Hi! So my boyfriend and I have had sex a few time time month. It was always protected. He did cum inside but we check the condom after to insure there was no leakage. We had sex two days before I ovulated and two days after I supposedly ovulated. Recently my period has been wonky (late once, early twice - probably all due to stress). So I went to Planned Parenthood lot get an extra form of protection and to hopefully regulate my period ( I went 8 days after I ovulated), and had to pee in cup while I was there. I assume that they would tell you if you were pregnant, and I never heard anything back from them ( which is a good thing. They said no news is good news) Now my period is almost 2 days late and I'm really worried I could be pregnant. However I don't have any pregnancy symptoms whatsoever. Help!
Protected sex, light cramping, missed period. Worried I could be pregnant?
Question posted by Normanl on 17 Aug 2014
Last updated on 19 August 2015
Why aren't you getting on the pill? It would regulate your period and it would protect you more then 99%. You can't know exactly when you ovulate, particularly if your period is goofy. The average is 14 days before your next period. Only 30% of us are average. When I was a teen my period was always goofy, I never gave it a thought. One thing if there was something going on like the prom, I'd have it. You're doing what is right, and using protection, and you most likely aren't pregnant.
I have a question for u @kaismana
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pregnancy, sex, period, missed period, condom
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