It was our first time having sex and we used the condom correctly but I'm having the biggest anxiety attack just thinking about the possibility of being or getting pregnant. Nothing leaked or broke but I'm still worried. It was a huge step I was ready for but I'm stressing bad.
If I use a condom will I still get pregnant?
Question posted by Blondiegirl22 on 5 June 2015
Last updated on 5 June 2015 by jcolson
No, as long as the condom didn't break there is no reason to believe that you have gotten pregnant.
You are stressing for absolutely NO reason which is probably why oral birth control is more popular. I'd rather use condoms as I don't like messing with someone's reproductive system; in your case an oral contraceptive would be best. This is just personal opinion but IUD's; I really don't like for multiple reasons e.g. they have a high ectopic pregnancy rate when a pregnancy occurs.
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anxiety, pregnancy, sex, condom
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