I accidentally took one of my mothers Remerons, how long wil it stay in my system?
Question posted by jami63m on 12 Sep 2013
Last updated on 14 September 2013
She is prescribed them for depression, and I mistook one for an Excedrin. She keeps several different meds in a small Excedrin bottle and it looked just like an Excedrin. I have a job interview with a drug test next week and I need to find out how long one 45mg tab will stay in my blood system.
Hello jami63m. In regards to Mirtazapine/Remeron the half life is between 12 to 14 hours. Regards pledge
Votes: +1
13 Sep 2013
Thanks for the info. I have a Rx for it and just knowing that can be beneficial to me at some point. Never hurts to know how the meds we are taking can affect us, etc.
12 Sep 2013
People should never, ever keep multiple meds in the same bottle for this very reason. It is just too easy to make a mistake, forget what you have etc. Remeron isnt a controlled substance so it is doubtful they will be looking for it in a drug screen. Most drugs can be detected in urine around 3-5 days give or take a few days. I'm not completely sure on Remeron. It has a long half life so it may hang around longer but I dont think you'll have anything to worry about because they wont be likely to test for it. Employers are looking for illegal drugs and controlled sustances being used illegally. They could care less about whatever else you take. The only exception may be a DOT job-they restrict more stuff because if a driver gets sleepy from medication it can be a problem if he/she is driving but most jobs are just screening for controlled medications and illegal substances.
Votes: +3
14 Sep 2013
What if you keep your pills in a weekly case for the whole week? The one I use I can take any day of the week out & I can take it with me when I eat out. Are you saying that illegally to do?
12 Sep 2013
Its not going to be around next week. Tell your Mom what she does is very dangerous. Meds should be kept in the bottle they came in.
Votes: +2
12 Sep 2013
It can actually be illegal, in some cases, to keep meds in a container other than a labelled container they came in.
13 Sep 2013
In some states, if you are pulled over by police for anything - tail light out, rolling thru red sign, or just because they feel like it, they have the right to ask if you have any drugs, etc in the vehicle. A bottle with obvious different meds can get you a ticket at least, and possible get them confiscated.