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Results for 'Pristiq Therapeutic Depression Anxiety Side Effect'

Pristiq - Has anyone had trouble with acne after starting Pristiq?

I have always had clear skin, a pimple here or there but never like this acne I've got now. I noticed it starting in June and couldn't... read more

Pristiq - does Pristiq cause a metallic taste in your mouth?

It tastes like aluminum foil in my mouth! Does Pristiq cause this?

How long do the initial side effects of pristiq last?

I have just taken my 5th pristiq 50mg dose and I am still feeling sweaty and nauseous. I also have slept A LOT since taking this drug.

Sertraline - can you go back onto Zoloft after 4 months on Pristiq?

i was on Zoloft for 16 years after weaning my doctor changed it to Pristiq. After 2 months of side effects doctor changed it back to... read more

Can starting Pristiq make you feel easily aggravated?

Just started Pristiq 3 days ago and I’m easily aggravated. My anxiety is worse too. Are these side effects that will get... read more

Depression - New to Pristiq - Very tired and has a powerful effect on me?

Hello, just stopped taking Prozac because it made me very tired, but I was feeling better. Dr. changed me over to Pristiq. I also take pain... read more

How long will it take to get the maximum effect from Pristiq?

I've been on Pristiq for about three weeks. I am on 50mg. and so far have experienced dizziness. Will that go away in time? I have yet to... read more

Will taking pristiq every other day instead of daily lessen side effects?

Will the drug still be effective?

Pristiq side effects pins and needles?

I started this medication a few days ago and I am experiencing pins and needles in my lower legs and some in my arms. I am on a low dose, 25 mg. I... read more

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