For the last four months I have been dealing with anxiety and probably some depression. I have rumenated most of my life as well. My doc has advised me multiple times to go on Lexapro. I am seriously considering it but have some bad childhood memories of my mom being on an antidepressant. She became very insensitive and cut off from her emotions. She did not emphasize anymore. What are your experiences?
Thanks for everything everyone is sharing. It gives me a lot of hope.
Yes, I did feel like I did not emphasize as much. I have been on Lexapro for 15 years. I went to counseling and they encouraged me to taper off. So I tried. I only did so for a month and perhaps that was a mistake. At first, I did feel like a whole person with intact emotions again. But now after being off of Lexapro for 4 weeks I am a wreck. I am weepy all the time, have nausea, headaches and dizziness. I feel really fatigued all the time also. The constant wanting to cry all the time is the worse. I lost my husband in February and on the day of what would have been our 50th Anniversary I cried uncontrollably. Ok, I thought, great, letting my grief out. But the urge to cry has not decreased and now I cry at the drop of a hat about anything. I am going back on it starting today. I did take 20 mg and so I am starting with the 10 for a week and then back up to 20. The state I am in is not worth it and no one can assure me that these symptoms will stop.
Votes: +0
10 June 2021
Lexapro helped me for many years after I suffered from MDD. My psychiatrist at the time felt it would be good for depression and anxiety. I felt pretty good after the first few weeks. I had to use Xanax for a short time with it and then titrate off. I don’t think it changed who I was. I was just so happy to feel better!
Votes: +2
11 June 2021
I have been on Lexapro for 10 weeks at a dose of 15mg for 33 days and I don't feel any better. Thank you.
10 June 2021
For me, I'd say that Lexapro got rid of bad emotions, but not good ones. I stopped crying all the time and stopped feeling so irritable. However, I was (am) still able to laugh, feel cheerful and am just as empathic as ever. I think the decreased anxiety is why it works this way. I'd say Lexapro saved my life!
Votes: +1
10 June 2021
How long did it take to work for you. Thank you. Xx
10 June 2021
About 2 weeks I'd say. It was a subtle change. I was at a party and noticed I wasn't nervous (for the first time ever at a party), and realized it had to be the Lexapro. I felt like a "normal" person and wished I'd been on it all my life.
10 June 2021
Hi, Pete! I had the same experience as Scott... Lexapro escitalopram) actually made me able to be more in touch with emotions that were previously blunted by severe depression and anxiety disorders. Everyone responds differently to these medications so no one can say you won't experience side effects like your mother's but most people don't. Also, I would guess that your mom was taking one of the older medications and the newer ones like Lexapro are less likely to cause side effects. I took Lexapro for over 7 years and I hope it'll work as well for you as it did for me.
Votes: +4
10 June 2021
So glad to hear that Wildcat. That gives a lot of hope. She was on Effexor 12 years ago. We're you able to work on the underlying problems whilst on Lexapro? That is something that I would like to do.
10 June 2021
Absolutely! Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) helped tremendously with learning ways to deal with anxiety symptoms and also recognizing triggers that contribute to depression/anxiety. If some of your anxiety/depression stems from a traumatic event in your past then Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is very helpful. I'm doing CPT now as treatment for PTSD.
11 June 2021
Hello @WC
My message on the sleep study keeps being taken out of approval. But, I said “thanks @Wildcat, I will keep you updated.
11 June 2021
@Tyrese. A whole bunch of my answers/comments have been pulled lately??? Good luck with your test... I hope they find something that helps you.
I was a little worried about this when I started on Lexapro, but I haven’t experienced a lack of emotional sensitivity at all. If anything it’s improved because all the negative effects of the anxiety are under control. I can experience emotions fully without melting down. I’ve been taking Lexapro for nearly 4 years now and it’s made me feel normal again.
Votes: +5
10 June 2021
How long were you on Lexapro before you saw any benefits? I have been on it for 10 weeks, 32 days on 15mg and I don't feel any better. Thank you.
10 June 2021
I am so glad that Lexapro has helped you. What dose did you start at and are you on the same dose now?
10 June 2021
Thanks all. This is Pete and this makes me quite emotional. I used to be such an empathetic person (I have always ruminated but therapy was a lifesaver) but due to a very stormy period in my life, my fear just spiraled out of control. I have tried to process the underlying stuff that causes the fear but I cannot connect with those emotions (probs due to the fear itself). I miss that old self and am quite stuck now. The coming 7 months will be important as I will start a new job (in a month) and will be able to start building a new fundament for a great life. With all the anxiety and depressive mode I am not sure if I can do that.
10 June 2021
To Knott1 and Marla82, I started Lexapro at a quarter of a 5mg pill for I think 4 days, then went to half a pill for five days, then a whole pill. I was on 5mg for nearly 2 years and then i went up to 10mg. I thought the 5mg was working great, but when I went to 10mg I saw even more improvement. 10mg is the average maintenance dose. While the Lexapro was building up, I took Klonopin. Half a pill in the morning, half at lunch, and a whole pill at bedtime. It worked great. The Lexapro was noticeable after 2-1/2 to 3 weeks. I peacefully dozed-off one night without the Klonopin and I new I could start cutting back. Everyone reacts differently to benzo drugs. Xanax works better for some people. I hate xanax. Hope this helps.