My Doctor, an MD, who prescribed fluorouracil 5% topical cream to spots on my face and was told to apply it twice a day just to the spots for seven days. A little back ground, I have had some previous skin problems in the past and been treated by freezing (cryo.) for a spot or two, one of which came back. I was born and raised in southern California and have the classic light, blonde and blue eyed make up. I also was raised in the day when sunscreen really wasn't heard of. I use to tan great and also had quite a few burns. One really bad burn one year across the whole right side of my face that blistered, turned black and cracked and bleed, this was about 30 years ago and I'm in my late 40's now, the time when things are starting to show. This Doctor is a relatively new Doctor to me and I am not fond of her for many reasons. You can't ask her anything. In order for me to get this medication I had to send an email through my patient portal to her nurse who relayed the message and who got back to me. This Doctor has refused and or conveniently forgets to give me a skin cancer screening that I have asked for several times and will not refer me to a Dermatologist. Because I realize that I am going to have skin problems due to my days in the sun and want to deal with the spots I have now, I researched my conditions/skin and possible treatments and researched these creams... because I asked through email this Doctor prescribed this cream for me. I don't think her instructions of using the cream for only seven days is going to do anything. I have applied the cream to my whole forehead, twice a day (not just the spots like suggested) I am planning on applying for two weeks, not the seven days. Not only have the previous visible spots on my forehead been reacting, but a bunch of other spots I didn't know I had are reacting too, so I'm glad I didn't listen to her. So has anybody used the cream for seven days and get any good results and or did your spots come back?
Has anybody used fluorouracil 5% topical cream for only seven days only and get good results?
Question posted by eedx2 on 26 Jan 2016
Last updated on 9 September 2024 (4 days ago) by Bagsy
13 Answers
Yes I did and got descent results. Depends on what area you put it on. Be consistent with it.
My dermatologist tried to get me to use fluorouracil for 2 years before I finally did. I had seen pictures and there was always something coming up where I didn’t want to look hideous. :-) Now, I’ve used it several times (in different areas) and can’t sing its praises loud enough. My wife thinks my skin looks better than it did 30 years ago.
I don’t think I’ve ever made it the full 2 weeks, usually stopping after 10 days. I suspect most of my benefits come in that first week because 10 days produced astounding results for me. So it doesn’t shock me that your doctor said only 7 days.
October 2019 Doctor looked at me a few seconds and told me I had Actinic Cheilitis. I told him, I know. He told me about the treatment he was prescribing and that I would hate it, and out the door he goes. No testing, no follow up. Did the Fluorouracil treatment for 12 days followed by the steroid cream. He was right horrible and painful treatment. (I took pictures) Returned to Primary care, 1/2/2020 to say lips are still very sore and burning. She told me it takes time, use the AquaPhor. Returned to Dermatologist, he told me sometimes it takes longer and gave me several sample creams to try. The visit with him lasted about 2 minutes. Nothing worked. I returned again to Dermatologist office, 03/4/20 having had no improvement at all. I had students who did an slight exam, she said she saw nothing cancerous with one of those LED type lights. Because of his short visit last time my husband watched the time spent with me.
Dr told me that maybe something else was going on, but gave me more creams to try and said probably one of those would work and was out of the room in less than 90 seconds. I did have an appointment on 3/31 which I canceled because of the virus.
To sum this up, I have had over a total of 6+ appointments and have not gotten much further than when I first diagnosed myself. My lips, inside of my mouth and tongue are rough and feel sunburnt all the time. 4 different doctors and no one can help, and thats my reaction to fluorouracil.
I just stopped using 5FU after 5 days of twice daily, I have had a pretty severe reaction face and neck looks like a beet also quite a bit of swelling at cheeks and neck, it definitely appears that on me 5 days is going to be sufficient, its Sunday and I could not contact my dermatologist, the reason I discontinued of course is the severe reaction and I had used this several years ago and even had a worse reaction after 3 days, was told not to use again but that dermatologist retired and this one said to try it again, so I guess I knew better.
Gosh for starters you need to find a Doctor who will be there for you! This is a traumatic experience. My treatment was 2x a day for 30 days taking Saturday and Sunday off. I was also told to put it on the whole face because the cream will spread to the rest of my face through the capillaries . I guess people will react differently. Best of luck!
My dermatologist prescribed 5% fluorouracil for me twice a day for 7 days. By day three the area I applied it to (entire nose, and upper cheek areas stretching out 1-2 inches from my nose) was turning red. By the fourth day I was unsightly red. By the seventh (and last) day of my protocol, I was hideously bright red. The crook where my nose meets my face was crusty and itchy.
My most recent 7-day regimen ended just yesterday. (I also did a 7-day regimen on my entire face and forehead eight months ago, with results similar to what I've described here.)
