I just started taking prazosin for pstd. I don't really have a problem with nightmares, I do have a problem with flashbacks and anger. My flashbacks take so much of my energy and I'm hoping this med helps.
How long did it take for prazosin to start working? I've only been on it for 4 days.
Prazosin and pstd flashbacks/anger?
Question posted by Jk101 on 18 July 2016
Last updated on 19 March 2017 by Fishgal47
Thank you for the replies I recieved. They were very helpful. I decided to stop watching the news for a while and I've been working on setting boundaries with people who are negative and not supportive. I'm working on building healthy relationships with people. I do have a lot of healthy interests and hobbies; right now I just need to get these flashbacks under control so I'm able to focus on the good stuff going on in my life.
3 Answers
Hi Jk101
I had a lot of pent up anger that would come out in my nightmares. Once I realized with the help of Prazosin and a Great counselor, I realized that I had a lot of Bad memories suppressed, from childhood that I didn't want to remember or I ignored it until one day my Brain wouldn't let me anymore.
I guess from my experience Prososin started working right away and helped me Face the real reason behind my PTSD and nightmares & also the people that made me so angry and now I am doing a lot better.
I hope sharing my experience with you can help you and may God bless you on your journey to finding what works for you.
Hi Jk-
When I was having flashback, as you know you are not in control of what is happening. You are back re-living the trauma. I understand how much energy it takes to get through the flashbacks. I was given Prazosin which did not work for me, but may work for you. I took Guanfacine which is similar to Prazosin. It helped the flashbacks. It took about a week to reduce the flashbacks. I was also given Propranolol which is a beta blocker but that dropped my blood pressure too low. I have heard it can work well for others. I was on a roller coaster of meds for my PTSD. Some worked others did not. I also found medicinal alternatives that worked for me.
I hope you can find some peace soon :)
For most people it should start to work between now and a week, Also it helps to just force the thoughts out of you head by positive thinking. As soon as it come's to mind think of anything you love doing. Also some people the may have to adjust the dose if you don't notice much difference. But I know many people have had great results with this and my motto I use. IS TRY AND FOCUS ONLY ON THE POSITIVE TRUST IN YOUR FAITH, and keep you sense of humor. I am serious being around negative people does not help we are like a sponge and soak it up. And we can be our own worse enemy. Best of wishes my friend. Check back and let us or me know how your doing?
Related topics
post traumatic stress disorder, nightmares, prazosin, anger, energy
Further information
- Prazosin uses and safety info
- Prazosin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Prazosin (detailed)
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