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Results for 'Coumadin Heart Attack Bleeding Disorder Prosthetic Heart Valves Prosthetic Heart Valves - Mechanical Valves'

Hi, how do I raise my coumadin level? (or what raises coumadin blood level?)?

have had several tia-s recently. on c less than 1 month, my lab results were 1.4,1.6, and yesterday 1.5. doctor is increasing coumadin to 4mg.... read more

What can happen with high INR levels (9+) on Coumadin ?

Three years ago i was dianosed with a blood clot in my left calf after treatment. I was presribed 7mg of warfarin a day with no periodic blood tests... read more

How long does it take for provera to work to stop uterine bleeding?

I am 23 yo and was prescribed 10 mg of provera for 7 days to stop the bleeding and then take a pap smear. I had no menstrual periods with some... read more

Depo Provera Shrinking breasts / Bleeding?

I have been taking Depo Provera Birth control shot for almost 6 months now. I have received two shots. The first shot everything was grand and I did... read more

Depo-Provera - abnormal bleeding? ??

I have been on depo for 9 years. I have never really bleed while on it except I will spot like a week before my shot is due and when I pee here and... read more

Is Eliquis truly superior to Coumadin in performance?

My husband has been diagnosed with A- fib. He is currently taking daily baby ASA 11 years post CABG after an MI and valve repair that has left him... read more

Wellbutrin - Anxiety, fear of heart attack?

I am on day 4 of this medication. I have had massive amounts of energy. Too much energy that I can not relax. I have not been sleeping well at all... read more

What Effect Can Food Have While Taking Medication?

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