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Results for 'BuSpar Concerta Prozac Topamax Selegiline Doctor Medication Trazodone'

Topamax - Scared to use this medication because of all the side effects?

Hello, I have been given a prescription by my doctor for Topamax (topiramate 25mg) to lose weight. After reading all the side effects... read more

Concerta's effects on Learning new languages, do you learn faster with Concerta?

I'm wondering if anyone tested his ability to learn new languages (say from scratch) and compare it to how it used to be pre-medication?... read more

Can you take Concerta (36mg) and Zoloft (25mg) together?

I stopped taking Concerta after 3 years as I was feeling anxious and sad with the medication. Was off meds and taking Ritalin only when... read more

Is Concerta an "AS NEEDED" medication?

My 8 year old step daughter was diagnosed with ADHD. She has been prescribed Concerta. The school nurse administers it to her daily Mon thru... read more

Does anything on my medication list cause weight gain?

Effexor Lamictal Clonazepam Hydralazine trazodone Tramadol Zanaflex Tylenol aspirin Plaquenil Lyrica Azathioprine Topamax

Panic disorder and anxiety disorder Prozac and Buspar?

I have very severe panic attacks that will cause me to shake uncontrollably and faint. My attacks are pretty painful but a pain that’s hard to... read more

Can the following meds give false positive for methamphetamine or amphetamine selegiline,?

... lamotrigine, risperidone, topiramate , mobic, aciphex, sprivia, ventolin, advair, or combipatch thanks

Lexapro and Buspar - are they safe?

My doctor has prescribed Lexapro and buspirone for me. Has anyone taken these together? I've never been on any medications like these but... read more

Concerta - Xenidate xl?

My doctor wants to change my son from concerta to xenidate . Has anyone got experience of xenidate please?

Buspar at day, trazodone at night?

Trying to figure something out. I'm taking 7.5mg of Buspar 2x a day. Once early in the morning, the second about 2pm. I've also... read more

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