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Mirena for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 3)

Mirena has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 1822 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 52% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mirena

  • becma...
  • June 27, 2014

"I have had Mirena for almost 3 years now. Getting it removed on Monday for sure. I suffer from depression, but ever since I got the Mirena, it has gotten worse, and my anxiety attacks keep coming and coming. I have severe headaches that cause my vision to be blurry in one eye, and my left side of my body goes numb. It's very scary, and I can't live like this anymore."

1 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • April 29, 2009

"I've seen so many negative reviews of Mirena online that I just wanted to share my positive experience. For the past 10 years of my life, I have had horrifying periods. I have stage 4 endometriosis and a blood clotting disorder that would leave me in bed for days in excruciating pain every month. Since getting Mirena, my life has changed incredibly. I do have some of the side effects such as mood swings, slight memory loss, and acne, but my period now lasts one day and barely hurts. I have had it for 3 months, and I will gladly deal with the side effects to continue benefiting from a life with significantly reduced pain. It's not perfect, but after years of experimental treatments with no success, I can honestly say that this works."

9 / 10
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80 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 5, 2010

"I have had the Mirena in for almost a year! I was so tired of birth control pills, and my sister had it put in and loved it! So I thought this was finally my answer to contraception. Well... over the last 10 months, I have had acne (on my back, arms, face, everywhere), and I have never been one to get acne. I have had cramping off and on, weight gain, and my stomach has been bloated up like I am pregnant. Also, I have experienced anxiety and loss of energy. All I want to do is lay around. I am getting it taken out ASAP."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Jess
  • November 8, 2014

"I am 19 years old, no kids, and the insertion was painful. I love Mirena, probably the best decision I've made in my life. Super effective, no side effects, and I have actually lost weight. I think everyone should try Mirena birth control."

10 / 10
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  • Trisha
  • February 16, 2020

"I got the IUD put in on 01/24/2020 and had little to no bleeding. I had a lot of cramping and pain. My OBGYN, whom placed it, checked it and ensured its placement. The whole time, I had uncomfortable pain and cramping to the point of tears. On 02/08/2020, my boyfriend finally took me to get checked at the urgent care. They stated that I had PID and BV due to getting my IUD. I was put on two antibiotics and further tests were put on order. After taking the meds for one week, I still had pain and cramping at the same level when I first got it. However, I had developed a fever and nausea. The urgent care doctor told me to go to the ER. At the ER, they could not find my IUD imaging. They told me to follow up with my OBGYN, and I still had PID and BV. I went to see my OBGYN the next day to find my IUD still inside me. When pulled out, it had bacterial growth on it. Right after being taken out, I felt better, and the cramping stopped. Please do not put this in your body!!!"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • March 24, 2008

"I have had the Mirena for about 6 months now. Aside from the abhorrent cramping that happened for about 6 hours after it was put in, I have no periods, no cramping, no bloating, no mood swings... nothing! I love it."

9 / 10
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  • Khaye
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 9, 2020

"I had my IUD turning 2 years coming up February next yr. And now I experience a black discharge. It looks like a jelly but it’s color is black. I don’t know why I have this kind of discharge... Is it normal?"

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More FAQ

  • Aubre...
  • February 8, 2017

"I love my IUD for many reasons. A lot of these reviews are just based off of the initial side effects and insertion. While I admit it was mildly painful for the first 24 hours and the spotting lasted 1-2 months, I am now 3 years in, and couldn't be happier. My period is 95% lighter and lasts only an hour, I never get cramps anymore, and I am comforted by the fact that it is so reliable! No weight gain or mood changes, and my skin is still clear. Some people say these cause infertility, but that is not true. IUDs have undergone many, many clinical studies which show that is not the case! Don't let people on here scare you :) If you want the facts, go to a credible source."

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • Kimbe...
  • December 29, 2014

"I'm on my second Mirena, and I think it's great! The first one I got took a long time to stop spotting. I was frustrated and wanted it out. My doctor's office suggested waiting and giving it a chance. I'm really happy I listened! Each month, it got better. Those beginning days are so far behind me now. I haven't had any problems at all. Definitely worth it!"

9 / 10
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52 Report
  • Mandi...
  • October 17, 2009

"I had the Mirena IUD placed in July of 2007, 6 months after my husband and I had our first baby. My doctor recommended it over the Paragard. When the doctor was placing it, I was extremely uncomfortable. However, I felt back to normal after two days. There was mild spotting for the first couple of weeks, but that stopped. Then my period stopped. In fact, I haven't seen my period since 2007. I haven't felt any different since I had it placed. The only thing that could be a bother about this is the strings, it feels like fishing line. The doctor said the strings would soften over time, and they did within the first year. I love Mirena!"

