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Prednisone for Pharyngitis User Reviews

Brand names: Rayos

Prednisone has an average rating of 9.1 out of 10 from a total of 16 reviews for the treatment of Pharyngitis. 94% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.

Prednisone rating summary

9.1 average rating out of 10

16 ratings from 16 user reviews.

Compare all 43 medications used in the treatment of Pharyngitis.


Reviews for Prednisone

  • Anonymous
  • August 12, 2008

"I have had a sore throat for a week. I went to the doctor with a fever, body aches, and sore throat. He gave me a strep test and it was negative. Antibiotics did not work because it is viral and not bacterial. I started feeling better in a few days, and then my sore throat switched from my right side to left side and was worse than before with no fever or body aches. Went back to the doctor 6 days later. Was given another strep test and mono test, both negative. Doctor put me on prednisone, and sore throat went away within 9 hours. Feeling much better."

9 / 10
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71 Report
  • Throat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 17, 2015

"I came down with a fever and severe sore throat over the weekend. Felt like I was swallowing glass. Finally went to the doctor on Sunday and was diagnosed with strep throat. They gave me antibiotics and prednisone. Took my first dose at 7 PM Sunday and woke up Monday feeling about 80% better. By Monday evening, throat has almost zero pain. Amazing. However, it is midnight and I can't fall asleep and just want to get up and clean out a closet, so that might be a negative. I will take it over the glass throat though. :)"

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Dani
  • May 29, 2017

"I have taken prednisone for other reasons than this razor/glass feeling sore throat, fever, and body aches and have hated it! I went to urgent care, who told me I didn't have strep, and this was viral. I asked if there was anything they could give me to help open me up because my nose was stuffy and my throat felt constricted, they said steam. The next day, I was able to be squeezed in at my doctor's office. He figures viral too, but gave me prednisone. Within a few hours, I noticed the difference in my airflow down my windpipe, and that says a lot because I take oxygen for a heart defect. For all the times I hated taking prednisone before because of side effects, I am happily taking it for the worst sore throat I have ever had in my life!"

9 / 10
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27 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Darling
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 8, 2020

"Woke up with a horrific sore throat yesterday. As the day went on the pain became more and more severe. By bedtime I was in so much pain I couldn't swallow and my neck and ears were positively throbbing, I didn't get a wink of sleep. I went to urgent care this afternoon because I could not stand it anymore. The doctor said my rapid strep was negative and it was a viral throat infection he's seen going around. He couldn't believe how swollen my throat and glands were and immediately said you need steroids. I've never taken prednisone before and I was nervous because I tend to get a lot of side effects with medications. It is now 11pm, I had my first prednisone dose (not sure the dosage, I know it was a high dose though according to the doctor) at 4pm and I already feel 60% better. I am amazed! I did not have any negative side effects. I have a 10 day rx for it. I recommend this drug."

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • Tonya...
  • August 6, 2017

"My throat was so sore I couldn't sleep. After 3 weeks of little sleep and swollen tonsils I finally asked the doc for something, she prescribed me prednisone. Couldn't believe it, by that night I was sleeping with no itchyness at all!!! What a miracle drug."

10 / 10
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21 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Miracle
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 27, 2019

"prednisone gets 10 out of 10 for me and my strep throat and that went septic. Tried Penicillin, went a whole 7 days still in agony until the doc switched me to Augmentin. That did the trick within hours. Finished the 10 day course of Augmentin, and a couple of days later, my sore throat came back x 10 fold. Tested negative twice for strep this time. At Urgent Care, they prescribed prednisone 40mg daily for 5 days. Today is day 3, and I'm feeling 100% better. Still coughing up some thick mucus stuff but I honestly think I'm talking it into myself because I'm so worried that the agonizing pain is going to come back once this 5 days is up. Going to see ENT on Monday for the first time, but today is Friday and it's working and please please please let this be what my throat needed along with the Clindamycin I am now on!"

