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Betamethasone / calcipotriene topical User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Enstilar, Taclonex, Wynzora, Dovobet, Taclonex Scalp

Betamethasone / calcipotriene topical has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 131 reviews on 62% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 24% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Betamethasone / calcipotriene topical

  • Geord...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 5, 2020

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "I have literally tried everything, and nothing has worked for plaque psoriasis. I was prescribed light therapy, methotrexate, and a load of creams, pots, and potions. Nothing ever worked. I went to the doctor, and she put me on this stuff, Enstilar, and literally everything cleared up in around 2 weeks. Gone. Obviously, the condition rises again when it's not used, but it takes much longer to start showing. I use it now all over once a week and never have any trouble with the condition anymore. If you have not tried it yet, get on it!! Or should I say get it on you!"

10 / 10
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39 Report
  • Submu...
  • July 13, 2021

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "Over the years I have been prescribed many different treatments including blue light. some were better than others but none as effective as Enatilar. Prior to using Enstilar I rarely went out. The emotional journey and embarrassment about my appearance have been ongoing. My body is 50% covered in psoriasis including my hands, feet, face and scalp. The first time I used it the results were amazing within 7 days and stopped the treatment as I was elated with results. The psoriasis came back with a vengeance after about a month clear. The specialist suggested I try it again which I did. He suggested using it for the full 4 weeks even if it cleared and insisted I massage it in thoroughly. I was completely clear (bar a few small patches on legs) for six months. It recently came back and I completed another four weeks with just as amazing results. Enstilar has changed my life and increased my confidence. Use to the exact instructions of your doctor."

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • Komos
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 16, 2020

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "It seems to work at first but once you stop using it, Psoriasis comes back more aggressive. I was almost clear but I decided to use Enstilar to 'speed up' the clearance: It did exactly the opposite and now I'm back to square one. HOW do I know it's Enstilar? Because I put the foam only on my upper body and didn't use it for my legs. Now legs are okay while upperbody is disastrous. This happened with so many people. I think this product needs to be re-evaluated and the company must be questioned because they know it only works temporarily."

3 / 10
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28 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Emily...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 14, 2019

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "I have had severe psoriasis since I was 7 years old and would argue my quality of life has been affected as a result. Upon going back to the GP after a 5-year hiatus in steroid creams, UVA/UVB, and preparation for cyclosporin, my GP recommended this as one last shot before autoimmune suppressors. WOW I’ve used three applications over three nights and there is barely any visible redness to my skin. The splits in my skin have begun to heal, and I am literally scale-free at this moment in time. I would argue that compared to a lifetime of pain, low self-esteem, and bloodied bedsheets, a couple of weeks with Enstilar smeared on your body shouldn’t put you off. NB) I get this medication for £9 on the NHS, but I’ve been told it retails to the NHS for around £75."

9 / 10
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30 Report
  • Jake
  • May 3, 2021

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "I live in London and a 60 gram dispenser costs me 12 bucks versus $1250 in the US. Having read some of the posts, yes the foam is cold but that's to preserve it and although it's a bit greasy it's nowhere near as bad as other creams I've tried over the years. This is definitely a miracle application. The best result is to apply it everyday for one week and then just once a week thereafter and you'll look totally normal and run to the beach!!"

10 / 10
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21 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • dream...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 27, 2020

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "I had spots of psoriasis on my forehead, scalp and behind my ear and I’ve had this condition since I was 4 years old (37 years). I’ve been prescribed different types of creams but they had little effect on clearing up my skin. I saw immediate effect after 3 days of using this foam and after a week it totally cleared up. It’s not just the flakes that cleared up but even the red patches are gone and the itch is gone too. It’s hard to apply it to my scalp as I cannot direct the nozzle in the right spot so I always need someone to help me with that. It’s the most expensive treatment I bought for psoriasis but it’s worth it!"

10 / 10
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24 Report
  • Esme
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 1, 2020

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "I was prescribed Enstilar foam for scalp psoriasis. It worked very well, very fast. Challenge: how to remove medication from hair. Hair very sticky. By reading reviews I found remedy which works very well. Coconut oil (I used PAM coconut spray for pans, pots, etc.) I sprayed it on saucer, heated for 25 seconds in microwave and put right on sticky stuff in my hair. Left it for 15minutes and washed it out with clear shampoo. Gone right away after having tried many other remedies. All the best"

8 / 10
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22 Report
  • Julia...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 25, 2019

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "I use Enstilar for my plague scalp psoriasis. Its super expensive w/put insurance, like $1,080! But the actual foam itself is good. Didn’t completely clear up my scalp but definitely helps! Still have problematic spots all over but it has broken down majority of my plague, I say plague because my scalp was 90% covered in like a giant thick plaque and I felt like I had the plague. I used this everyday for 3 weeks, made my fine hair, tacky and sticky. Tried plain old Dawn Dish soap, used it in the shower, a few times, and did normal shampoo/cond. routine after, and it helped SO MUCH!! I will say though it dried my scalp out, so I wouldn’t use it every day. But also I found that heating some Coconut oil, the one that’s safe for cooking AND beauty use, up in the microwave, applying it to your hair with the Enstilar on it, before a shower, letting it soak in, then shower, WORKS AWESOME! Hope this helps anyone who is looking for a way to get this scaley stuff out of their hair!"

