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When after stopping Cymbalta do withdrawal symptoms peak?

10 Answers

Better1969 9 Aug 2019

I am so relieved to read these responses. I just went off 90mg Cymbalta for 8 years
30mg for 1 wk
Am adding Viibrym at 20mg
I’m at 10 days no Cymbalta and I am waking up at night out of breath. It hits me out of the blue, completely unrelated to activity! I have also started completely unreasonable and uncontrollable crying!!
I’m not a crier. At All.
The loss of equilibrium is awful. Nauseous but it’s not bad.
The last few days, (5-6) everything I eat that is solid tastes rotten!!
This is amazing fun!!!
I was afraid to call my Dr because I want to give the Viibrym a chance. However, I’m feeling completely alone and discouraged. Thank you for your comments!

Votes: +0
Squirrelpoppin 10 Nov 2018

I stopped 2 weeks ago and brain zaps are just beginning.
I took 60 mg for over 10 years to alleviate depression.
I am 60 now and also notice aches and pains I didn't have before.
I do not consider this to be a difficult withdrawal overall. No withdrawal has been as long as benzos.
Best wishes

Votes: +0
Trying to life 31 Aug 2018

I am in the middle of week 3 and I feel like there is literally something wrong with my brain. I am either crying or extremely happy or extremely mad. There’s no in between. I hurt physically because I took Cymbalta for my fibro but I started trying to treat it differently and weaned down from 90mg to
30mg and then quit. Now I want to just crawl
In a hole somewhere. Please tell me it will get better soon.

Votes: +0
Humanbeing 31 Aug 2018

It absolutely will get better! It just takes different people different amounts of time to recover. Personally it took me months but I was also on other antidepressants for 20 years (Cymbalta last 3 years). The first month and a half was really the worst then each week the symptoms I got were less severe. I also found PMS symptoms were way worse so a few days before my period each month would feel like a return of some symptoms of anxiety and irritability. For me with Cymbalta discontinuation I had a lot of allergy-like symptoms (random hives, sudden food sensitivities, IBS... and that was besides heightened anxiety, random crying, mood swings, not sleeping, and exhaustion). If you deal with Fibro I would HIGHLY recommend you look into Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). It’s treatable with antihistamines and there’s a lot of speculation that Fibromyalgia can sometimes be caused from this in many people.

Trying to life 1 Sep 2018

I just feel like something in my brain isn’t right and that I will never be right again. My mood swings are horrible. And fibro pain is horrible. I’ve never heard of the things that you talked about in your reply to my comment on fibro. I will look it up.
All I know is I never want to feel this way again.

Humanbeing 1 Sep 2018

I would talk to your Dr and tell him/her you are having a hard time & explain all your symptoms but also keep in mind the anxiety your experiencing makes you fear “you will never feel right again” and almost everyone that experiences Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome (symptoms you describe) feels this way until they see for themselves it slowly gets better! Some Dr’s may suggest reinstating some meds back and doing a slower taper to help ease symptoms. But there’s also the possibility that some symptoms are also a return of whatever you were on the medication for in the first place, & it’s hard to tell which is which. If it’s only been a few weeks though much of it is probably from Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome which will slowly get better.


That doesn’t mean that the problems you had before taking it won’t return though- just that if you’re way worse than before you started Cymbalta, it’s probably the withdrawal/discontinuation symptoms which fade slowly. Keeping a journal of what symptoms you’re having on which days can also help you and your Dr eventually discern which is which.

