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Niacin for High Cholesterol User Reviews

Brand names: Niaspan, Heliocare Advanced, Endur-acin, HDL Benefit, Niacor, Niacin SR, Slo-Niacin, B-3-50 B3-500-Gr NiaVasc …show all brand names

Niacin has an average rating of 6.0 out of 10 from a total of 41 reviews for the treatment of High Cholesterol. 46% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Niacin rating summary

6.0 average rating out of 10

41 ratings from 47 user reviews.

Compare all 293 medications used in the treatment of High Cholesterol.


Reviews for Niacin

  • Stron...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 28, 2013

Slo-Niacin (niacin) "My doctor wanted me to take statins with 225 cholesterol. I didn't want to (63 yrs old). She then suggested 500 mg of Slo-Niacin twice a day with a baby aspirin. I started it but in a few days I was terribly constipated. I backed off to once a day which helped. Then I started taking potassium iodine (kelp) and the constipation problem is completely solved - better than ever as I've always been constipated - probably slow thyroid. Anyway, when I was taking the two Slo-Niacins a day, I felt 20 years younger. Going up a flight of stairs felt like walking on a flat surface. Now one a day so I only feel 10 years younger. I went on a hike yesterday where I walked on a steep path for 45 min and it was like flat again."

9 / 10
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85 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 9, 2009

Slo-Niacin (niacin) "Two tabs (1000 mg) lowered my total cholesterol by 30 points. Added one more tablet daily (1500 mg) which will hopefully put my cholesterol at a 'good' level. Initial side effects of flushing and weird feeling were lessened by one baby aspirin 1/2 an hour prior to taking the niacin, but mostly by taking the niacin immediately before getting into bed at night. Eventually, I stopped the aspirin (lots of bruising) and notice that I am no longer sensitive (flushing and weird feelings are gone). So far, it's great, especially since prior to starting, I lost 35 pounds, stopped eating red meat and dairy products, and began/continue on a daily exercise (walking) program to no avail in reducing my cholesterol."

10 / 10
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80 Report
  • Train...
  • July 29, 2013

Niaspan (niacin) "Age 51. I went to get my regular blood work with my doctor. My cholesterol has always been >200 and I have a family history of heart attack and stroke. I tried everything over the years, including Crestor, which was an absolute disaster for me after only 4 doses. Since then, I have tried the natural methods: Red Yeast Rice (may as well be on a statin, the side effects are basically the same) and lots of fish and krill oil. I was disappointed that my bad cholesterol was still high after all that, and my number was 219 total. Based on my unwillingness to try another statin, my doctor suggested a 500mg pill of Niaspan to be taken nightly. I have experienced no flushing as yet after a month on it and really no bad side effects. New blood results: 192! I will check back in 3 months."

8 / 10
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61 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Ashleyp
  • December 21, 2010

Niaspan (niacin) "We believe this medication, Niaspan, has caused liver failure in our father, that is what the doctors told us. So, please, anyone on this, please have your liver function tested. It is easily done by a blood test."

1 / 10
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61 Report
  • BeeJa...
  • April 7, 2011

Niaspan (niacin) "I have taken Niaspan 2000 mg for several years now. It has had great success in raising my HDL and keeping my triglycerides low. For years, I had minimal problems with flushing. But now, recently, I have had a number of episodes where I have woken up in the middle of the night with almost unbearable itching/burning skin. I took a break from the Niaspan for a couple of nights, and then when I tried it again, the itching was worse. I am going to have to discontinue this and consult with my doctor about what to do next to keep my numbers good."

5 / 10
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52 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • A Wayne
  • April 15, 2014

Niacin SR (niacin) "Been taking for over 20 years at 500 mg twice a day. Once you get over the flushing side effect in the first few months, it has been very effective at lowering and keeping cholesterol at a healthy level."

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 29, 2012

Niaspan (niacin) "Problems with flushing until the doctor told me not to eat strawberries or chocolate in the evening. I can eat them before lunch. I take Niaspan on going to bed. I eat 2 Graham crackers and 8 oz of milk when I take it. This has resolved all my problems with the medicine."

