... just shower??? Obviously not right after taking it but before taking it kn day 2 or 3??
Monistat 3 - Taking it at night before bed but can I soak in a bath during the treatment days or?
Question posted by Coppergirl89 on 14 Oct 2016
Last updated on 16 October 2016
Coppergirl; Just so you know for the next time.Shower or bathe every day to keep the genital area clean. is okay So if you use the Monistat 3 at bedtime with a panty liner It's okay to take a bath during treatment say at least 3 hours after you wake up or at night prior to inserting the suppository. Just make sure you don't use any feminine hygiene products and try to stay away from scented panty liners,toilet paper etc. and avoid wearing tight panties try and wear nylons with the cloth in the crotch area and some days wear loose fitting Cotton panties to avoid infections. Also anytime you get moist in that area like say swimming etc try to get out of the bottoms as soon as possible due to the moisture and heat is a breeding area for bacteria. Hope all of this helps some.
Copper; I see you are more than likely done with your treatment but figured I would give you an answer sadly some women get these more often than others, And A few hints to help avoid them. Chuck1957 As you notice a big mistake many women make is wearing a swimming suit all day! And also avoid all the scented products for woman, And last with all these very tight panties or nylons etc do you best to look for the kinds that breath, of course, more during the summer, But this is a major reason some woman have such chronic problems. Have a fantastic week coming up and sorry nobody answered you sooner.
So you know i do shower daily but was asking about soaking in the tub
Thank you for the information
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monistat, monistat 3, vaginal yeast infection, treatment
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