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Results for 'Flagyl Infections Bacterial Vaginitis Sex Infection Yeast Infection'

Bacterial vaginosis - is cottage cheese like discharge normal, taking metronidazole?

On day 2 of metronidazole vaginal gel for bacterial vaginosis and when the gel is coming out there is cottage cheese like discharge.. is this... read more

Can you get bacterial vaginitis from oral sex?

Urinary Tract Infection - Hi all- I had a uti combined with BV and was given cipro and flagyl. I?

... took my last dose of cipro and I am still having some pain in my bladder. Does this mean that it is not gone? I have been in pain for about 2... read more

Vaginal Yeast Infection - reoccuring yeast infection from sexual activity?

I think I've been getting yeast infections from sexual activity with my boyfriend? Anytime he fingers me or he goes down on me... read more

Can I use Cipro to treat a bacterial vaginitis infection?

Can amoxicillin be used to treat a bacterial vaginitis infection?

Bacterial Vaginosis, metronidazole, and anal-to-vaginal sex?

I feel so embarrassed about this, but I'm hoping someone out here can help especially if they have the same situation as me. I did anal to... read more

I took Diflucan for a yeast infection, when is it safe to have sex again?

I took the prescription two days ago and the doctor gave me one more to take four days later. My symptoms seem to have disappeared already. When is... read more

Metronidazole - How long after using vaginal Metrogel should one wait before having intercourse?

Using Metrogel for vaginal bacterial infection.

Does Flagyl treat UTI infections?

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