female from being male. I understand that its a huge irreversable thing that i am ready for. I know i... read more

My 5yr old Female Boxer is limping with no pain?

I have a 5 yr old Boxer that plays hard and its been a week that she is limping, she can put pressure on it but still limps. It seems to be worse... read more

Why is Spironolactone not listed as an Anti-Androgen?

I've heard about this drug before and didn't realize until recently that it was the same as the drug most Transgendered individuals call... read more

I'm a male wanting to have female breasts. can I get estrogen hormones without a prescription?

can I buy estrogen hormones without a doctors prescription? I want to have breasts the same as women.

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