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Will azythromicin treat a slight naval piercing infection?


happybrandee 14 Dec 2012

I've had my navel pierced for the last 12 years, it has only been infected once. I called the person who does my piercings and here is what they told me to do and it works! NEVER use peroxide or alcohol on a pierecing!! The best thing that you can do is take out your pierecing and clean your navel with antibiotic soap and warm water! Then clean your jewlery with the same antibiotic soap and hot water. Dry your navel and the jewlery glently with a clean towel and then re-insert your jewlery and clean your navel again with the jewlery in with antibiotic soap and gently dry with another clean towel. Now if the pierecing is new and you can't take it out yet... then you need to just clean your navel with antibiotic soap and warm water and if you are prescribed to take antibiotics then take them because it will help to clear up the infection! BUT PLEASE DO NOT EVER USE PEROXIDE OR RUBBING ALCOHOL on a body pierecing it will dry it out and make the infection worse. if you don't believe me about this then ask anyone who does body pierecings they will tell you the same thing. hope this helps!

Votes: +0
kaismama 11 Dec 2012

You probably just need some peroxide and neosporin. Taking an oral antibiotic is probably a bit of overkill.

Votes: +1
AlyxM26 12 Dec 2012

Your probably right, I've just had a horrible piercing infection in the past that was so painful and gross, so I'm just being paranoid. Its probably not even infected, but I have to take the z pack for a cough that I have anyways, so I was seeing if that would help if it were. (:

kaismama 12 Dec 2012

Oh, well then you have an extra benefit. Why are you getting infections from piercings so much? Doesn't the person take care when they do them?

AlyxM26 12 Dec 2012

No it was only once years and years ago, I was only in 6th grace and me and my friends thought it'd be such a great idea to piercemy belly button, well 12 year olds oobviously should NOT do piercings, it was infected almost immediately and I had to take some pretty serious steroids like 5 times a day for like a month. I've had many piercings since, and they didn't get infected but for some reason I've been really paranoid about this one getting infected, so I'm trying to be really careful with it.

kaismama 12 Dec 2012

I do hope it was done better then when you were 12, lolol... lord what kids do to each other.

AlyxM26 13 Dec 2012

Do you think its normal that I'm having pains around the area? Its a little red, but no more then normal, and the puss stuff is the color it should be, not a lot of it either, but I just keep getting pains in the area. They're not too bad, just wondering..

happybrandee 14 Dec 2012

Kaismama... I'm sorry to say this, because you are normally right about everything that you post. But I have body pierecings, and my navel is the first thing that I had piereced , besides my ears when I was a kid, and the very first thing that they tell you when you get your navel, or any other body part piereced now is to NEVER use peroxide or rubbing alcohol on it! Neosporin is ok but never peroxide because peroxide can actually dry it out and can cause infection. They tell you to use antibacterial soap or you can buy a special solution where you get your pierecing. but all that I had to do was use antibacterial soap and warm water to keep it clean. free discount card

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