10 / 10
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  • Lori
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 27, 2020

"Do not use Mirena if you want to conceive in the future. I had Mirena inserted for 2 years when I was 36 and my period never returned after removal at 38. Six months after removal I was told I was post menopausal! Two months after removal I experienced mood swings and rage. Pre-mirena I always had a regular 28-day cycle. Mirena was the biggest mistake."

1 / 10
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  • maste...
  • October 7, 2009

"I read a lot of horror stories online before I got the Mirena, so I was concerned but willing to give it a try. I think it's great, but there were a few bad points in the first few months of the medication. Insertion was very uncomfortable, cramping followed by cramps lasting for six hours and light soreness for a couple of days (I have no children). I had a light period lasting for over one month after insertion and really weird brown discharge after that for several months. I didn't notice a change to my libido. I felt 'aware' of the Mirena for a while. But I stuck with it. It's been a year since then. I have no symptoms - no mood swings, no skin issues, no weird bodily functions. I don't have a period anymore or any cramping - it's awesome!"

8 / 10
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  • lucyc...
  • January 23, 2016

"This is my experience so far for anyone considering a Mirena coil. I ummed and erred for months because of negative reviews, and my concerns were: 1) Would insertion hurt? The answer was no, I've had more painful cervical smears than the insertion of my Mirena coil. 2) Would it mess with my monthly cycle? Yes, it did. I bled constantly (in an array of colors!) for the obligatory three months that the GP told me to wait until my body got used to it. Then it was another month before I finally went back to my GP and said, 'Help.' She gave me a progesterone pill and told me to take it for a month. I only took it for one week! It did the job, I stopped bleeding and have gone on to a normal cycle. My periods only last a couple of days, do not hurt, and are light (just a smear of blood). I am 47, and compared to the heavy periods I was having before, it's a walk in the park. 3) Would I put on weight? No, not so far. I feel thinner around the middle. 4) Would I lose my sex drive? No, not so far. I was worried about this, however, I am happy to say that I have noticed no difference. Sex is just as welcome and enjoyable as before. 5) Would I get spots? No. The doctor told me that this was less likely because the hormonal content is tiny and localized to the womb. She was right. All in all, it was the right decision for me. I am very happy. I hope this post helps others."

9 / 10
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46 Report
  • KPano
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • November 7, 2019

"I had a Mirena for 5.5 years. The last 2 months have been devastating with a Mirena crash after removal. I also had anxiety and gut issues for 5 years. These Mirena side effects gradually developed, so I didn’t link it, and doctors dismissed it (my gut is fine now after removal!). Two weeks after removal, the crash hit. I'm overwhelmed with anxiety, depression, brain fog, headaches, and sore throat. I can't function. I think my body has stopped making progesterone (in the brain, adrenals, and ovaries) because I have had the artificial form from Mirena for 5+ years. It’s not localized hormone and isn't metabolized the same. When it’s removed, your body is thrown into a severe imbalance that takes months to rectify. I’m still healing and feel frustrated that 5 years of anxiety and gut issues could also have been avoided. These issues aren’t rare, and it’s affecting a large percentage of women. I hope this warns people or gives comfort to those going through it. I’m gradually getting better with acupuncture and naturopathy to balance my hormones, but it’s been real hard."

1 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • October 15, 2019

"I just thought I would write a positive review since everyone is so quick to write negative. I had the Mirena IUD inserted, and yes, it was pretty uncomfortable, but that discomfort only lasted for a few seconds and was then over. I have had light spotting for 1.5 weeks, which has now stopped. I have not had any other side effects to date. I know prior to getting it, I read these reviews, and they scared me. I have nothing but positive feedback for this product, and I hope people try it out for themselves instead of going by the reviews. Everyone is different, so take it with a grain of salt."

8 / 10
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  • Jchick
  • August 20, 2014

"I believe myself to be very pain tolerant. I got one of these inserted, and it caused me so much pain I nearly passed out. Keep in mind, however, that I have never been pregnant before. If you have not been pregnant, your uterus does not have as much elasticity. Also, my uterus was set back in a position that made for a difficult time for my gynecologist to get to it. (This happens when you have not been pregnant sometimes.) The nurse said she had never seen the gynecologist actually have to utilize the ultrasound to insert it. One day after insertion, and now I am completely cramp-free. Don't let the horror stories scare you. The ease of use, cost (completely free), and effectiveness of this product are phenomenal."

8 / 10
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  • akk
  • September 3, 2014

"I got my Mirena almost 6 months ago now, and I absolutely love it. I read so many reviews that made me hesitate to get it - it took me months to decide which birth control to get, but my doctor recommended this, so I trusted her. I have had 1 child previously, 2 years ago now, so I think that helped make my experience smooth. I took some ibuprofen before getting it put in, and there was discomfort, but nothing unbearable. I spotted and had irregular periods for the first 2 months, it was really annoying. Then I spotted occasionally for another two months or so. My periods have stopped completely now, so it was worth it. Also, the cramping was not bad at all. Nothing more than the moderate period pains I used to get. And my partner never notices it."

