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Liver Cirrhosis - What does light colored stool indicate?

3 Answers

elainefilmer1234 5 Sep 2021

I had alcoholic liver cirrhosis since 2012. I dont drink anymore. But recently I had a pain around my liver area and light poo. The pain has gone now but Im still getting light poo which smells fowl

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Stephen Treloar 18 May 2014

In addition to the above it is an indicator of very poor liver function. If your stools have been getting progressively paler over time it indicates worsening Liver function. See your doctor for a full blood exam, Liver function, electrolytes and INR. These results will give you a much clearer picture of what is going on with your Liver.

If they have turned pale 'overnight' this would indicate that the liver is inflamed and has undergone some kind of assault like heavy drinking, drugs (prescription/recreational) or hepatotoxic medication like Acetaminophen.

Your urine will typically be quite dark and often smell horrible.

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kaismama 13 April 2013

The bile isn't getting to your intestine. Are the whites of your eyes yellowish?

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cirrhosis, liver cirrhosis, liver

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