Trying to life 1 Sep 2018

I’m thinking I need a new Dr. She had a “whatever” attitude when I told her how bad things were. She never suggested going on something else. The only thing she said was to double up on my already low dosage of anxiety meds when I went down from 90mg to 60mg. Take one in the morning and one night. An ER dr friend, who is now retired, told me to take them together because at first when the withdrawals slapped me upside the head with a 2x4 I thought I was legit loosing my crap and was shaking and felt completely out of control, it was a Saturday. My dr has no one that covers for her on weekends. So I text him. He has been more help than she has. I have not found a dr in my area that believes in fibro. She is the only one and I feel stuck.

brokenheart12 16 Sep 2018

I hope you are starting to feel much better. Your brain will get better so hang in there. Be kind to yourself and do things that you enjoy as much as you are able. Epsom salt baths might make the pain a little more bearable. Best wishes and do keep telling your doctor that your withdrawal symptoms are real. I just don't understand what is taking doctors so long to believe us!

Humanbeing 16 Sep 2018

If you google it there’s a good NY Times article that you could try giving to your Dr. At this point if a Dr doesn’t know withdrawal from Antidepressants is possible I would be skeptical they should even by my Dr.

Kynyada37 6 July 2018

I'm on week 3 which is a lot better in most area's but my right arm feels so tight at times. I had serotonin syndrome so I had no choice but to come off 60mgs. Although I have went to the ER about shortness of breathe and the tightness in my left arm they said it wasn't my heart. Although it's hell it does get better. I'm still not myself whatever that is. I was on antidepressants for 20 yrs and 10 of those on cymbalta. Anyone else have tightness in any limbs? It's scary at times. I'm very irritable now, praying that it will all even out soon. I'm having a hard time finding decent doctors here... TIA for any info. For those who are feeling they can't handle it. It gets better hang in there and if it seems to be too much get help!!!

Votes: +0
kittymomma 4 April 2018

My doctor stopped my Cymbalta last week and tripled my Zoloft. I have no idea what he is thinking. I have been taking Cymbalta for my fibromyalgia, but today, I am feeling really bad - twitching, pains, exhaustion, nausea. I have an appointment on Saturday to follow up, but I really think I need to get a different doctor.

Votes: +0
username 2 7 April 2018

I switched from the 30mg Cymbalta to 20mg Celelexa and I'm having horrible withdrawal symptoms from the Cymbalta. First it was the horrible headache's for like a week. Now I'm having nerve pain on my feet every night constant burning and tingling. I also get nerve pain in my arms and hands during the day. I pray this goes away it's very scary. My doctor says it wI'll but I keep wondering. It has been approximately 2 weeks.

brokenheart12 8 April 2018

I know it's tough but hang in there - it will get better. The symptoms of Cymbalta withdrawal are awful and doctors don't seem to know about them! Let your doctor know how bad it is! I hope you feel better soon.

Sadie19jane 11 Dec 2018

Username 2 , It’s been awhile since you posted. How are you feeling? I’ve been on Cymbalta 5 years now. Tapered slowly from 60 mg to 20 mg. Now, at 20 mg for 3 months and I have the same tingling in feet, hands and wrists, it is sometimes painful. Feels like carpal tunnel.

Thomthepainter 26 Feb 2018

I searched "How long do Cymbalta withdrawals last"? And found this site. While I was disappointed to read that it may take MANY weeks to get over the symptoms, it was reassuring to discover that I wasn't alone!! I abruptly stopped taking Cymbalta and switched to Wellbutrin because of the sexual side affects! I even started taking Viagra with no change in my ED problem while on Cymbalta so we're trying the Wellbutrin. However the Vertigo, Brain Zaps, nausea, head-aches and uncontrollable crying makes me wanna take the Cymbalta just to make the side affect STOP!! But I will take advise that I've read here and stick with it, live with the withdrawal effects and eventually feel better! (I hope!)

Votes: +1
Notdoingwell 15 Dec 2018

Thank you for the information that you have uncontrollable crying too (or did) I also went to Wellbutrin and I tapered. First week off and I can't stop crying. It's horrible. And the headaches and nausea. I will stick with it. This drug needs more regulations to it. I'm a nurse and trust me the severity of the side effects are in none of the nursing or physician prescribing info.

