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Results for 'Pain Fibromyalgia Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Adderall Vyvanse'

What is the difference between Benlysta and Saphnelo?

How does Benlysta work for lupus?

How long does it take for Benlysta to work?

What does the rash of lupus really look and feel like?

I had to see the opthalmologist last week, with a follow up this week. She said my eyes were as dry as the sahara. I also had a very red face, which... read more

In what way can doxyclycine affect lupus patients?

i was recently hospitilized w/ ceptic pneumonia..allergic to many drugs. pneumonia still indicated in lung .dr. prescribed doxycycline.100 mg. took 1... read more

What's the difference between Lupkynis and Benlysta?

I have a strang question for you. The other night when I let my dog out?

I stood outside with her for a few minutes & it was dark of course. Well the next morning I was getting dressed & noticed a small... read more

Lyrica or medical marijuana?

Dr.'s are not sure if I have Lupus, or fibromyalgia. Going to a rheumatologist mid Dec. The marijuana takes the edge off. I heard... read more

If I have to take 10 mg of prednisone for the rest of my life, what can I do to help my body?

I get severe flares. I've had them for years but over the past year I had two flares per month. Finally, the doctors told me, it is safer for me... read more

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Does anyone else have flareups of PMR when trying drugs for other...

... conditions? Over the past few years I have been prescribed several muscle relaxers and blood thinners, also metformin and Cymbalta. Within two... read more

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