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 3, 2011

"I went to the doctor Tuesday after feeling a sore throat Monday morning. Tuesday I woke up with white puss on my tonsils, couldn't swallow at all (felt like I was swallowing glass), and was going through hot and cold flashes and had to go to my doctor immediately. I tested negative for strep throat. I was put on amoxicillin for three days, and nothing worked. I went back on Friday, had a shot of prednisone as well as a prescription for it lasting 9 days along with Avelox. I woke up Saturday morning and felt 80 percent better. I am so glad that I had the chance to take this medicine and highly endorse it."

10 / 10
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  • Kim...
  • February 8, 2018

"I got the flu. With this I had the sorest throat I've ever had in my life. I can't even describe the pain I was in! I thought if I had to go through this pain for one more minute I would absolutely go crazy! After one dose of the steroid I began to feel quite a bit of relief! After the second dose felt like I could live again! When the steroid wears off the pain comes back excruciatingly! So I know it's the steroids that work!"

10 / 10
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14 Report
  • Happy...
  • November 29, 2016

"Woke up yesterday morning to a horrible sore throat, it got significantly worse fast and I ended up having body chills fever and muscle pain all over my body. That night I couldn't sleep a wink it felt like someone was putting a hot branding iron to the back of my throat every time I swallowed, it was like I was trying to swallow raw sharp razorblades. The worst pain I could imagine. The next morning I went to the doctor and he gave me prednisone and amoxicillin for 10 days. I was about 60% better by lunch time. The releif was unbeleivable. I still can't believe how I could get better so fast from something so horrible and painful. Feeling blessed to have that nightmare behind me. Would highly recommend this corse of treatment for strep."

10 / 10
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15 Report
  • Thyro...
  • April 2, 2016

"I was prescribed this medicine on the first day when my sore throat developed. It didn't help me at all, In fact after 2 days of taking it, I felt weaker, body aching and my throat remained painful and I became giddy. When I googled the details, I realised it suppressed my immune system and it contains steroid and not suitable for people with thyroid disorder like myself (hypo thyroid). I won't take this medicine again."

1 / 10
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14 Report
  • Rach
  • December 26, 2016

"Started w/ a sore throat on a Wednesday. By Friday I had white pus on my tonsils, fever, body aches, chills and felt like I was swallowing glass. Saw my doctor Friday and was given an antibiotic (which wasn't strong enough). Went back to the doctor on Monday because my tonsils were so swollen and full of pus, I literally couldn't talk or swallow. The absolute worse pain ever, I'd rather give birth! My doctor gave me an IV of antibiotics and prednisone. Also a prescription. By 5 pm on Monday I was 85% better. I could function and my throat was no longer horribly sore. I'm rating this a 9 bc I've experienced the side effect of trouble breathing when at rest, it's bearable but causing me to be anxious. Otherwise, the prednisone was great."

9 / 10
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12 Report
  • Sim
  • March 7, 2019

"Was having high fever and whole body ache, also the worst sore throat in my life! After taking 2 tabs of 5 mg prednisolone with paracetamol, within an hour, I feel I m a total healthy person ! Super effective :)"

10 / 10
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6 Report
  • Maria...
  • October 14, 2017

"Well I'm on day one of taking prednsone for mono and strep throat. This would be the 4th time taking prednisone. I was sick for 2 days. Had horrible body aches, chills, fever, cold sweats, everything to do with strep and mono. Doctor prescribed me prednisone and I start feeling better less than an hour after taking it. Only down side is you can't sleep. Other then that, I like the drug because it wipes out the disease fast. It's heavy duty, but should not be taken for a long time as it destroys your immune system. Is great from short term use though."

10 / 10
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5 Report
  • NVsho...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 28, 2018

"I was prescribed this for a persistent sore throat and cough. It has worked very well although I have had a rapid heartbeat since starting it. I'm hoping after my dose tappers off my side effect will diminish. Overall good drug."

8 / 10
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3 Report
  • Poohby
  • May 24, 2016

"Went to the Dr with sore throat and chills ,the night before I tossed and turned with pain and sweats...went to the er got a dose of Prednisone and within a few hours I felt 80% better"

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • Mohamed
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 2, 2022

"I’m feeling better with corticosteroids really is good"

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