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Varenicline for Smoking Cessation User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Tyrvaya Champix

Varenicline has an average rating of 8.6 out of 10 from a total of 1460 reviews for the treatment of Smoking Cessation. 84% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 9% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Varenicline

  • pfano
  • May 13, 2009

Chantix (varenicline) "I have smoked for 38 years. I liked smoking. I never let my cigarettes run out. They were a friend. I could not imagine life without cigarettes. Chantix changed that. Chantix made cigarettes less important to me. I dwindled down to one cigarette a day over 6 weeks, and when the pack ran out, I didn't buy another one. I had the crazy dreams, brief nausea, and I also became terse, impatient, and snappy. When I started the 8th week, I decided to cut down to one pill a day to wean myself off the drug. I am still smoke-free. My mood has improved. I feel more like myself only I don't want to smoke. If I can Quit, You can Quit. Try it. LIVE BETTER WITHOUT CIGARETTES. GOOD LUCK!"

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  • Steve...
  • February 21, 2020

Champix (varenicline) "I stopped smoking after only about 12 days on Champix. The only problem was as soon as I doubled the dose, as instructed, I developed heart arrhythmia, chest pains, a panic attack leaving me in the hospital, and now, 6 weeks on, I'm paying $1,000 for urgent private cardiac assessments to try and save my job, my house, my life. Finally, symptoms seem to be subsiding a little after 6-7 weeks. Be very careful, people. My advice is to stick to half dose, i.e., one in the morning, one at night."

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  • dnlea...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 21, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) "This is my 3rd time taking Chantix. 1st 2 times I didn't want to, nor did I try to quit. I've now been taking Chantix for 10 days. I quit on day 7. After 27 hours, I tested the waters and took a drag off a cig. Felt like I was inhaling dirt from a dust storm. 1 puff and I put it out. I've smoked for 29 years. In previous attempts to quit, I got so depressed I couldn't get out of bed, crying all day until I gave in and smoked. I have COPD, asthma, and take 6 or more breathing treatments (that don't help). With the Chantix, I don't feel the withdrawal and I'm not depressed. My biggest issue has been the desire and feeling of loss, but since the puff I took was awful, that feeling is less intense. I'll post again when I'm further along, but for the 1st time in my life I don't feel I need or want to smoke again."

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Frequently asked questions

  • dmile...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 8, 2014

Chantix (varenicline) "I will be 47 in two weeks and have been smoking since I was 14, that's thirty-three years. I was up to a pack and a half a day. I was super skeptical and a bit leery after reading the bad experiences some people had when using Chantix. I experienced no side effects other than feeling slightly nauseated one morning because I had not eaten anything before I took it. I lost cravings, no desire for the morning smoke before and with coffee from the second day and the 'cheat week' was much more than I needed. Those two drags off a cigarette I would take every now and then were pretty nasty and I would brush my teeth immediately. It was far easier to quit than I ever imagined. Just do it!"

10 / 10
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  • Lilipet
  • June 1, 2016

Champix (varenicline) "I started Champix on 6th March 2016 and wondered if they would work after smoking 20 a day for 50 years. On the 13th day, I felt really sick when I lit a cigarette, so the next day I had no desire to have one. I'm into my 11th week without a cigarette and feel so much better. Oh, and I have been taking one tablet a day as two were too much for me. The side effects I had were waking up at three each morning, and after stopping the night tablet, my sleeping pattern returned. Many friends, colleagues, and family have remarked on how lovely my skin has become since quitting. If I can do it after all those years, so can you... Good Luck."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Jules
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 30, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) "I smoked for the 1st month while taking Chantix, waiting for cigs to taste bad, but it never came. I did notice after about 3 weeks I was smoking out of habit and cigs were not doing anything for me, so the 3rd day after starting the 1 mg 2x a day, I said no more, but really wanted one, but strong enough to say no even though it’s basically going through my mind a hundred times a day. I actually got through it. And the next day and the next. Today I am only 8 days without a cig and I still often say I want 1, but strong enough to say no. I have sat next to people that were smoking and it didn’t bother me at all. Taking 1 or 2 tokes of weed a day has helped me because breathing in smoke or something. Now not using that for a crutch. Side effects - few vivid dreams and also I can’t seem to control my anger. I get mad and confrontational, I blow up and then force myself to take a time out. I’m not sure if it’s the meds or just me getting rid of nicotine."

