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Results for 'BuSpar Insomnia Buspirone Side Effect Sleep'

Buspar side effects / Insomnia - has anyone else had this?

Hello everyone. I just started taking Buspirone 5 days ago(5mg 2 x/day). I feel it working but when I take it at night I sleep for... read more

BuSpar - Can buspirone work before 2 weeks?

Has anyone had buspirone work within a week? I mean I'm only working on day 3 but just curious. As of now, no side effects but... read more

Can side effects of buspirone (Buspar) be confusion and acting loopy?

I've been on 15 mg of Buspar twice a day for 1 month and I feel like I can't get my thoughts together to make sense to anyone,... read more

Buspirone - How long do until buspar stops making my head feel weird and making me hot?

I’m on buspar right now and about 30 mins after taking it I feel hot and my head feels weird for about 45 minutes. Especially if I... read more

Started buspirone and need help!?

This is my 4th day on buspirone. First three I took 10mg twice a day - 10 am and 10 pm. Have had chest pain and nervous energy side... read more

Buspirone - Buspar and sleep twitches?

I’ve been on this medication for two weeks it has caused some sleep issues after the first week as far as every time I’m nodding... read more

Can I drink a on buspirone?

I’ve been taking Buspar 5mg (3 times a day) for about 4 days and haven’t had any side affects and it has been working great... read more

Buspirone - I am very sensitive to any drug...was prescribed buspar for anxiety...afraid to take it?

I am very sensitive to meds. I have anxiety and my doctor prescribed buspar claiming it has little side effects. I am nervous to talk... read more

What do you use to help with sleep while taking buspirone?

I’ve been having some insomnia after I increased my dosage to 10 mg 2/x day. Any suggestions on improved sleep? Have you found... read more

If I take a low dose of Buspar in the morning will it still cause insomnia?

I just got prescribed Buspar for anxiety. I take Wellbutrin for depression because it has the least side effects. Unfortunately does... read more

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