Is this another one of those instances of making a "shortage" just so they can raise the prices on it when they put it back on the market? I read that RLC Laboratories (the maker of Nature-Throid) claims that they have closed their manufacturing plants temporarily so that they can upgrade them and improve their manufacturing process? Really??
What if my doctor tries to make me take Synthroid instead, even though I have taken Nature-Throid for many years? I didn't do well on Synthroid in the past. I do not want to take it again.
And to add more problems to that, my "new" doctor just closed her practice, and I have only been going to her for about 5 months!!! Do you know how hard it is to find a doctor that is taking new patients, especially Medicare patients? Ayyayayay!
So not only do I not have a primary care doctor, I do not have a prescription for a thyroid replacement hormone at this present time.
In the meantime, my naturopath has worked with me to take some thyroid and adrenal supplements.
I don't know if I am in a dangerous situation or not right now. Wouldn't it be ironic if I did just as well without a thyroid hormone prescription?
I have Hashimoto's, which is an autoimmune form of hypothyroidism. Hopefully my adrenal and thyroid supplements will carry me through. I am not on any other prescription medications at the present time.
Anyone else going through this same situation?
Any suggestions?
What is the real story behind the recent "shortage" in Nature-Throid?
Question posted by Anonymous on 26 Nov 2017
Last updated on 1 April 2019
10 Answers
I could no longer get Nature-Throid, so I got a prescription for NP Thyroid. It is most like Armour Thyroid, but cheaper. Anyone have any experience with NP Thyroid? This is a new one for me... Any advice would be appreciated.
Yes! I took NP thyroid when I couldn't get Nature-Thyroid and went back to Nature-Thyroid when it was available again. I'm sorry I didn't stay on it (I'm back on it again now) because it helped my symptoms and I had no hair loss. The only thing I didn't like about it was the taste (you can definitely taste the pork, whereas you couldn't with Nature-Thyroid). But it's a much better formulation for me and doesn't seem to go out of stock. I'm sticking with it now. Good luck to you :)
That makes me feel so hopeful, thanks! I have a 90 day supply of NP Thyroid. I feel confident that it will work well for me, and your comment makes me feel even better about it.!
Not sure if my reply went through (or if it's on a different page), so I'm sending it again:
Sorry, just saw your questions. I'm on 1.5 grain (90 mcg). The 60 mcg wouldn't be enough for me. A lot of times when people take natural desiccated thyroid (NDT), our TSH is low (this is normal when you are on NDT and unfortunately PRPs won't prescribe the right amount because they're going by your TSH, not how you FEEL. Please read to explain and maybe offer advice and info for your PRP, as this is a big problem in medicine (has been for years). Good luck, I'm in the middle of this battle with my own PRP.
Yes, I agree with you. I have been fighting the same battle. I was on 1 1/2 grains for over 20 yrs. They reduced my dose to 1 Grain . They try to compare it to the synthetic hormone, not realizing that 1 grain only contains 38mgs of T4 and 9 mgs of T3. But they don't understand the conversion concept so I am under-dosed. I wish I had a doctor who understood all this. I am a follower of stopthethyroidmadness. I spent several years under the care of a compounding pharmacy and a doctor who specialized in natural thyroid treatment. Unfortunately she moved to another state, and all I get now are these undertrained medical doctors who do not recognize the differences in treatments of natural and synthetic hormones. I wish I could find someone here who would work with me on this. I am so frustrated.
I don't know what caused the latest "shortage" (there have been several in the past 18 months) but the formula of this medication has definitely changed over the past year or so according to many longtime users.
Using it the past three months, Nature-throid caused me to lose about 40% of the hair on my head. I did not have this problem when I used it a year ago before I was able to get it again. I stopped using 3 weeks ago and my hair has finally stopped falling out; I only hope it returns.
Do not use Nature-throid's new formulation; hair loss is the least of your worries - many people complained of extreme hypo symptoms on it and they even questioned whether or not it was a sugar pill or placebo on the everyday health/drugs website because it was so ineffective!
I will NEVER use this drug again!
hi destal: What dose are you taking of NP? My doctor will only give me the 65mg dose (1 grain).
My current dose is not high enough. How many mgs were you taking?
I am only prescribed 65mgs.
I took 97.5 mgs for years and years
My current dose is not enough to relieve my hypothyroid problems, but I can't get that through to my pcp.
