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Results for 'Plavix Zocor Lisinopril Skin Rash Side Effect'

Can nystatin be used to treat diaper rash?

Any one know if Nystatin & Triamcinolone Acetonide ( Cream ) USP is used for diaper rash?

My son has broken out with really bad diaper rash & Desitin or corn starch is not working & I think this is what his doctor prescribe... read more

Has anyone taking Effexor XR experienced itching or rash as a side effect? I have been on it for....

... 11 years and shortly after starting it experienced itching followed by sores which start small and get bigger because of my scratching. I saw a... read more

Is bloating (water retention) a side effect of plavix?

I have been prescribed a daily dosage of 75 mg after an angioplasty (2 stents). My weight has gone up 5 pounds in three days.

How long after getting off bactrim ds do side affects go away?

I took dactrrim ds 2 times a day for 5 days for a uti. It got rid of the uti but i am on my 3rd day off of it and i still am experiencing itching and... read more

I am taking prednisone for a rash and I am on 50 mg a day for 4 days. The side effects are scaring?

... me took first pill today so far I feel ok. Think I am taking to much but should I be ok?

Does Plavix cause hair loss?

I'm a 72 year old woman who has been taking lisinopril, losartan and Cartia for 15-20 years. I was considered a pre-diabetic (at the low... read more

Amoxicillin rash: When should I be concerned?

Has anyone experienced skin rash while taking Xarelto?

My husband developed rash when he was on Pradaxa. It went away as soon as he stopped. He has now been on Xarelto 20Mg about three weeks and... read more

What is the dosage for prednisone for skin rash?

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