8 / 10
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25 Report
  • John
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 12, 2020

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "Enstilar is brilliant in the fact that it clears psoriasis fast however, the problem with all these steroid based skin treatments arises once you stop using them. The psoriasis returns with a vengeance, coming back faster and harder than before. According to my doctor, the way to use Enstilar is to hit the psoriasis hard and fast until skin is clear and then use nothing more than moisturizer until the psoriasis returns and then repeat as before. This is terrible advise on a scaffold. I would be plagued with thick scaly skin for most of the year all year. The only treatment that works for psoriasis is very, very, very slow however, is always one step forward and is none other than plain old Calcipotriol (synthetic vitamin D). Enstilar as with all other steroid based treatments is always one step forward and two steps back. My doctor's are reluctant for me to carry on using Calcipotriol on a permanent basis even though they have told me that using Calcipotriol indefinitely is fine."

1 / 10
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20 Report
  • Artsy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 11, 2021

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "I had moderate Psoriasis plaques on my elbows, knees and legs. My dermatologist asked me to try Enstilar. As soon as I started using it, the Psoriasis immediately disappeared but when the product finished and I stopped applying, the Psoriasis came back with a very strong backlash. I developed a lot of new plaques all over my body and very aggressive. I truly ask for any doctor to stop prescribing this drug. It should be re-evaluated as an effective treatment drug. I had a much worsening condition after using it. Do not use it !!!"

2 / 10
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16 Report
  • Sarah
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 12, 2019

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "I have been using this product Enstilar for my hands and on top of toes for 2 weeks and it seems to be working really well I am almost cleared up. The only problem I have is the price. No medication should cost $1100. I had to pay$ 998.00 for this Medication. I am not going to be able to get a refill because I can't afford it."

5 / 10
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17 Report
  • Alano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 30, 2020

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "Used the foam and saw results almost immediately. Permanently cleared a patch on my knee and cleared up my elbows. Then it came back harder than before. Elbows need to be treated almost daily and now new patches have appeared on my lower back. They were never there before. Running low on my can, but I don't think I'll refill due to pricing. It's just ridiculous. Great product, but I think your body gets used to it."

5 / 10
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16 Report
  • Ironh...
  • December 11, 2019

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "I've been using this drug for a couple years on my now mostly knees and elbows. It really works well. No more scaly skin in my bed or bloody sheets. I just can't believe the cost some people have claimed to pay. I live in Canada with the Ironworkers drug plan and I pay 18 dollars. Thank you Canada!"

9 / 10
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16 Report
  • JPIre...
  • July 15, 2011

Taclonex (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "I love Taclonex to manage my symptoms of psoriasis. My problems started after the birth of my first child. I later learned pregnancy makes autoimmune conditions much worse. While living in the Bay Area, I was fortunate enough to meet a nutritionist who explained to me the true causes of psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease but can be made better by identifying and eliminating foods that trigger an immune response in your system. An ALCAT blood test can identify your problematic foods, and those food changes combined with Taclonex resulted in total clearance of psoriasis. I can't tell you what a relief it has been."

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33 Report
  • Hitch...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 5, 2021

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "Had mild to moderate psoriasis for 15 years tried every cream going even dovobet which was useless. After reading this forum learnt about enstillar so mentioned it to my doctor who prescribed 2x 60 mg cans of foam enstillar for use over a 4 week period. Noticed results within days. After week 1 developed nasty side effects, ie rashes and unbelievable itching that kept me awake at night. Even so stuck with the once daily treatment and by week 4 psoriasis was almost gone. After week 5 side effects went together with any remaining psoriasis. This really is a miracle treatment. I read how many people found the application of the foam as greasy but if you want it enough you put up with it, and yes it even got rid of my scalp psoriasis which was also in my ears."

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Psora...
  • November 25, 2014

Taclonex (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "I used Talconex when it first came on the market. The scratching would keep me up all night and I would use sand paper from the hardware store to file down the hard crust. I was always bleeding. I went to the dermatologist again and he told me something new came on the market and told me it works in 75% of the people. He gave me samples. I asked if I should file down the crust before applying the samples. I swear, the next day the crust was gone. It was like a miracle. The whole area which had lost its color came back in about a year. I may be 1 of the lucky ones -it never came back -skin clear &soft."