So yes, a 7-day regimen can certainly be effective. Seems to me there are no absolutes or standards. Everyone's experience will be personal to their life history.
Google the medication fluorouracil on and you will find specific instructions for use. Seven days will get you nowhere. Don’t use it as a face cream rather only on the spots you want to treat. If you continue to use it as you have been it will be very painful, swell, crack and bleed and it will most likely take around 6 weeks to completely heal. Good luck! I hope this helped.
I have used this product several times over the years. Just started a new treatment on my neck and chest and had inflammation on the third day. It all depends on severity and skin.
My doctor gave a prescription for fluorouracil 5% (topical). Was told to use for 21 one days morning and night. This was for the forehead up to hairline and down the temples. Started out first week not seeing much going on, then started to redden up , by the last week it burned when applied and also was starting to scab up. Was glad to be done applying. Head and temples looked like I was in some sort of accident with all the scabs. Now a month later scabs are gone and all looks good. I would not imagine 7 days would be enough to accomplish much.
This is pretty expensive stuff. Insurance didn't cover it all and was $129.09 out of pocket for what I consider not a very big tube.
For me it only began to take effect, turn red, after a week. After 20 days (today) it began itching. I'm to apply it for 3 more days. It looks unsightly but if it works it's worth it. I'm 20 years older than you and remember the many burns many of us got. Good luck with it.
hi. 71 yr old irish decent and without sun looked like a ghost. i grew up on long island so beach and sun were plentiful, as was surfing, sailing and just plain laying in the sun.
a couple of years ago my scalp started to get really scaley, finally got to a derm dr cause my original doc became out of network, sound familar.
to get back, i was told to use it once a day after a shower, try and do it for 2 weeks. only made it ten days when i went back she said it looked better. give it a rest for a couple weeks, then do it again it should be less annoying and not as bad. well only got ten days then had to stop the shower hurt hitting my head.
back to the doc and was told to stop till most of the flaking was stopped give it a month or so to heal.
plan on starting again in a couple days, will update. as a result of the two sessions though almost all of my heavy flaking has stoped, but still a couple or spots that are trouble so gonna do the whole head again in case i missed some spots.
according to my doc and i trust her, she says to use it as prescribed as often as you feel necessary but if you use it 4 time, come back and let her have a look.
not looking forward to it, but no pain no gain i guess will update after this session is over. but, it sure cure my flaking head, glad i keep it buzzed to about 1/2 inch just for the application, wish i had enough hair to hide it but use a hat even in the gym.
good luck
Not that I have seen written anywhere.But 10,day's.Twice a day, as suggested by my derm.Worked great for me.On my forehead.Am now trying on my cheek,where I have a round red spot.Today is first day of healing,look's bad.
I have used efudex 6 or 7 times over the past 30 years. As the years go by the reaction gets less volatile than the previous; so it must be working well. In answer to your question about a 10 day treatment, I experienced the following last month: I was to use the cream for 14 days on temple, nose and under one eye below the glasses line. After 10 days, I got called away to work and got separated from my medicine. So I only used it 10 days. I got a good reaction on the temples (ulceration, crusty and peeling) and under my eye. My nose, however only had streaks of redness and no ulceration and very little peeling. Also, my nose didn't "light up" till later in the process which was around day 8. The results I see so far indicate that the skin looks clear and smooth. However now that it's been 2 1/2 weeks post treatment, my face still feels sunburned; eventhough there is no redness.
I don't recall having that problem before and may seek advice if it doesn't ease up. I would like to start over on the nose but am hesitant to start on my own and I also feel a bit guilty stopping before my 14 days were up. Hope that helps.
Sorry, I see you asked 7 days and I answered 10 days. I got little reaction in 7 days. Everyone is different though. But in all the times I've used it, 7 days would not have been long enough.
I have used Efudex on two occasions successfully, once on my forehead and once on my cheek. It took two to three weeks of treatment twice a day. I am now applying to my other cheek and reaction is good after 10 days. I have also tried it on my upper lip but am very worried about the reaction, the dream has spread to my lips causing blistering and intermittent bleeding, so I am going to stop using it on the upper lip. I am not sure if this is a mistake. Anybody got advice?
I have done photo dynamic therapy 2 times in three years and had good results but a few spots have returned on my face. My dermatologist put me on Fluorouracil and Calcipotriene together for 7 days. Just finished my last day and I’ll check back to see how it did. Do some research and you’ll see dermatologists are going to this combination.
Related topics
skin cancer, history - skin cancer, cancer, fluorouracil, dermatological disorders, doctor, prescription, cream, muscular dystrophy, basal cell, topical
Further information
- Fluorouracil uses and safety info
- Fluorouracil prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Fluorouracil (detailed)
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