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Results for 'Infections Toothache Medicine Tooth Infection'

Could Clindamycin HCL 300 MG capsules cause severe heartburn?

I am taking this medicine for a tooth infection and every time i take it i get severe heartburn so bad that it's almost... read more

What is the best remedy for toothache?

Can you take cipro for an abscess tooth?

Can you use Cipro for tooth infection right side of mouth swollen and sore gums swollen and red?

Antibiotic cefprozil for a tooth infection?

Can I take the antibiotic cefprozil 500mg for a tooth infection?

Could vancomycin hydrochloride help a tooth infection that one side of the face is swollen?

could vancomycin hydrochloride could help a tooth infliction on one side of the face that is swollen

I have an tooth infection and was gvien cipro how long for this mess to help and what else can I do?

... to help i have to get the infection out first and swishing perioxde what else can i do in a lot of pain

I have an abcess on my gums from a bad tooth that needs to be pulled out. The doctor gave me?

... penicillin but that didn't work. Now I have levaquin and cefdinir. Both are for bacterial infections but which one is best to take... read more

What is the dosage of ciprofloxacin 500 mg tablets for a severe tooth infection ?

I have slight swelling of my upper lip and right upper cheek from below my eye to the right corner where my lips meet. There is also moderate pain in... read more

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