The one that I've found to do "best" for me is adderall (generic) over ritalin n vyvanse. I'm also on Provigil because I'm so extremely exhausted all of the time. I also suffer from obesity, insomnia and bipolar among many other things (figures on the insomnia-dead tired but still can't fall asleep).I would like to be able to take less meds and feel better.
How difficult is it to be prescribed to Desoxyn?I've been through the whole list of meds for add?
Question posted by becca316 on 2 May 2012
Last updated on 27 January 2019 by Forecastmazyabc
8 Answers
Well i am trying to find insurance to cover it I have narcolepsy hypersomnia excessive daytime sleepiness and need a regiment that adds onto the adderall I have been on since 2005 and we'll provigil alone don't do it so i'm looking for something strong going to a sleep specialist and its all so sad because my psych gave up on me in caring because I pushed back my sleep study and before that he was into caring. Sad stuff need a new psych but yeah best of luck with that i hear it's good..
I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am always feeling extremely weak and usually tired. I normally can't get out of bed. I miss really important appointments due to this. I've tried amphetamine salts, Adderall, dextroamphetamine, methaphenidate, and vyvanse. None of them seem to work for me anymore at all. Adderall worked for a couple of years and then stopped. I can't feel any of these drugs. They don't help at all. My whole life is being ruined by being bed ridden and so weak. What medication would you advise for this that might help me?
You need to exercise & get on a diet and cut the junk food, sugar, fruit drinks, bread, red meat, & switch to almond milk.
Can I ask what you do right after taking your medication?
If you have been diagnosed with bipolar depression, I would think a stimulant- amphetamine like Adderall could possibly make your Bipolar depression worse. I am not a doctor, but I’m 62 yrs old and have seen many doctors over the years. One thing I learned, is because someone has a license to be a physician doesn’t mean he’s good at what he does. I would try to seek out a psychiatrist that has a good reputation at helping people.
There are support groups out there, and going to one where there are others struggling with the same issue can be very helpful! You won’t feel as alone with your struggle, and that’s better than any medicine. I’m not saying don’t take medications, I mean supplement your med with a support group. You’ll be glad you did! Godspeed
Your post is almost 5 years old but I still feel the need to respond... if your doctor already prescribes you Provigil then I don't see why he or she wouldn't prescribe you the Desoxyn! Provigil itself from what I've experienced and heard of is very rarely prescribed and only for well documented cases of narcolepsy and for people that work night shifts 11-7 (there is an actual diagnosis for the severe exhaustion that people experience during the day when they are up all night working and unfortunately I can't remember the name of it). Anyway, my point is that if your doctor already prescribes you Provigil for exhaustion resulting from your sleep apnea then I doubt he would be upset if you asked for something stronger. Im actually shocked that he prescribes you Provigil AND adderall!!! Or did I get that wrong? If you have sleep apnea you need a C-Pap machine to use overnight.
You wouldn't be exhausted during the day if the sleep apnea was treated like it's supposed to be treated! I can't fathom why your doctor hasn't had you do a sleep study for a proper diagnosis! Does'nt make sense!
I've been taking Desoxyn for years, for narcolepsy, without any "Nero-toxic" effects as one commenter has written. All schedule-2 stimulants do the same thing- act on dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the brain. I've tried them all and have found Desoxtn to have the greatest effect on fatigue as it has the best penetration of all the stimulants.
Now for your question- the answer is "good luck". Desoxyn is even hard to get when you a person like me who has medical proof of need (took me 3 years). I really wish you luck... tell me how it goes. It's one of the least prescribed drugs and has to be special ordered.
Would a psychiatrist prescribe for lethargy. . Mood disorder?
Been taking them for years? Wow, this medication is not meant to take for years. It's main purpose is to program your brain to learn new habits and leave the old ones.
Your doctor is mostly at fault for not gradually decreasing your dosage to the point where you don't bed it at all.
becca316, Just talk to the Dr. that prescribed you the adderall, ritalin, provigil, etc. Tell the Dr. you've been through the whole line of the like meds, you've researched Desoxyn, and you would like to give it a try, as it sounds like it may be the 'one'. I asked my Dr. He was so very hesitant, but he did finally write out the script.
I must say, I was very underwelmed with the Desoxyn. Did not do a thing for me other than make me want to sleep and eat. It was also hard to find once I got the script. None of the big pharmacies would touch it, I had to go to a local 'mom & pop' pharmacy, and they were happy to order it for me. It is expensive. My Dr. prescribed 5 mg. 2x a day - 60 pills for $389.00. Fortunately, my insurance covered it all but $100.00 co-pay. I believe the 5mg 2x a day was too low, so imagine how expensive it would get at higher dosing.
Good luck, don't give up.
The reason I believe Desoxyn is not readily subscribed for ADD/ADHD, Obesity, Narcolepsy or Apnia is because it is neurotoxic to I believe, certain dopmaine,seratonine and other chemical receptors in the brain. You should really really find out much more about it. All amphetamines are amine compounds. The ones commonly prescribed for the before mentioned illnesses/diorders are all pretty powerful. But most are not actually neurotoxic. I have tried Desoxyn and agree with the poster who found it was not what I thought it would be. Desoxyn is not meant to be taken long term because of the neurotoxicity so even if you get it, don't be surprised if you also are not allowed to use it but for a short term because it can cause real damage.
I consider the neurotoxicity of methamphetamine is grossly overstated. Sure, it's clear that dopamine autoxidation isn't good, but who lives or works in a modern city has a body full of heavy metals, poisons, neurotoxins, etc. That being said, we should try to limit the things we can, right? Desoxyn is going to be a strain on your dopamine production and use, so using it for a short term is best, but I wouldn't be terrified of the damage that 5mg doses could really do (I'd be worried at doses of 20mg when it comes to Desoxyn). I wish I could help on getting the doctor to try desoxyn for you. I can hardly get a scheduled drug from my PCP because they're so afraid of "the crisis" right now.
Hello becca316. I really think your doctor will perscribe Desoxyn if you ask. The other drugs are a controlled substance as is Desoxyn. Mylan Pharmaeuticals manufactuers a generic Desoxyn. Either come only in one strength that of a 5mg tablet. Desoxyn is perscribed off label for ADHD and as well for the treatment of obesity (short term only) Regards, pledge
I'm just hoping that she doesn't think I'm "drug seeking" considering I'd be trying to CUT DOWN on the number of pills I'd have to take every day. She now added Effexor to my list (third round of it) to try to do SOMETHING!Thanx for the input! :D
I do understand. Hopefully she will also and good luck on the Effexor.
Thanx! :D
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