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  • Coger...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 17, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) "I was a 40 years plus smoker and needed to quit due to severe COPD. I smoked when I first started taking Chantix for 2 weeks, and then I had no desire to smoke anymore. It actually worked, I was skeptical due to how long I have been smoking. Now I am thankful I can breathe a lot better."

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  • Robbie
  • December 6, 2015

Chantix (varenicline) "Pack a day which started at age of 23. Smoked for about 10 years. Hard-headed. Binge drinker; I could smoke 2 packs during my drinking sessions. Started using Chantix after multiple times of cold turkey quitting. Within 2 months, I stopped. This March will be 3 years. If I can do it, you can. Trust me. I'm weak-minded and totally soft."

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  • Wanna...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 20, 2018

Chantix (varenicline) "I will be starting my 3rd month of Chantix in a few days. I’ve smoked a pack a day for 35 years. I’ve been diagnosed with stage 2 COPD. I’m down now to 5-6 cigarettes a day. I will smoke my very last cigarette tonight. However, the side effects as far as nausea have been very hard to tolerate. But I’ve learned from my doctor that I can take Zantac, and it works really well with the stomach upset. My dreams can be really vivid. I have some depression. I do find myself more tired and irritable, eating more and experiencing weight gain. The medication works, but you have to let it do its job, and you have to work with it. I’m stubborn, and I like smoking. I decided to try Chantix because I first read the reviews in here, and you all were my inspiration. I thank you for that, and I hope my quit date tomorrow, 12/20, is successful so that on Christmas, I may have the first few days of the rest of my life smoke-free to report to my kids. Thanks for listening, and thanks for your help."

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  • tom...
  • October 29, 2014

Champix (varenicline) "A smoker for 30 years and decided to try Champix after several failed attempts at quitting, three days into the course I hated the taste of smoking. That was 14 months ago. Take Champix with food to stop the sickly feeling. Don't give up, give them a chance, they work."

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  • Tano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 20, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) "I started taking Chantix when my mom, who passed away years ago, but I continued to smoke the rest of the month and the next month. Noticing I wasn’t going outside in the evening as much to smoke. I quit Sept 1, 2019, I continued to take Chantix for about 3 weeks after, only once a day. Side effects: more vivid dreams, so I took Chantix in the morning, and if I didn’t take my second dose by 4 PM, I didn’t take it. I don’t know if that’s recommended, but it worked for me. I never had the urge to smoke once I stopped, and I'd smoked for 40 years."

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  • Bootc...
  • November 2, 2018

Champix (varenicline) "Coming up on 1 year on 8th Nov. This product WORKS, but you have to WANT to quit. I had gained weight and needed to exercise. I started exercising, but I could barely breathe due to the cigs. I was still smoking when I started exercising. I started to lose weight. I wanted to work harder, and I knew it would only happen if I quit cigs. So I started Champix. By the 10th day, I was smoking less. I also could not smoke an entire cigarette. On day 13, I had my last cig. I basically got through the day without any cigs. On my 4th month, my dad passed away. But still, I didn't smoke. I am now running half marathons. I am fitter and stronger than ever before. My hair and clothes don't stink. My skin looks amazing. I had some side effects: insomnia and headaches. The exercise early in the morning helped with the insomnia. And I took headache tablets. But a small price to pay for saving my own life. I am my own hero!"