Headache 57 10 Dec 2017

I’m coming off cymbalta from 60 mg to 30 mg to nothing! I have gone through vomiting, occasionally, but the worst is the vertigo! Everyday my head is pounding, not steady, thank goodness but enough to be annoying for most part of the day. I’ve only stopped it completely about two weeks now, can’t wait for this to be over!

Votes: +0
dtchgrl 29 Jan 2018

Hi, Its been a couple of weeks since you posted but benadryl works great against the vertigo!
And Im going through the same. Just nausea now and my mood is kinda low. Dont know if thats the withdrawal or part of me..

Feeling optimistic 12 Sep 2018

Hi, I’m also feeling some effects. I was on 30mg for fibromyalgia and it stopped working completely aftervonly 6 months. I continued taking it another 6 months but it never worked again. I forgot to take one 2 weeks ago and I felt nothing strange. It’s iver 2 weeks now and the only side effect I’m experiencing is sleeplessness. So I’m chronically exhausted. I haven’t felt all the other symypeople are writing about but I’m very cautious not to get too happy but I also am taking 2mg. Of klonopin a day for yrs. for extreme anxiety so maybe that’s why I’m not freaking out. I feel so bad for everyone who was mislead. It’s a disgusting thing not to be warned. I wish everyone luck, including myself. Stay strong and just know your bad feelings will go away.

Notdoingwell 15 Dec 2018

I've just totally weaned off cymbalta. Came off because it was ineffective for my pain and actually found documentation that after 3 months use there are no studies stating it was effective for pain. Well it wasn't helping and I felt like I was getting more and more depressed. Now thought I can't stop crying... I mean every day and my headaches in the afternoon are horrible along with the nausea and vomiting. Has anyone experienced the crying from withdrawal. I know that's what's happened but did not know it would be this severe and I even tapered.

darknesofnight4u 1 Aug 2013

Ive been wondering the same I get intense migraines its been 3 days they are horable and intense

Votes: +0
brokenheart12 4 Aug 2013

If you are still having bad withdrawal symptoms or they've gotten worse. You are not imagining things, it's probably the Cymbalta withdrawal. Get help from your doctor or someone close to you.
Hope you feel better :)

darknesofnight4u 5 Aug 2013

thank you i have they think that my birthcontroll was making it worse

lady2882 5 Aug 2013

I had very Intense migraines for quite awhile after stopping cymbalta.

susankayej 11 Sep 2013

Please read my recipe. Susankayej

pg13934 24 May 2017

Cymbalta is evil. It gets in every cell. Then it breaks through after you thought it was over. More crying and negative thoughts. The skin problems are another problem. From reddish burnt looking areas to water type blisters to skin peeling. My skin has aged 10 years in a few days. How can this be approved by the FDA. There must be some heavy pockets in Congress. Imagine what your brain is going through to get back to your old self.

pg13934 24 May 2017

Cymbalta is evil. It gets in every cell. Then it breaks through after you thought it was over. More crying and negative thoughts. The skin problems are another problem. From reddish burnt looking areas to water type blisters to skin peeling. My skin has aged 10 years in a few days. How can this be approved by the FDA. There must be some heavy pockets in Congress. Imagine what your brain is going through to get back to your old self.

lady2882 24 July 2013

The withdrawal symptoms will peak from 5 to 8 days off and stay steady at that level for 10 to 14 days off. By day 18 off you will notice some improvements and it will get better from there.
Make sure you drink plenty of water and try not to let yourself get overtired. Dehydration and fatigue will make the side effects worse.
Sheila is right about keeping yourself busy to distract yourself from the zaps and other side effects. Exercising helps too.
Some common withdrawal symptoms are: nausea -get something for that; itchiness - get an antihistamine for that; dizziness - take your time getting up.
Most people are okay in 3 to 6 weeks.
If it is bad then go online and find cymbaltawithdrawal dot com. It's a great support group with lots of information and everyone is getting off or are off the med.
Hope this helps

Votes: +4
brokenheart12 24 July 2013

Thanks. Lots of good advice.

brodden 20 July 2017

Did you have the abdominal systems?

brodden 22 July 2017

I am having terrible gastritis from Cymbalta discontinuation. Anyone else?

