... experienced this problem?
Rogaine - I have white hair. After long term use of this product my hair is yellowing. Has anyone?
Question posted by st. jude on 26 June 2010
Last updated on 19 October 2020 by LoveMyGray
6 Answers
My hair is also gray, the hair where I apply Rogaine is yellowing.
After years of using this product and dying my hair brown... I decided to just go to my natural color which is a bright white. (thank you mom) I noticed that the crown of my hair was yellow. We (my hairdresser and I) thought it was from minerals in the water but it was only on that section of my hair. At some point I came out of the fog long enough to realize that it was the men's rogaine that I was using that was causing this. (used the women's for a long time but switched to mens and wouldn't know if the women's stained my hair as I was still coloring at that point) I tried EVERYTHING to get this out (washes, blue shampoo, mineral deposit removers, clarifying shampoo... etc) and finally went to my hairdressers and she actually dyed that section of my hair with a toner. It made my hairline hair match the rest. WHEW! Now I don't look like a total freak. I purchased the products online and will begin to do this myself when necessary. I'm not ready to give up my regrowth but don't want to be a blonde either!
Turning my beautiful white hair yellow too. Meds are causing thinning. What choice do I have???
I have been using Rogaine - the real brand - for 15 years at least, and just recently noticed that my white hair is turning yellow. YIKES... I think Rogaine has been working... my hair is still thin, but I think it stalled the balding process, but I am not blond, and don't want to be one. What can I do??? I am female... don't know if the male version is different...
Hi ... I started using Walmart's equivalent of Rogaine for women a little over a year ago; noticed little to no improvement; recently started using the Rogaine brand for men when my dermatologist verified what I had seen online, i.e. no health risks .. only risk is facial hair which goes away if you stop using the product ,, so far no facial hair. However I have noticed my hair yellowing, I had been solving this problem prior to using Rogaine with a vinegar rinse which worked really well, however it has no effect now, neither does "shimmer lights", a popular product for this issue. So my choice appears to be between a bald head or unsightly yellowing hair. p.s. the jury is still out as to whether the male version of rogaine is working,
Ive never actually knew anyone that has used this product but if that is the result of it and its not what you were intending on doing to yourself i would stop using it like now! That is horrible did it at least do its job and bring your hair back after the years of using it? Maybe there is some sort of lawsuit you can file like a civil suit.
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