How do I taper off sulfasalazine? I am taking potassium as I also take lasix, terrible side effects
Question posted by Dizzy Bren 125to00lbs on 26 Feb 2010
Last updated on 26 February 2010 by Anonymous
I have bruising, sores in my mouth, light sensitivity, high blood glucose, and blood pressure now. My PCP gave it to me for aid with my pain and ailing digestive system. After my a very bad blood infection from a colonoscopy things have been out of control. I have systemic scleroderma with overlapping RA and Chrohn's, plus many other autoimmune diseases... oh and also type 2 diabetes.
I am on MANY medications that both my doctor and pharmacist are aware of (as I hide nothing from any of them, I have had to do my own investigating) and am finding that many of the medications and supplements I am taking interact with each other.
That is the reason why I am here. Sulfasalazine seems to be one of the main culprits.
I need to wean off Sulfasalazine and do not have appt with PCP until May. 2010.
I AM on sulfasalazine and wasn't sure it was doing me any good. When I was talking to my doctor about it, he told me to just stop taking. I didn't scale down or anything. So I was off it for about a month and realize that it did a lot for me in killing my RA pain. So I went back on it. I am taking 2000mg a day.
Votes: +0
26 Feb 2010
I would be a-miss to give you an answer to this question. You have many other medicines in your system for I am sure other medical problems and this needs to be taken into consideration. Call your doctor to get an earlier office appointment. Tell them it is urgent.
Votes: +0
Dizzy Bren 125to00lbs
26 Feb 2010
Thank you itsmetoo2, I do have appointments the first week of March with endocronologist, cardiologist, and nephrologist as there is also possible hyperthyroid problems, kidney damage and I already had fibrosis of my left ventricle wall, pulmonary hypertension and had suffered twice from kidney damage to the point of loosing my left kidney, when PCP prescribed Sulfasalzine.
I am on my PCP's waiting list if there is a cancellation... he is very busy and in hometown office two days a week only 4 hours each day, plus he has a large practice in several offices not in the same city... I am bound to him due to my insurance situation.
It is just so disappointing when a trusted physician prescribes a medication after knowing your medical history for 13 years and suddenly when he becomes so busy/popular he pays little attention to what medications a patient is on and her medical history... when HE is the doctor that is suppose to be in charge.
Hopefully one of the specialists will figure things out before my organs become severely damaged... ready to go to ER but it usually gets me nowhere.
26 Feb 2010
I do understand you feel the er gets you no where. As they really only get a look at you from your chart from your last treatment at the hospital. Hold on there you may have to drive to another town to see your doctor but this is best. He knows you