Can I have three 5 mg cialis pills? I am 18. And how long on average does it take for the pills to kick in
I am 18 years old and was wondering if I can take three 5mg cialis pills?
Question posted by McMurray12 on 11 May 2015
Last updated on 15 May 2015 by SDA34
3 Answers
The dose for intermittant use ranges from 5mg to 20mg. If it is being taken daily it is 2.5mg to 5mg. Please note it will not enhace your experience or prolong your errection unless you have a defecit in function. It will be effective within 30 to 45 minutes after taking but again... you wouldnt notice unless you had a problem. it requires arrousal to work and uses normal pathways to achieve its effect. Additionally, its effect on errectial dysfunction was discovered while the drug was being researched as a blood pressure med... It is also used to treat pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs). As others have stated it is not without risk of adverse effects cardiovascular and others. Priapism, as referred to, occurs in up to 2% of users. It is an errection lasting more than 4 hours that if not surgically released within a certain time frame will cause permenant loss of function. Please do not use without the guidance and monitoring of a physician for a true dysfunction.
There is no way you need Cialis at 18 years old, that has side effects beware.
Unless you have erectile dysfunction its not appropriate for you. Using it when not needed can mean an extended erection and a very painful trip to the er.
Related topics
cialis, erectile dysfunction, pill
Further information
- Cialis uses and safety info
- Cialis prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Cialis (detailed)
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