Humanbeing 11 Aug 2017

I have also had abdominal bloating and discomfort as well as itchiness and hives off and on.

JulesM 18 Sep 2017

Yes have the gasteral issues as well

Mddavis14 21 Aug 2018

This is not true. Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms can last for months to years. They include suicidal thoughts, severe depression and anxiety, severe fatigue, loss of quality of life and many more. I am in the 4th month of stopping Cymbalta I have been bedridden for 3 months now. I cannot do everyday things like bathe, clean, cook or take care of myself. Please don't fool people that this will go away after Cymbalta is out of your system. It causes severe neurological damage and possible brain damage.

cindy-59 10 Aug 2019

So true Mddavis. It makes me so angry when people are giving wrong information just because they may have been one of the very blessed ones to not through the nightmares of fast tapering or going cold turkey! Many people have suffered for years; yes years; from not tapering off Cymbalta slowly and safely. Be careful everyone because this medication can be very dangerous to taper off quickly! Cindy

sheila7281 24 July 2013

This varies from person to person. This is not an easy withdrawal. When your head is pounding so much and you feel you can not last stick with it. Try to keep your mind busy. I found the "brain zaps" to be worse when was not keeping busy. My doctor had me taper down some then we stopped. it took almost 2 weeks for the pounding to lessen and another couple weeks for the symptoms to go away. But it will get less. After awhile I only noticed on the way home for work and at dinner time. I really believe no matter what dose your own withdrawal is withdrawal and getting the medication out of your system just takes time and a lot of patience. Do not be discourage for this will not be easy but you will get better!!


Votes: +6
brokenheart12 24 July 2013

Thank you. It sounds awful.

Amber9r0ee928 20 June 2017

Can people that stop talking cymbals have seizures I been of it two week I don't think it will happen or it would already

brodden 20 July 2017

I was on 20 mgs of Cymbalta going off of Effexor. But not including the long taper from Effexor I took Cymbalta by itself for 1 week. Then, I developed terrible bloating, gas and pain. I just can't get rid of it. Can't sleep at night. Just sit in my recliner. Was put on Prozac. I hope that isn't another disaster. Has anyone had these discontinuation symptoms? The pain in upper abdomen and my left side just makes me cry.

Karin65 31 July 2017

@Brodden. I had the same symptoms. Bloating, gas etc. Upper abdominal pain was severe. Radiating left towards my back. Resting flat on my back helped together with Tylenol (paracetamol). I promise, it does get better.

brodden 31 July 2017

Thanks for your encouragement. I am going through terrible misery. Good way to lose weight. So far, 8 pds.

Ursie 3 Aug 2017

Just to send you good luck. Am now a week after weaning myself off Duloxetine and slowly getting better.

JulesM 18 Sep 2017

I have been getting off 30mg for just over two weeks and the symptoms have been worse this past weekend. I had to just stop taking it because I thought I'd end my life. I was so confused I couldn't take it anymore. I'm not suicidal just having the hardest time getting through the withdrawal. I have dizziness, nausea with mouth watering, upset stomach, 10 times the back pain I had before ( the reason I got on it in the first place), still have confusion, memory loss, agitation, tired, unmotivated, migraines (No meds can help with that) lips tingling, eyes can't focus and sadness.

JulesM 18 Sep 2017

I have been getting off 30mg for just over two weeks and the symptoms have been worse this past weekend. I had to just stop taking it because I thought I'd end my life. I was so confused I couldn't take it anymore. I'm not suicidal just having the hardest time getting through the withdrawal. I have dizziness, nausea with mouth watering, upset stomach, 10 times the back pain I had before ( the reason I got on it in the first place), still have confusion, memory loss, agitation, tired, unmotivated, migraines (No meds can help with that) lips tingling, eyes can't focus and sadness. Also have horrible nightmares free discount card

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