I was prescribd Zyprexa 2.5 mg to take with 300 mg of Effexor. It worked very well to begin with, but now I don't see the benefit. I started having a lot
of bad side effects; weight gain, sweating, feet swelling, terrible hunger pains,
restless leg syndrome is worse and shortness of breath. I have high blood pressure, which is controlled. I just found out I have Prolongation Q T syndrome, so I stopped the Zyprexa. Now I feel as though I'm going through
some type of withdrawal; cold sweats,weakness, stomach upset, and I have to keep going to lie down. Could this be withdrawal?
Can you stop taking Zyprexa or do you have to be weaned off of it?
Question posted by Drezzy on 22 Nov 2011
Last updated on 29 October 2014 by Yogutisgood
3 Answers
I was on 5 mg of zyprexa for 6 months and I just stopped three days ago because I can't afford to go to the doctor until I get my work insurance in a few months. I feel amazing!!! I think I am having the best manic episode of my life.
Zyprexa is a member of the same family of what we sometimes call " evil drugs" though the dosage was small it is enough to get your body "hooked" You must wean off if it the same as almost all anti depressants and depressants alike. If you went cold turkey on your own you can and most likely are having some terrible side effects. If your doc did that, shame on him, but the drug comapnies themselves should put those warnings out there, and they don't so the doc is not all to blame.
Hope you feel better.
No, you cannot stop taking Zyprexa cold turkey. It could throw your system into shock or cause you to experience manic or psychotic episodes. You ask your doctor to help you taper off of the med. Hope this helps.
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effexor, zyprexa, weight loss (obesity/overweight), hyperhidrosis, side effect, weight
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