i started taking Adderall for AADD nine months ago. I broke out in lesions on my scrotum and arms. My right arm swelled and my shoulder became very painful. I went to my Doctor who said it wasn't a drug allergy and She didn't know what it was. Several months latter I went to see he again, extremely ill. I was debilitated, having severe muscle spasms in my hands, feet and legs. I had severe kidney impairment and my right eye was nearly swollen shut. She now told me that this was caused by my diabetes, which has always been under control and my A1C is always normal or close to it. Next. I developed a very thick gluey Coat on my tongue. Finally, I realized that these were symptoms of fungal infection. I went to see her with this idea. She told me that my tongue looked normal to her but she gave me a 7 day course of fluconazole. Thing began to improve immediately but not completely. I returned just before the Fluconazole ran out and told her what was happening. I thought it obvious that all of this was caused by fungal infection. After explaining to her my theory she once again told me that my tongue looked fine but gave my more Fluconazole and referred me, at my request to an infectious disease specialist. That day I went to my ADD prescriber and told her my theory. She thought we should change medications so I started on Vyanase. The infection which was almost gone came back with a vengeance. Fortunately, I had the new Fluconazole prescription, and things are steadily improving after I switched back to Adderall. I do realize that these medications do not cause the fungal infection but rather seem to change the body's PH and delicate flora balance. This is why I'm following up with the Infectious Disease Specialist. I haven't been well for years with a variety of symptom. I have read studies which indicate Amphetamines cause fungal infections in rats and yeast infections in Women. Has anyone else has a similar experience or know anything that could shed light on this process?
Can ADD medications like Adderall exacerbate fungal infections?
Question posted by ALDP03 on 5 March 2015
Last updated on 28 February 2019 by Danacmcdonald
3 Answers
It may be yeast overgrowth! Try BONE broth. Look up the facts and benefits of bone broth re: fungal infections... it works. Sounds crazy..i had sores for 2 .5 years and 7 days after bone broth they are healed!!!
Hi there,I hope you're feeling better..first of all. But let me shed some light on it for you. First and foremost,you need to have your house checked for mold. I've read your post and my heart goes out to you... as my family has been thru three years of Hell over it. It was everywhere in my house. Go see an allergist/immune doc they can*maybe help. If you've developed the antigens to the molds, most likey they're in your house or workplace. They meaning the molds you will be allergic to. You can email me my name is aleta and add 3930 to it and Gmail. I've had lesions all over my body for two years 3 months and 23 days. But who's counting,right? I can help you . Best regards Aleta
Hi there! I've been searching "The Google" (lol) for info on fungal infections, because I think thats what I've been dealing with myself for years now, but only just found out. I've taken a number of ADHD meds over the years and still am on 2 (Vyvanse and Focalin). Apparently, systemic fungal infections (like Candidemia, which I think is what I have) are VERY common among certain populations- often contracted during hospital stays, among the immunosuppressed and people aged 60+. However, young healthy people CAN still be at risk. Risk factors= use of oral contraceptives (I was on the pill for approx 17 years); frequent use of antibiotics (Yup, I used to get CONSTANT UTI's in college and grad school, and also currently still take them often due to foot issues/chronic ingrown nails which get infected 98% of the damn time). Also, chronic psychological stress is a huge factor (I've got that in spades too lol). Also, diets high in sugar/carbs/gluten.
put you at risk. About 2-3 years ago, I went through some serious personal stuff and that's what took my symptoms to the max. At this point they are almost unbearable. They make it difficult for me to think, work, function, EVERYTHING!!! I can't remember ANYTHING, absent-minded as HELL. Constantly EXHAUSTED. Frequent vaginal yeast infections and BV. GI issues (nausea, heartburn, bloating). No motivation, no ability to focus, constant severe headaches, red blotches on my skin, increase in allergies and sensitivities (to all sorts of random stuff). Menstrual issues. The list goes on. I've been telling my therapist for years now, I don't feel like the person I once was, but can't completely explain why/how. Like someone took my brain/personality and replaced it with a paperweight (lol). But I feel like my life/functioning have been stolen from me. And I think fungal infection may be the issue. I'm working with a doctor who is a naturopath, and trying to get this cleared up, but its gonna be ROUGH! But if this gets severe enough, this crap CAN be deadly, its no joke (it can spread to and begin destroying other organs/tissues). Frankly I'm terrified because this might require that I stop my meds at some point and possibly go onto a Paleo style diet (I've been vegetarian for almost 20 years), at least temporarily. I was still in the process of rebuilding my life from the stuff I dealt with 3 years ago, then this hits me. I was supposed to be in school finishing up my PhD by now, instead I'm back living in my parents home and barely able to hold a part time job because I've basically become tired, dumb, and incapable. I want my life back!
Also, debilitating joint and muscle pain..I used to workout and do martial arts like 5-6 days a week. I can barely climb a set of stairs anymore. Anyone that may have experience with this or can offer and info/advice, please do!
It sounds like you have been dealing with a fungus for years, hopefully the id dr will figure it out for you. When you become slightly ill the fungus takes advantage of that. Our bodies are wonders and each of us is difference. Your experience is what is happening for you and that's all that matters. I have seen people, mostly diabetics, who have a constant infection just waiting for an excuse to pop out. If adderall is your trigger, then its your trigger.
You are correct. I am a diabetic, but it was found (I thought) quickly and controlled. Perhaps it has done more damage than I believe. I was careless with my diet because my readings - both daily glucose and A1C were reasonable good. I did see some high glucose levels that quickly subsided. I believe I have had this fungal infection for years. I have neurotically symptom and colitis attacks. I have tremor and neuropathy in my feet. It could all be related to Diabetes and the systemic fungal infection. I am improving daily on Fluconazole, and still take adderall. I think my system is acheiving balance with the Adderall in my system. It's a strage ballet. If I don't take it I show symptoms of not having adequate fungal flora. I run out of Fluconzole the day before I see the specialit, who should see the fungal infection in full bloom. My hope is that can then eliminate it and then go on to determine if it just diabetes or some other underlying cause. Thanks so much for the info!
Well, infectious diseases doc was no help. He acknowledged that I had a fungal infection but failed to see the existing one because he was looking for thrush. I'm sure I have a non Candidal fugal infection and it is not white so the Docs look right at it and don't see it. My infection is categorized by a large median line in my tongue and enlarged taste buds. I periodically get a white lesion on the tip of my tongue but it's not always present. He didn't even order any test. Meanwhile' I feel this infection continuing, as it has for years, in my joints,feet and jock itch. I'm trying to figure out what to do next.
Did you ever get this resolved? I had a theory too and I was right..I went to a private lab and asked them what was coming out of my skin... rhodotorula minutia..a yeast caused by aspergillus . Let me know.
Related topics
adderall, infections, fungal infections, doctor, medication, lesion, shoulder
Further information
- Adderall uses and safety info
- Adderall prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Adderall (detailed)
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