If Albumin is 4.1 Globulin is 4.1 and Ag ratio is 1.0 what could that mean according to chart albumin is in range globulin is high and Ag is low?
Also a couple days before the test I was having a common cold like symptoms , from stuffy nose, sneezing and runny nose does this affect the results?
Globulin level 4.1 - What does it mean?
Question posted by tota8471 on 23 April 2015
Last updated on 23 April 2015 by kaismama
I doubt a cold would effect it unless you weren't drinking fluids. With the albumin equal to the globulin, and the ag ratio 1 its doubtful there is much of a problem. The first thing you have to do if there is an imbalance is to assess nutrition before you worry about disease.
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