6 / 10
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43 Report
  • printer...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 23, 2013

Niaspan (niacin) "I take 1000 mg two times a day. Taking 325 mg of aspirin before I take the Niaspan helps with the flushing. I have been on Niaspan for about 3 years now, my numbers are down 10%. The little bit of flushing I do get is a lot better than the severe joint pain I had with the statin medications. I recommend taking Niaspan. It is working for me."

9 / 10
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36 Report
  • baby...
  • March 19, 2013

Niaspan (niacin) "Woke up and felt like I was on fire. Skin was red, and my heart was pounding. Nauseated and very itchy. Calling my doctor in the morning. It is not worth it. This has happened twice, but this time it is worse. Feel very sick from it. My skin is so red."

3 / 10
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36 Report
  • Jim...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 5, 2019

Niacin SR (niacin) "I have been taking Niacin SR 2000mg nightly with Zeta 10mg nightly and no side effects except a little flushing. Cholesterol has been well under 100 all the time. Dr tells me I need to take Repatha instead which has some very bad side effects. May need to change something/someone else."

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • Michael...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 22, 2017

"I started taking niacin to increase HDL and lower LDL because I suffered a heart attack a couple of years ago. It did raise my HDL and Lower the LDL a bit, but not all that much. HOWEVER, I noted an unexpected benefit. For years I would wake in the middle of night to go to the bathroom and found I was soaked in sweat. I was having disturbing dreams. They weren't terrible. Most dreams consisted of things like parking my car in a large lot and not being able to find it. Also being lost in a strange city. Or, getting a new job and not having a clue what I was doing while trying to prevent my boss from finding out how confused I was. Once I started the niacin the strange dream were gone as were the night sweats."

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23 Report
  • Jessi...
  • October 15, 2009

Niaspan (niacin) "I participate in a Niaspan clinical trial and take 2000 mg/day along with Zocor and Zetia. I'm 65 and have severe arteriosclerosis. This combination of drugs has made a dramatic difference in my cholesterol numbers. I find that I don't have the 'flushing' (actually more like BURNING) if I take the Niaspan EVERY night and follow the aspirin, applesauce, and wheat crackers technique. It's rather a hassle, but I think worth the trouble."

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40 Report
  • lov
  • August 19, 2009

Niaspan (niacin) "I started on Niaspan for 2 months, 500 at night. I had no problems at all. I took an aspirin 1/2 hr. before, then ate a snack, cottage cheese, and never had flushing or anything. I was to take two 500 a night. But when I checked the price at Wal-Mart, they were $15.00 for a 30-day supply. I just bought the flush-free niacin, been taking them now for a week, and still no flushing or felt no different. I have no problems so far with them. As soon as I have my blood test again, I will let you know how they did for me."

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39 Report
  • Dan
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 6, 2012

"I started taking niacin for my high cholesterol about two years ago. I was taking 500 mg at dinner every day with no noticeable side effects for about a year. I decided to increase the dosage: 1000 mg at dinner time. My teeth began to bother me. I didn't make the connection at first. I never have problems with my teeth. I eventually figured out it was the niacin. I quit taking it and my teeth quit aching. Anyway, I wanted to put this out there for others that might be having this experience."

6 / 10
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31 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 19, 2011

Niaspan (niacin) "When major diet changes and exercise hardly changed cholesterol at all, I was started on 1500 mg Niaspan. I do experience flushing several times a month. Wake up hot and feel like I am burning up and itchy all over. If it delays another heart attack like 14 years ago, it is a small price to pay."

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • chelo...
  • December 27, 2010

"I've been taking 500 mg niacin tablets twice daily (morning and night) for 5 years to treat congenitally low levels of HDL. Over that time, my HDL levels have increased from 25 to 60, and triglycerides have dropped from 150 to 60. The niacin treatment has been so successful that I have managed to drop simvastatin (Zocor) from my regimen. I still get mild flushing symptoms occasionally, but it is a small price to pay for the great results."