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  • Dingo
  • November 16, 2019

Champix (varenicline) "Have tried to give up smoking in the past with other methods, always returned to the fags. However, had a health issue that basically said give up or that will be your life over, so had to give Champix a go. My husband also is trying to give up in support of me. I smoked for 40+ years, so a big habit to quit. I have found the Champix a challenge, to be honest, it's the nausea and fatigue, but also I have started a shed load of other medication too, so could be these as well. My husband has no side effects at all now, he had a bit of restlessness at night. I have sleepless nights, but dreams have stopped. We are both on day 28. I haven't smoked for 14 days, my husband has had one roll-up a day for 14 days, but I still think this is amazing. Reading tips on this forum, I will try to take the morning tablet with milk and the evening one after dinner to see if this helps reduce nausea. I will continue taking the Champix, as although I crave a cigarette and feel a bit flat, this is the best it's ever been without nicotine."

8 / 10
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  • Ya Ya
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 9, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) "This is my third time on Chantix. The first time, I had quit smoking for three months. The second time, Chantix made me so sick I had to quit taking it. This time, it made me extremely ill, so I quit taking it two times a day, and I now take it only in the morning-one pill once a day, and so far, so good. I’m 6 weeks smoke-free so far. I get a lot of cravings, but I get through them. I keep telling myself how I can breathe better. I don’t cough anymore, and I don’t stink. I don’t want to be that person anymore. I never liked the smell, and now that my sense of smell is even better since I quit, the smell of cigarettes is even worse. This time, I will make it."

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  • Smith
  • April 6, 2019

Champix (varenicline) "Champix works! I have been a chronic smoker for 28 years, tobacco and skunk marijuana. My teeth started to fall out through smoking at about age 24. I knew smoking meant I would have a short life, or worse, let me live with something horrific. The nightmares I had were horrible and absolutely real. I woke and wondered if what I dreamed was actually real, thank God not. Such weird stuff. Sometimes I thought how could my brain actually come up with these things? Having said that, nothing else has ever worked for me. Don’t underestimate the struggle that you are going through, it’s not for everyone. For me, it’s the only thing that works. Give yourself time, relax, it will get better. I’m starting to deal with the nightmares, they get easier and don’t last. You're doing the best thing in your life ever! I would also say if it causes so much stress, don’t be afraid to seek an alternative course of treatment. God bless you, and good luck!"

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  • tracj...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 16, 2014

Chantix (varenicline) "I started taking Chantix in August after filling the prescription in late June. I had read so many reviews on mood, behavior, and emotional changes, I was so afraid to take it. I had to make a decision and finally started the first week of August. The first 2 days I had severe nausea and confusion. I called my doctor, they advised to take it right after a meal. I did that the next day and had no nausea or confusion. I'm so glad I did not give up on this medicine. To be honest, I have had a few cigarettes here and there. I guess after smoking since I was 16 (now 42), it's a hard habit to break. I don't even enjoy smoking at all. I take a couple of puffs, and the taste is so disgusting in my mouth that I put the cigarette out. I'm done smoking. Go for it."

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  • Pj1970
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 2, 2019

Champix (varenicline) "Smoked for the first 3 weeks while taking the Champix, then stopped, not had any smoking since and no urges either. I have smoked 60 a day for 30 years. Now on the last week of the course, so time will tell now."

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  • Bristol
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 30, 2020

Champix (varenicline) "I have smoked on and off for 10 years. I must say that I have completely tried almost everything, so one day I searched the net to see if there's a tablet to stop smoking, and wow, I came across this Champix. So I researched it, then went online to a doctor for an assessment, which I paid £35.00 for the starter pack. I took it for 7 days and that was it, no more smoking, now back to my gyming. Honestly, it really is a bad habit and it's powerful, and those who do not smoke wouldn't understand how hard it is. I work for the NHS. Thanks for reading."

