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Results for 'Abilify Tardive Dyskinesia Doctor Drug'

Is there anyone who had tardive dyskinesia and it stopped?

I'm from Poland and I have tardive dyskinesia before using abilify. Is it possible to cure it? Without drugs? Because I had... read more

Can Lexapro cause tardive dyskinesia?

I've been on lexapro for 6-7 months, 20 mg, can it cause tardive dyskinesia? How do I wean off of lexapro? My pdoc told me that... read more

What drugs cause tardive dyskinesia?

I have recently been diagnosed (finally) with a severe case of Tardive Dyskinesia. Is anyone else-?

suffering from this? Not to have a pity party, but these are my symptoms: Abnormal, uncontrollable tongue movements which cause me to rub my tongue... read more

How common is it to get tardive dyskinesia from taking reglan? Are there any alternatives to take?

I was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis and the Dr has prescribed reglan. I haven't started taking it yet due to reading about the side... read more

Do people with tardive dyskinesia (TD) have difficulty in sleeping?

Hi there, I recently am on medication of Seroquel 100mg every night for my anxiety and severe insomnia. After less than 3 months, I found my left leg... read more

Does anyone here have Tardive Dyskinesia from anti depressants?

I am looking for moral support for TD. Any help is appreciated greatly.

Does Gabapentin cause Tardive Dyskinesia?

I have been off tramadol for almost a week. It has been miserable. I have tardive dyskinesia and I found gabapentin to work pretty... read more

I have been taking Lexapro for several years. Has anyone developed Tardive Dyskinesia as a result?

... If so, what are your symptoms? Are you taking any meds to help ease up on the side effects of Lexapro?

Tardive Dyskinesia - Can lorazepam and benadryl make TD worse?

Can TD caused by Invega get worse if lorazepam and benadryl are taken after withdrawal from invega ?

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