I'm 23 years old and never suffered from bad skin when I was in my teens at all, it was when I was about 21 all of a sudden out of nowhere I started getting really bad skin cystic acne on my cheeks and chin area it was really painful & embarrassing I absolutely hated it! I tried allsorts of tetracycline anti biotics and creams which didn't work its not until just recently my GP arranged an appointment with my local dermatologist and they started me on Isotrettin (Accutane) in the first few weeks I noticed my skin started to clear up abit and I was so glad I had started on it I had the side effects of chapped lips dry skin etc and I am now on my 5th week and my skin has become worse than ever! The cysts have come back with even more than there was before, its been that bad I haven't been to work for the past 2 days because i'm so embarrassed by it! I still have really dry skin and I thought the medication was supposed to dry up your sebaceous glands in order to prevent breakout/cysts?? so I don't understand why my skin started to improve and has now gone worse than ever? its really getting me down and I am now wishing I had never started it! is it going to improve anytime soon? please someone give me some feedback it would be much appreciated.