10 / 10
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  • Morga...
  • May 22, 2013

"I am 21 and have not had children yet. My husband and I thought Mirena was a good idea because we want to wait a few years to conceive since I am in college still, and we want to be more settled before we start trying. Well, I was nervous about the procedure, which was pretty painful, but all I said was, 'Whoa!' No tears or anything, so it wasn't THAT bad. However, since I have had Mirena (4 months), I have had heavy cramping (like if I stand up, I get lightheaded, and the pain is almost unbearable) and unpredictable periods with light to really, really heavy bleeding. I am going to give it 2 more months, however, my husband is seriously encouraging me to have it taken out since he hates seeing me in intense pain regularly."

4 / 10
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  • Katy...
  • June 10, 2014

"I got my Mirena 3 months ago by recommendation from my gyno and a few friends. I was warned how painful the procedure is, but I have a high pain tolerance, so I wasn't concerned. Mine was inserted when I wasn't on my period because my period was random and lasted 2 days. The procedure only took about 2 minutes. 1 minute and 50 seconds of that time just felt like hard pressure, more irritating than painful. Then the last 10 seconds were pretty traumatic. I felt like I was going to vomit and almost passed out. However, it's only 10 seconds. Later that day, I went shopping and ate and was fine. Now I have 5 years of no period (it's already gone) and no taking the pill! Couldn't be happier!"

10 / 10
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  • MamaC...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 10, 2014

"I decided to read the reviews for Mirena after I got it. Wow, am I ever glad I waited! Reviews that stated spotting for months, and painful intercourse would have been enough to put me off for sure. However, I've had a fantastic experience with Mirena so far. Spotted for 1.5 days (not months - DAYS) with only mild cramping. Intercourse after 3 days, and it was as enjoyable, if not more so than before. As I understand, it's better to have had children before using Mirena. I can see why - insertion would likely have been more painful had I not had 1 child. High recommendations, but of course, your doctor will know if Mirena is your best choice. Right down to the tilt of your uterus - there are many factors to take into consideration."

9 / 10
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  • Leslie
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 4, 2019

"Mirena was the best decision I've ever made for my reproductive health. I realize some people don't have good experiences, but it has been truly amazing for me. I had it placed 4 years ago, and I will definitely get another after this. Insertion was painful, no doubt, but after a few days of cramping, I have had no issues at all. My period is almost non-existent, I do have some hormonal acne, which I also had prior to Mirena-it hasn't gotten worse, but it hasn't improved either. I still get monthly period symptoms like bloating, but no bleeding. My sex drive is the same (quite high), and I have so much peace of mind with Mirena. My partner has never felt the strings, and I can't always find them either, but every time I go to the doctor it is exactly where it's supposed to be."

10 / 10
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  • prair...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 12, 2019

"I LOVE my Mirena. I had it inserted in January 2019. It ended my heavy periods (I don't get them at all) and PMS with no side effects, just spotting now and again. Insertion was painful but brief. I don't have to worry about remembering anything. It doesn't contain estrogen (I get migraines), and it lasts five years. Wohoo!"

10 / 10
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  • Victo...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 31, 2021

"I’ve had Mirena for 8 years. The first one was for 3 years and I’m 5 years into my second one. I wouldn’t ever go back to oral birth-control. My emotions became much more stable, my periods become less heavy and I never gained weight or suffered any adverse effects. As someone going into my 30’s and not planning on having kids soon, I’m so glad I found and decided to use Mirena."

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • 548
  • June 15, 2014

"I am 45, 2 kids. Had Mirena put in January for ease of birth control and was recommended by Dr. I have had no hormonal issues. However, I have light bleeding almost every day (use 1-2 panty liners a day) since insertion. Went back at 3 months, Dr. told me my body needs time to adjust. I'm trying to be patient but am about at wit's end. Had Mirena put in so I could have safe sex-now I don't have sex because of constant bleeding. I'm gonna try to wait till 6 months and see if it lets up, but not sure I can make it that long-hate to think I wasted 1/2 year on something that isn't working for me. If not, I'm having it taken out. Was on BC pills most of adult life and never had issues. Anybody else experience this, and did it ever get better?"

3 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • June 15, 2009

"FINALLY! It is relieving to see positive comments after finding nothing but negative remarks. I recently got the Mirena, and yes, I have experienced a few side effects. However, from what I understand, they are nothing out of the ordinary. I am not overly excited about the acne or the nausea, but I think the key for MOST of us that have recently had the Mirena inserted is to give your body time to adjust. Hopefully, the majority of us will have a positive experience. One thing to keep in mind: It is possible to experience side effects with most medications. That doesn't make it a horrible drug for all."

9 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.