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  • trudy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 24, 2015

Champix (varenicline) "I was prescribed Champix by my doctor and started on the them on the 12th January. I had to pick a date as a quit date, I chose the 25th Jan. I was a heavy smoker for over 20 years and on 2 packs of 20 a day (awful). I am proud to say I am a non-smoker after taking Champix for just 12 days. To me, this medicine is a pure miracle. I have to finish my tablets which were to last for 14 days. I have had headaches and really bad dreams that have woken me, but I can live with that. I have no cravings at all to smoke, and the thought of it does make me feel a bit of nausea. I just pray this lasts as it truly is a miracle medicine."

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  • Saw
  • June 10, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) "I used Chantix to quit smoking, and 1 and a half weeks after I started, I quit smoking. I did the whole 3-month program, and now I have been smoke-free for 11 and 3/4 years. I don’t even like the smell of cigarettes now. Thank you, Chantix."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 11, 2014

Chantix (varenicline) "Within a month, I had quit smoking after 47 years. My wife and son were so thankful to the manufacturers of Chantix. I had wanted to quit for a long time and just did not have the willpower to do it. Thanks to Chantix, the support of my family and friends. At 64, I am smoke-free and I am going to stay smoke-free. If there was some way for me to plead with every smoker out there to get Chantix and give it an honest try to quit, I am pretty sure if they want to quit there will be a 100% success rate."

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  • Hamil...
  • January 27, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) "I have only been on Chantix for about 5 weeks. I stopped smoking 5 days ago. Cravings are minimal and go away after about 10 minutes. If you have tried everything and are desperate to stop smoking, it does work. The side effects can vary: headaches, nausea, bloating, constipation, but it is the only thing that just stopped me after 37 years of smoking. If you have any past mental health issues, talk to your doctor. If you are using alcohol while taking Chantix, even in small amounts... DON'T! It does work, but you have to be ready to stop smoking."

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  • YayId...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 1, 2019

Champix (varenicline) "I have been a serial quitter for years. I have tried with NRT, praying, rehab, you name it. I’m on week 3 of Champix, yesterday was my quit day. The first 2 weeks, I had experienced hot sweats after each smoke, which made me put the smoke down. I naturally cut back to a few of only half a smoke straight away, and quit day was real easy. Today, I didn’t think about it at all. A little tired and lazy during the day, but “so what,” I’m just letting my body heal. Sleeping well, dreaming a lot, but I love that side effect! I’m feeling like “I’ve won the battle!” The only reason I never tried it earlier is because people were giving me bad input, like “you’ll get mental health problems, etc.” but it’s done the opposite. I can’t thank you enough. This has saved my life and my financial troubles in one swoop. No side effects at all today. Loving it!"

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  • Hana
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 5, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) "I started this medication because I was desperate to stop smoking. After looking online and seeing the terrible side effects, I was hesitant, so I talked to my nurse. She said I would be fine. So I started it. The first day, I was really frustrated with everything and everyone. I yelled so much that day I drove myself crazy. I woke up the next morning and took my dose, was fine all day, and finally wasn’t crabby, felt good. Later that night, I started getting a pain in my chest. I got up to get some air and I couldn’t breathe. I started panicking and wasn’t getting any air in, so my heart started pounding. Finally, I got my breathing back, then my body started to shake uncontrollably. I ended up having to call 911. Please be very careful taking this medication. I stopped after that day and I’ve been okay since. That was so traumatizing, I don’t want that to happen to anyone."

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  • Happy...
  • October 30, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) "I was extremely skeptical about Chantix. I needed to quit. I have tried gum, patches, lozenges-nothing worked, and the withdrawals were always really bad using the nicotine replacements. Now on Chantix, I have been 78 days without a cigarette, and my husband smokes. I don't even want a cigarette. I weaned myself off the Chantix, afraid I would have side effects like the other nicotine replacements-nothing. The only side effect was I had one weird dream that I was pregnant with twins, and I'm 51, that was as scary as it can get. I am so happy with this product, and the quit app is good too. In the beginning, I thought the app was lame, but I found myself really looking forward to checking it. I didn't smoke today on the calendar. Thank you, Chantix."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.