I got prescribed 20mg of the instant release adderall twice a day about 3 days ago. I'm 18 and have never taken medication for my ADD before. From the research online this seems like a high starting dose so was wondering if this could be because he thinks I have rather bad ADD. The first day I decided to only take one pill and it helped enormously as I was able to write a 7 page essay in a little over an hour; something that would have taken over 5 hours without it. The next day I took it about 40 min before school. I was able to get a lot done but after about 2.5 hours or so hours I noticed my productivity had noticeably dropped. About 7 hours after my 1st dose I took my 2nd which didn't seem to do all that much although I was diffidently getting more done then I would have off it. Would it possibly be better to break each pill into 2 and take maybe the other half 2 hours after taking the first half? I would be great-full for any input. Sorry about the wall of text as I have taken my first dose 2 hours ago.
Is 20mg ir adderall twice a day a normal starting dose?
Question posted by Anonymous on 26 Oct 2013
Last updated on 13 November 2022 by WildcatVet
10 Answers
Hi, Anon!
The recommended initial dose for ADD is 5mg once or twice daily. It can be increased by 5mg every week or so if needed but not to exceed 40mg/day.
You might want to verify with your doctor that your dosage is correct.
It can be that the dosage is too high and worked well on the first day because it was a surprise to your system. The starting dose is generally half of what your doctor prescribed and each dose should give at least a 4 hour coverage up to 6 or max 7 hours
Adderall is different than vyvanse. I am prescribed both and have been on both at different times. Vyvanse is better to me to take in the morning at 7AM and to last till 4-5PM. That is when i would take my 20mg Adderall. It works for me cause i work from 7AM-9PM. Vyvanse also doesn't give me anxiety like adderall does so i can also break up my vyvanse throughout the day. My doctor told me i can put half of my vyvanse pill in water in the morning (7AM) and take the rest later (3-5PM). That is if your are prescribed 70mg vyvanse. Or you can take the 70mg vyvanse in the morning 6AM and *IF NEEDED* take your 20mg adderall at 5pm.
I would definitely start out taking one dose and and half and seeing how it affects you. Everyone is different. Vyvanse might be more for you if you want a long and steady feel of the release.
I take Adderall 20 mg twice a day. About to ask my doctor to bump my dose up,!
Hi! I take a 20mg once in the morning and it gets me through the day. At first, you're going to feel a good burst of energy and happy feeling. That happy feeling tends to wear off, but the energy stays for about 7hrs. Usually it goes up and down through the day, but it stays there. Don't do more. You're body will adapt to a 20mg. Don't adapt it to a 40mg dose.
Your doctor prescribed a starting dose based on many factors including your symptoms, weight, other meds you take and the experiences other patients have had with a drug. Your doctor also reads the results of the most recent studies and may make adjustments accordingly. There is no such thing as a defined high or low dose. Some people take 60mg a day. Others take 20. If you feel the side effects are worse than the condition the drugs are meant to treat tell your doctor. If you're not getting the effect you want tell your doctor. To state the obvious mds go to school for aclong time and have years of experience prescribing meds. They're not always right but your doctor's dosing advice is better than your best guess or interpretation of what's high or low. But give your doctor feedback. Good luck!
What kind doctor u need find im researching to find me doctor here in Michigan for the medicine im just asking are there specific doctors?
Hiya Angela hopefully you already have found a doctor by now but Incase you didn't my regular family doctor prescribed mine. A 20 mg pill twice daily. Mine is to give me energy.. To counteract the pain meds that make me drowsy. I don't have ADD however the pain meds do make me lose thought and attention span.
Im 27 years old and weigh 175lbs. In my experience and I've been taking Adderall for about 7 months, everybody is different. 10 MG twice a day for me is the most I can take or I can't sleep at night and get bad side effects, dry mouth/pissing 20 times a day/can't sleep/ bad come down. I have to take a day off every 3 days or I become lethargic and weak. If i take one with breakfast at 8am and 1 with lunch at 12pm im good. It does wear off after about 3 hours and you come down pretty hard. The attention benefits last about 4 hours, the side effects keep up for about 8 hours, the more you take the worst the come down will be, so only take what helps because if you overdose, when it wears off your going to feel really depressed and uncomfortable.
I'm on 10-20 a day.
I take a 40mg dose of Vyvanse around 7AM, then I'm prescribed 20mg of Adderall to be taken as needed thru out the rest of the day--from 1-3PM, when the Vyvanse seems to start wearing off...
I got the best results taking 20mg Vyvanse at 7AM and another 20mg about 2/3PM, but because 1 Vyvanse pill is supposed to work ALL day (not sure who decided this, but it's certainly NOT the case with me)...
But my doctor told me with the Adderall, I could take 10mg then 5mg as needed (cutting in half) etc... He also said if I didn't feel I needed much at first, I could cut the first 10mg in half, too... So basically, starting at 2-3PM taking anywhere from 5mg-20mg as needed thru the rest of the day...
Hope this helps!
I'm also on adderall but I'm a little older. Yea that is a pretty high dose I take 30mg twice a day. Except I take mine different I take both in the morning and I'm good all day til 7 or8pm. But if half a pill works for you then you should break them up and take half every 4 hrs. Til you get use to them. If you take a whole one in the morning make sure you take the other within 6 hrs. More like 5 1/2 hrs. So it starts wo rking before your first one wears off. Hope that somewhat helped.
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