I can affirm the reason for the Nature Throid shortage as being manufactured Puerto Rico, as the shortage began shortly after Hurricane Maria decimated the island. Hopefully supplies will resume as they get back everything back to normal there. My response is especially directed at those of you who have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. There is more to treating Hashimoto's than just what type of thyroid medication and how much you take. Hashimoto's destroys thyroid hormone receptors, so even with optimal serum hormone levels, your body won't be able to use them. Find a Functional Medicine practice in your area to help get your Hashi's under control. It's quite possible and you CAN feel better! I work as a Functional Medicine PA, and we help patients lower their antibodies every day.
Your information is incorrect. Puerto Rico has nothing to do with this. It was a false rumor circulating around.
I've been going thru this 'shortage' for well over a year. First, I couldn't get WP Thyroid and they substituted Nature-Throid, and shortly afterward I couldn't get Nature-Throid either. I went to a bunch of different pharmacies and found several months worth last year, but now I'm out again and find out there is yet another shortage. I have asked every pharmacist why there is a continuing shortage and they all say they don't know. I used to be able to get the manufacturer on the phone, but no longer. I have tried many of the thyroid medications on the market and WP works the best and Naure-throid is the only other one that has worked. For some reason I didn't have good results with Armour Thyroid. This was after the change in Armour was made, so maybe that was the reason.
I really don't like being dependent on a manufacturer that has this many problems producing a drug that I need and there seems to be no equivalent substitute for. Does anybody know if there is an equivalent substitute, or why these drugs are not being produced in appropriate amounts for sale?
02/01/19 I use to take Armour several years ago before they changed the compounding. I went to Nature Throid but recently because of shortages again they gave me 1/2 with W.P.- Didn't inform me. I had bad heart palpitations as I have AFIB and I looked at medicine and saw they switched some out. Pharm said it is considered suitable exchange... maybe for some people. So now I can't find enough, called all over can't afford the compounding of Nature Throid costs 75.00 for 30 days. Pisses you off when it effects your whole body-If they can't keep up perhaps they should limit no new users. Maybe you can try W.P. or Armour. I may have to go back to Armour- Hope not.
Yes, same problem from my compound pharmacy. I’m using Thyrovanz 300mg very hypoallergenic. My TSH is high and not at one but I’m slowly raising it up
Actually, you want to get your TSH down, not up. Mine had gone to over 9 but now it is back down to 2.
My doctor (MD), who is also a pharmacist, told me that NatureThroid (and WP) is on shortage due to production being in Puerto Rico, where they still are recovering. He and I are opposed to synthetic thyroid hormones, so I have to bite the bullet and pay for Armour right now (insurance does not cover any natural thyroid, even for very active Hashimoto's like I've had for many years). The Armour works fine for me (no sensitivity to the additives), but costs twice as much as NatureThroid. Insurance used to cover Armour, but I just switched to Medicare, and they do not. No appeal is useful. They will cover a combination of levo (T4) and Cytomel (T3), but, meh. I want natural only.
Regarding taking supplements, which I do consultation on, for doctors, I would never venture into that arena with thyroid, UNLESS you have a Naturopath who is, indeed, a licensed N.D., and can keep track of your labs very carefully! Someone who is a "homeopath" (or whatever else) at least needs to inform your MD of anything being done, and also obtain and monitor labs. It's true that it's harder to find any MDs that take new Medicare patients (so sad), but I do know that, if you self-pay, we providers can only charge you what Medicare would reimburse. We also must provide a coded superbill, which you can turn in against your annual part B deductible. It's a burden, when your funds are limited, but an option with docs who turn down Medicare.
Regarding natural thyroid supplements, I can tell you horror stories about people advised to take iodine drops and whatnot - with Hashimoto's, even if your PTO and ATA values are normal, it can still be harmful to treat it this way. Values can be too inconsistent, at the least. Here in Indiana, our Naturopaths are licensed graduates (a six year or more program, I think), and I trust them. I went to a three day endocrinology conference a few years ago, and although the well-known MD's teaching it were VERY integrative in their approach to things, they did NOT recommend any holistic medicine for Hashimoto's - just natural thyroid (never synthetic). They also advised that many labs be done regarding reverse T3 etc.
I'm hoping that NatureThroid finds a work around soon!
Hi linda: Thanks for the information. I have an upcoming appointment with a new doctor next week. I have been off of my Nature-throid for about the last 8 months. My last prescription was for 81.25mgs, which is no longer available. I didn't have a doctor any longer to give me a new prescription for a different strength dosage, as I have spent the last 8 months going to a doc in the box when I needed to be seen. I had read both pros and cons about taking natural desiccated thyroid for Hashimoto's, so I figured I would give it a go after my prescription ran out. I did try some thyroid supplements and iodine drops from an herbalist at a local health food store. I have not been feeling up to par lately, though, - cold, and hair starting to fall out!
