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Results for 'Lexapro Obesity Weight Medication'

Has anyone gained a lot of weight on Lexapro?

I have gained 45lbs in a year from lexapro. I tried to go to wellbutrin but experienced depression and irritability and irate moments. did... read more

Has anyone used Lexapro for anxiety and gained weight?

I am prescribed to take lexapro but after reading MANY reviews I see that they all involve serious weight gain. I was wondering if... read more

Did Lexapro cause weight gain?

Lexapro has worked for me but the only problem I had was weight gain. I gain 85 pounds but since I have been of Lexapro I have... read more

How can I stop food cravings with Lexapro?

I've been on Lexapro 10mg for five days and I just want to eat all the time. Even when I'm full, I crave food, especially unhealthy... read more

Quit Lexapro cold turkey - withdrawal help?

Ive been on Lexapro 10mgs for about 10 weeks. I am sick of feeling 'out of it' and the weight gain has been depressing. So,... read more

Lexapro - I am exercising & watching food intake but can't lose weight, could Lexapro b responsible

I still seem to be gaining weight. I run 5and a half miles per day. Does anyone think this is due to the lexapro? Should I change... read more

Buspirone - Have any of you experienced weight gain from this medication?

I have severe anxiety and panic attacks. I have been on Zoloft and lexapro and gained 40 pounds. They both helped with my anxiety... read more

Metformin - help PCOS medication isn’t helping me lose the weight?

I am 22 years old and I was first diagnosed with PCOS when I was 12 years old when I had two surgeries to take out two teratoma cysts. I never had to... read more

Does Lexapro cause weight gain?

Does anything on my medication list cause weight gain?

Effexor Lamictal Clonazepam Hydralazine trazodone Tramadol Zanaflex Tylenol aspirin Plaquenil Lyrica Azathioprine Topamax

Lexapro - will it help or make my anxiety/panic disorder worse?

I have anxiety disorder and have tried many different prescriptions over the years, usually giving up because of extreme exhaustion and weight... read more

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