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • Train...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 16, 2014

Niaspan (niacin) "Posted about a year ago here after I first started a 500 mg nightly regimen of Niaspan. For awhile it appeared as though I would not have the usual side effect of burning skin. However, the Acid reflux I began experiencing began to worsen over time along with gastric problems at night. Then as an active person who is involved in teaching Cardio Boxing classes I began to experience weird feelings in my chest along with a more pronounced heart beat during and after exercise. Felt like I swallowed a Basketball at times. Also could not have any alcohol Beer or Wine while taking this. I decided to stop taking it in fear of creating an Arrythmyia or Stroke during my exercise which also is my Job. This is day one off of it and feel better."

4 / 10
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23 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 16, 2011

Niaspan (niacin) "Went on niacin @ 8000 mg fifteen years ago. Now on Niaspan @ 2000 mg for the last five years. First medicine that has worked well with my body. My HDL stays in the 70s and total cholesterol under 120. Dosing time and other foods have to be managed to suppress flushing."

8 / 10
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29 Report
  • Lola
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 29, 2018

Niaspan (niacin) "I took maximum dose of Niaspan for over ten years. The drug raised the uric acid levels in my body and gave me horrible gout attackā€™s and raised my blood sugar levels to prediabetic. Do not take this drug."

2 / 10
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14 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 4, 2009

Niaspan (niacin) "After a few days of taking this medication, I was awoken in the middle of night with the the warm red rash on my abdomen which was also extremely itchy. After 3 consecutive nights of the same reaction, I discontinued the medicine and called my doctor. He changed my prescription to another cholesterol medicine."

5 / 10
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25 Report
  • bewitch
  • February 13, 2011

Niaspan (niacin) "I've been on Niaspan for about 2 months, and its has been like a miracle medicine for my condition. I suffer with ulcers really bad on my fingers. Before starting the Niaspan I had ulcers on every finger on both hands (very, very, painful), was on pain medicines constantly, however I'm now off the pain medicines since last week, ulcers are drying up tremendously. The flushing is awful, the burning, and itching is hard to describe. I called my doctor and he said we can try something else, but this is working and I'm trying to hang with it. "

8 / 10
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22 Report
  • brud
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 27, 2021

"Niacin has caused depression for me. I was feeling fine mentally prior to taking niacin, I was taking it for long covid symptoms but now I feel extremely depressed. I was taking it for just over a week. Be wary it can have the opposite effect!"

1 / 10
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8 Report
  • GLAD...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 18, 2014

Niaspan (niacin) "Niaspan was prescribed by my doctor for Lipid Protein little a. My cholestrol was about 400+. I took one dose (500mg) at night and within 30 minutes I was in emergency room with anaphylactic shock. I don't remember much of anything till I woke up the next morning and was told how bad it almost was for me. I take 8 statins to maintain a cholesterol of 200."

1 / 10
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17 Report
  • tochoj
  • October 16, 2011

"After two years of taking 1g per day I developed a rash; at first with itch then it seemed to be like a very bad sunburn. Areas affected included ankles, legs, thighs, belly and biceps. A trip to the doctor, I stopped taking and went home to lots of cool showers. After a week of walking around the house naked (just the touch of clothes caused burning and itching) the rash has begun to subside. "

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • Train...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 18, 2014

Niaspan (niacin) "Off it completely for 2 days now. Acid reflux much better and more importantly no Pronounced heart beats or racing. Feeling normal again thank God. I truly believe after my experience with both Niaspan and Crestor is that they actually starve your heart of the Oxygen it needs if your an athlete. Heart rate problems or potential Arrhythmia's may not be revealed in people who have more sedentary lifestyles. The fact that the new recommendation is to stack COQ10 with the statins should prove that they can rob your heart of energy when you work it hard during intense exercise. "

4 / 10
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14 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.