I love love love cymbalta and have been on for 4.5 years for clinical depression and GAD however I started nursing school 3 months ago and I a starting to feel anxious. It's normal I know but I do not want it to manifest itself. Started cymbalta at 60m and bumped it up to 120mg right before I started school. Any suggestions on adding an anti-anxiety med?? I should also add I am going through so major changes- I.e- moving, nursing school, less exercise, less family time, work..
I read somewhere that Cymbalta dosage greater than 60mg does not give you greater relief but increases the side effects. You need a benzo like Xanax or clonazepam.
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19 Nov 2014
Hi LuckyDuck. I've also been taking Cymbalta for a while now & initially had great result with a 60mg dose that overtime increased to max dose. I am using it for fibromyalgia, depression & anxiety. A few months ago I had some issues in my life & anxiety started creeping slowly back in til it eventually was taking space each day. My Dr suggested we add Abilify 2mgs daily to the Cymbalta. I was put off by this suggestion @ 1st bcuz Abilify is an antipsychotic & Im depressed-stressed out-in pain buy I am in no way psychotic. My Dr explained that Abilify in low doses combined with antidepressants works as a bump to increase the antidepressant effects. He was right! I love this drug combo. It is by far the most effective treatment ive ever experienced in over 20yrs. Good luck
Votes: +0
19 Nov 2014
Haha love the "I am in no way psychotic" !! Thank you!
17 Nov 2014
Who ordered this "bump up?"
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19 Nov 2014
Myself as I am in nursing school and during my clinical days my anxiety is creeping up
19 Nov 2014
Well. that does not qualify you to Dr yourself.
8 Aug 2015
That's a huge bump! You are supposed to ^^ Cymbals gradually. You should have only gone to 90 mg and stayed at that for a while. A 3-month nursing student, whose life has changed in so many ways, and is facing anxiety issues, especially, should not be prescribing her own meds! I hope you've learned that by now since I see your post is older.
You are on the maximum dosage for the Cymbalta, as you know. There are other medications such as the benzodiazepines like xanax or klonopin for anxiety. I use to take Cymbalta with Klonopin, a long acting benzo, and found the combination very effective. Keep in mind benzodiazepines are addictive and must be taken only as directed. You must taper off when it is time to d/c because of the risk of seizure.
Votes: +0
16 Nov 2014
Thanks for the post! still thinking of adding one but my doctor friend said I shouldn't add one and should exercise instead.