Anxiety medication that is a small white pill that melts under your tongue and works in 20-30 minut?
Question posted by michtmbh on 1 Aug 2014
Last updated on 8 December 2021
4 Answers
I don't know if its prescribed for anxiety alone but try looking up remron. It's a white pill that devolves. under your tongue. I took it for awhile but not just for anxiety. It worked though. I just couldn't afford it. Kinda pricey if you don't have insurance.
Plus, it makes you ravenous for food; you likely WILL gain at LEAST 10-15 lbs while on remeron(mirtazapine).
Can't be totally sure but try looking up Ativan and see if it looks like what you described.
I am simply replying to your question michtmbh because I have never taken an anxiety pill that you place under your tongue. It may be something new or are you sure it wasn't for your heart? The only other pill that I use that goes directly under my tongue that has to dissolve is a B-vitamin. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help but I will seriously call my doctor or emergency room to try to find out what the medication is and what it is for. WebMD also has all pills and their shapes that are listed where you may look up the med.
Zyprexa is a small white pill for anxiety that has a fairly new version that melts under your tongue. but it works for anxiety. It is not prescribed for anxiety.It is prescribed as an anti-psychotic or anti-depressant. My ex-wife was on it for a while is the only info I have about it.
Hi, michtmbh,
No, I cannot answer your information without more details. Try google-ing the pill details on it i.e. color, any numbers or letters, and if those numbers/letters are on both sides of the pill. Plus also indicate what the pill is prescribed for - nausea, pain, etc.
Related topics
anxiety, anxiety and stress, tongue, medication, pill
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