I started using Nuvaring on the 19th of September. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on the 21, 22 and 23. He didn't pull out and we didn't use a condom and when I checked my dates I was fertile from the 17-23 and ovulated on the 22nd. So technically I started using nuvarig while I was fertile, had unprotected sex the day before I ovulated, the day of ovulation and the day after ovulation. What does this mean? I doubt I'm pregnant because I've had unprotected sex before and never got pregnant...
Could I be pregnant? (Nuvaring)?
Question posted by SoClueless on 25 Sep 2013
Last updated on 29 September 2016 by Alexb90988
3 Answers
I know this post is very old, but I literally just had the same thing! Were you pregnant or no!? And for anyone who's looking to add rude comments, I'd be totally okay if I ended up pregnant
OK Clueless, first of all, if you didnt insert NuvaRing on Day1, within 24 hours of the start of your period, then you should wait seven days before having unprotected sex. Hormonal birth control is not magic, it takes a few day to suppress ovulation. Another thing to point out, ovulation charts are "guesstimates" at best. Only a woman who is a dedicated charter for years can predict ovulation with any accuracy. So whether or not you were truly ovulating is only a guess but we must assume it is a possibility. So, yes, you have a chance for pregnancy because Nuva Ring wasnt in long enough to alter your cycle. As you may know, hormonal birth control methods work by suppressing ovulation. If you dont ovulate, you cannot get pregnant no matter how much sex you have. No egg=no baby. It takes at the LEAST seven days to work, unless you put it in the very day you start your period, then you are protected right away.
From what you say, you didnt put it in on the first day of your period (or cycle) If you truly were ovulating you have a pretty good chance of pregnancy. On any given month, a woman has about a 20-30% chance to get pregnant so chances are better (70-80%) that you are not pregnant (this is why not every unprotected sexual episode leads to pregnancy) Sooner or later though, you will time it right and get pregnant going on like you are. I would advise that you keep the ring in, follow your schedule, and see what happens and if on the fourth week when you have the ring out, see if you get your period. Use a condom until you have used the ring for seven consecutive days. (this is what KM means by had you read the directions thoroughly, you would have known that you need back up the first seven days and pulling out doesnt count as back up by the way-too many women think that it does and this just doesnt work because men secrete sperm all through the sex act not just at ejaculation) You could try Plan b (and I hate to recommend that stuff) but you are kind of right on the edge for that. It is best if used within 3 days of sex and it has been 4 since your first unprotected act. Plan b will mess your cycle up, most likely delay your period and give you nasty side effects from the hormones but it is your body and your choice. You can just hope for the best and see what happens (like we did in the days before Plan b) Plan b will only slightly improve your chances of not getting pregnant by maybe 5-10% more. If your period is late, wait until it is at least a week late and you can test then. It is too early to test now. Good Luck!
Thank you! Very helpful a thorough response! Just what I needed :)
Do not figure ovulation, you do not ovulate when on hormonal birth control. It depends when you put the ring in. If you put it in during the first 3 days of your period, you were protected, If not then it could be a problem during the first 7 days. Why don't you girls read the directions before you do things, rather then panic afterward. It comes with the instructions that tell you this.
Okay, you're not reading what I said correctly so don't tell me what "us girls are doing wrong" without even properly answering my initial question. I said I started using the Nuvring on the 19th and had ALREADY been fertile since the 17th. Two days after I started using the Nuvaring I had unprotected sex on days before during and after my scheduled ovulation. So BACK to the question at hand without your underhand smart remarks; is pregnancy a possibility, yes or no. Why or why not.
Related topics
nuvaring, birth control, contraception, pregnancy, sex, fertility, unprotected sex
Further information
- NuvaRing uses and safety info
- NuvaRing prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of NuvaRing (detailed)
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