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Results for 'Valtrex Aphthous Ulcer Ulcer Mouth Herpes Cold sores Herpes Simplex -- Suppression'

When is an outbreak of genital herpes over, when the sores form scabs or when the scabs are gone?

My daughter is taking valvacyclovix for genital herpes and she takes doses until the outbreak is over, my question is: is the outbreak... read more

Can the shingles vaccine cause a genital herpes outbreak?

I got my vaccine on a Friday, felt headachy and rundown all weekend. By Tuesday I was getting an outbreak. I hadn't had one in a pretty long... read more

What dosage of lysine is best for herpes outbreaks?

I am just starting to take l-lysine as a friend suggested it. I am two weeks into shingles, started getting two cold sores and a... read more

Creams for genital herpes?

Best time if day to take valtrex?

My doc has prescribed Valtrex 500 mg. once a day for suppression of cold sores and shingles. It seems to work but gives... read more

Ocular Herpes Simplex - I am a Nurse Practitioner and got HSV at work?

I was infected in my eye while culturing a patient. The virus was mutated and had Type 1 & 2 in it. It caused Keratitis, then spread to my brain... read more

I have genital herpes and I had a flare up on my eyelid in 2015. I think it is happening again?

I found my valacyclovir 500 mg tab, but the expiration date is 1/27/22. Can I still take them before my flare up gets really bad? Is there any type... read more

Wellbutrin - Have any of you experienced sever canker sores or mouth ulcers on this medication?

My boyfriend has been on this medication for about a month and a half now and has experienced canker sores off and on. Recently, it has gotten... read more

Yellow discharge after protected sex. NO odor?

[First and foremost I would like to openly say I do have gential herpes simplex 1, I obtained this STD through receiving oral... read more

Does salt water help mouth ulcers?

Can you use z-pak to treat genital herpes?

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