I'm worried about how we wash our clothes in cold water. Should I do my own as to not contaminate my wife?
Testim - Should I do my own Wash, could my clothes contaminate my wifes?
Question posted by Doubledown on 30 Oct 2012
Last updated on 17 November 2023 by Anonymous
Do I wash clothes I used after applying testosterone by themselves or can I wash them with other clothes
I'd love to make a smart remark about doing your own wash, but I'll be good. If she's concerned about it, she could wear gloves like the ones they sell to do dishes so she didn't touch your clothing.
Hey Kaismama! My husband does ALL our wash! He does a fine job of it too!
It is more the skin to skin contact that is a worry. Here are the guidelines:
Strict adherence to the following precautions is advised in order to minimize the potential for secondary exposure to testosterone from Testim®-treated skin:
Children and women should avoid contact with Testim® application sites on the skin of men using Testim.
Testim® should only be applied to the shoulders or upper arms (area of application should be limited to the area that will be covered by the patient's short sleeve t-shirt).
Patients should wash their hands thoroughly and immediately with soap and water after application of Testim® .
Patients should cover the application site(s) with clothing (e.g., a shirt) after the gel has dried.
Prior to any situation in which skin-to-skin contact is anticipated, patients should wash the application site(s) thoroughly with soap and water to remove any testosterone residue.
In the event that unwashed or unclothed skin to which Testim® has been applied comes in direct contact with the skin of another person, the general area of contact on the other person should be washed with soap and water as soon as possible. Studies show that residual testosterone is removed from the skin surface by washing with soap and water.
So if she washes clothes, it is probably a good idea for her to immediately wash her hands after she throws your t-shirts in the wash or handles your unwashed clothing that may have come in contact with the gel or your skin where it is applied. I dont think it is going to hurt her to make that brief a contact with your clothing, she just should wash her hands as soon as she is finished touching your clothes. You can help by putting your clothing right side out into the laundry so that the surface she touches is the outside, not the inside that touches your skin. Dont be too freaked out about it, just use common sense.
Washing your clothes with hers wont contaminate her clothing.
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