So I will use this information when I go to have a consultation with my new doctor. I have not been able to find a doctor to do the thyroid antibodies testing or the reverse t3, let alone,(God forbid!), I request tests on my Free t3 and Free t4 to go along with the standard TSH test! I haven't found a doctor here who will do that type of lab work (the antibodies and the Rt3)for about the last 10 years! We had a specialist here in my city but she moved out of state, and there is not another doctor who will order those labs for me anymore. Sigh... I have heard good things about this doctor I am about to see. I will update you later. Thanks again!
Further research has indicated that the Puerto Rico story was a popular rumor, sorry!
Hmmm... well, something is different about it since they have started putting it back on the market, according to the reviews I have read so far from people who have started back on it at the same dosage as they had been on before the shortage.
UPDATE: Well, I went ahead and QUIT my Nature-Throid for almost a year! ( I couldn't tolerate levothyroxine, so I was taking a natural desiccated thyroid med instead). My doctor closed her practice and I couldn't get my pills refilled, because my last prescription refills were for 81.25mgs (1 1/4 Grains) which Nature-Throid quit manufacturing during that period of time. I was only going to walk-in clinics, but continued looking for a primary care doctor. After a period of time, my body started going downhill fast.
I have a new doctor now, and got new lab work back, showing that my thyroid levels were WAAAY out of whack! My nails were literally peeling off - thin as paper and splitting up the middle, dry skin, I gained weight (13pounds), felt cold a lot of the time, hair thinning... but the most horrible, very worst reactions to quitting my thyroid meds were the unbearable anxiety attacks and panic attacks that I started suffering from and early morning awakening anxiety, and many sleepless nights. And I didn't even realize that not taking my thyroid meds could cause anxiety to that high of a degree! I started taking several natural supplements to treat my health problems, but it wasn't enough (although very very expensive!).
I needed to have a lot of dental work done, but the panic and anxiety attacks had become so strong that my dentist advised me to find a primary care doctor ASAP and have a good checkup! Well, he was right... My new doctor (she is a God-send!) put me back on thyroid meds, an anti-anxiety med, and a new antidepressant that I had never taken before, and the AD started working right away, unlike most of the ADs I had been on in the past. In the process, my hair stopped falling out and getting shiny and thicker again, nails are so much healthier, not cold anymore, I have lost all 13 pounds that I had gained, and most of all, the anxiety attacks and panic attacks are NO MORE... YAY! I feel so much better.
So, my advice is to think twice before quitting your thyroid medication without the supervision of your doctor. It takes a long time to get back some sense of normalcy. Oh, sure, I felt fine for a few months, then it hit like a ton of bricks. My health store friend where I buy my supplements took one look at me and said "Girl, you're dying!" My digestive system was out of whack and I had a hard time even absorbing the very "expensive" supplements that were supposed to help me to get better.
So please take a lesson from me -- and discuss all this with your doctor BEFORE you make a decision that you will regret later. Thanks for listening, sorry I rambled on...
The rumor about Puerto Rico is incorrect.
This is unsettling, especially since I'm due for a refill soon. Back to synthroid??
I just checked with my pharmacy again this afternoon, and they do not have Nature-Throid in stock. Westhroid is also on back-order, as both of these are made by the same company.
The closest thing to these two meds is Armour Thyroid. I would try that before going to Synthroid. I didn't do well at all on Synthroid.
YES ME BAD, I looked the other day and it said all natural thyroid was avalible BS sorry this was an old trick years ago they would run many drugs so low and not ship any to the pharmacy then they would become available the first of the year. Just a guess. But yes you do have to pay more for armour thyroid natural is all there is and it has this comment M GC. ( While it is reasonable to assume that synthetic medications are less desirable than natural counterparts, in this case- natural thyroid hormone replacement is definitely not an ideal solution for the vast majority of people. ... Armour thyroid is derived from desiccated pig (porcine) thyroid gland. TRY THIS IF YOU CAN chuck1957
M Gc yes a Naturalpath
path can prescribe this product at any pharmacy in the USA and I am sure the same where you are. N.P. IF you want to call your pharmacist and ask them before you get your heart set and please let me know hugs
G mc; OKAY AS OF RIGHT NOW FROM WHAT i CAN TELL THAT COMPANY YOU TOLD ME SOMETHING LIKE RLC IS AVALABLE THERE WAS A TEMP SHORTAGE BECAUSE TH FDA was running a check on them. Now I don't understand why your doctor or natural medicine can't order it from the pharmacy, Other than many of the N.P order and fill the orders to make more money. ask you doctor again why he or she can't just call it in to your regular pharmacy But at this point dear They are all avalible And it was a short shortage now if you doctor well send it to a redular Pharmacy make sure they can order it for you the brand you like. question just let me know but you should not have any problems. Chuck.
Hi Chuck: Well, I read a comment here a couple of weeks ago that Nature-Throid was not available right now. So I went to Walmart where I usually fill my prescription. I have to pay cash price because Medicare will not cover Nature-Throid (they only cover levothyroxine, which I can't take). Walmart informed me that Nature-Throid is on back order and that they would probably not be able to get it until January.
My NP went out of practice unexpectedly, and now I am without a doctor again! So I will take this opportunity to try some natural supplements to take the place of my Nature-Throid, at least while I am searching for a dependable doctor. I will keep you informed in the meantime.
By the way, I meant "Nurse Practioner" when I typed "NP". I was not very happy with her anyway.
My Naturopath can only help me with natural supplements. She cannot prescribe any medications.
G Mc; seems, Like you should have no problems at this point other than the prescriber make sure you keep a bottle and when you do get in to see someone hand them the bottle and tell them that any other Thyroid or l--thyroxine does not help me at all. AND this one is the natural Thyroid you have felt so much better since you were put on it and you don't want to go thru all of that again. hope this helps now it's a matter of finding a doctor.
Thanks Chuck: I think I will take this opportunity to see what happens without it temporarily, since Walmart can't get it back in until January, and maybe I will find another doctor by then.
Just to add on here... CVS and Caremark are both currently out of stock on Nature Throid as well and as of last week, couldn’t give me an answer as to when they would have it again.
Well, that is just plain frustrating!
My naturopath just put me on Armour thyroid since Nature Throid wasn’t available. I haven’t noticed any major differences, except, of course, the cost since Armour doesn’t make a dosage equivalent to my current dose of Nature Throid so I’m taking 2 smaller doses of Armour, and having to pay for each one separately.
Hi Cali: Thanks for your response. So your Naturopath can prescribe thyroid hormones? My naturopath can only give me natural supplements, so I have bought some ThyroPlus for thyroid support, and some Phyto-ADR for adrenal support. It's important to supplement the adrenals to be able to treat the thyroid, so that is the path I am now on.
I have taken Armour Thyroid years ago, but it is not hypoallergenic in their use of fillers like Nature-Throid is, therefore causing a problem for some folks. I also noticed that Armour Thyroid has an "odor".
Cali, to add to this comment, I was given an overdose (mistakenly by my doctor, which he admitted to), years ago, and it blew my adrenal glands out. That is when I started having a problem with my thyroid gland!
Yes my naturopath is able to prescribe... I was on synthroid for many many years until I started seeing him and was diagnosed without hashi’s. He then started me on several supplements and prescribed the Nature Throid. We are in California so maybe the regulations are different here than where you are?
Yes, that must be the case. Cali is different. :-(
Hi Cali: I used to get my Nature-Throid from a compounding pharmacy when it was still covered by my insurance. At that time, it came in limited doses. So, for example, if I needed 1 1/2 Grains for my prescription, he would tell me to take three - 1/2 Grain tablets a day instead of one 1 Grain tablet and one 1/2 Grain tablet. It was much cheaper to get all the same dose tablets and take 3 a day to equal my correct dosage. Does that make sense to you?
Since then, they have come out with many more dosing tablets to avoid having to do that.
FYI, I've read that Armour has gluten in it, and for those who are trying to eliminate gluten from their diet, this is not an option. Generic forms of Synthroid also contain gluten.
Here it is January 10, 2019, and Express Scripts (the pharmacy that my insurance plan requires me to use) has contacted me to say that for the second month in a row they cannot fill my Naturethroid because it is "unavailable." They don't know why and can't tell me anything. I want to know what is going on. We all need to know what is going on. Imagine if insulin became in such shortage. There would be a demand for answers.
I suspect Big Pharma is at least part behind this, along with their buddy the FDA, to try to force people onto Synthroid. I was on a Synthroid generic for almost a decade and started having cardiac problems. The Naturethroid fixed that problem and I love it. I don't want to go back to a synthetic thyroid drug.
RLC Labs, the makers of Naturethroid, have no information whatsoever on their web page. I want answers to what is going on. This is getting beyond ridiculous!
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