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 18, 2019

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "I’ve tried several other topical medications, including monthly steroid injections and nothing seemed to work to get my scalp psoriasis under control. This has been a constant battle for me for over 18 years now. Enstilar has worked so well to get my psoriasis under control and to keep it under control. I pay $20 for two bottle through my prescription coverage."

9 / 10
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13 Report
  • jkl...
  • March 1, 2014

Taclonex (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "I have had psoriasis for over 15yrs and Taclonex was the only medication that actually cleared it up. It worked quickly and the psoriasis stayed gone I was only fortunate enough to experience this medication because my dermatologist gave me free samples and I was able to spread that out for a year. My psoriasis stayed clear for about 6 months after I stopped using the Taclonex. My only cons to this medication is it tore up my fingernails (I recommend applying it with gloves) and the price! I was very disappointed when I went to fill my prescription and found out the price. I just cannot afford it. Almost $800.00 with ins! That is the only reason I gave 7 stars. If it were actually affordable I would give it 100 stars."

7 / 10
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23 Report
  • Micha...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 19, 2014

Taclonex (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "I have had psoriasis for like 5 years. Nothing has worked. I have had it in some spots on my body, my ears, and on my scalp. I used this medicine one time in my ears, and some on my scalp and i saw a HUGE improvement. My ears are pretty much cleared up, and my scalp is on it's way! Best topical I have ever used! I highly recommend it!"

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • British
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 3, 2020

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "Recently just started using this. It's prescribed free of charge on our NHS and it has worked amazingly so far. I have tried methotrexate in the past and light therapy and neither have been as effective as this stuff."

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Barb
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 28, 2018

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "My dermatologist prescribed Enstilar for psoriasis mainly for my feet and hands, but after examination said I had it on my scalp as well. I've been using it for not quite one week yet and I do feel better. My main concern is that I can't wash it out of my hair. I asked my hair stylist/colorist what to use. She suggested tea tree shampoo mixed with baking soda. I let it sit in my hair for a few minutes, then reapplied. I followed up with conditioner. I would say my hair is about 90% less greasy."

5 / 10
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15 Report
  • Manch...
  • June 8, 2021

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "I’ve had psoriasis for about 15 years and never been able to get rid of it in my elbows, nails, scalp and a few other places, and while I had some success with Betacap for my scalp, nothing else seemed to work. I’ve been using Enstilar for less than a week and my elbows have returned to a once forgotten state, and it’s even made my nails look pink and healthy again. Obviously, the nails need to grow out to make them right, it’s the first time I’ve seen improvement in 15 years. As for the canned foam, I actually thought I got a dud because it comes out so fine and whispy, so I took it back to the pharmacy and they gave me the tutorial...I think I was expecting hair mousse. This stuff isn’t greasy. Once it’s been on for 10 minutes it’ll sink into your skin, and if you’re wearing a shirt just wipe off the excess. If your skin is bad and it’s ruining your life then you’ll take the hit. 100% happy with it right now and just need to keep the prescription topped up!"

10 / 10
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9 Report
  • Tinker...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 18, 2020

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "I have been on almost every lotion, cream and shampoo for psoriasis. New Dermatologist gave me full size sample of Enstilar. After 9 years of picking , scratching and cussing I cried with happiness. After less than a week my ears were clear. No itching, burning or picking . My primary Dr. said it's a miracle. I agree. Now it's time for more and I know my insurance won't cover this so I checked out out of pocket cost I almost had a stroke and heart attack. Without insurance it's up toward $3000.00. With a RX discount card it's $1200 - 1600.00 . I guess my ears will start looking like a vacant lot with 4 ft of tall grass.. NASTY. Any help would be appreciated I'm too old to die like this. "

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • biggun
  • August 29, 2008

Taclonex (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Psoriasis "This topical ointment is amazing. It produced outstanding results for me within a few days, and after about 2 weeks, I had several spots that were completely clear. I have had psoriasis for over 20 years, and this is the first drug that actually produced any clearing at all. My lower legs and torso areas are completely clear, and the more difficult areas to control, the outer thighs and buttocks areas, are now about 80% clear. The more difficult areas have never responded to any drugs. I have tried several through the years and had given up on drugs and relied on tanning lights or sunshine for my treatment. But with this one, I hit the jackpot."

9 / 10
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30 Report
  • hitch...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 8, 2023

Enstilar (betamethasone / calcipotriene) for Plaque Psoriasis "So I last commented on this forum using Enstilar in April 2021 back then it completely cleared my psoriasis. But in 2022 it returned albeit not as badly as previously. This time I consulted a dermatologist who advised again using Enstilar but this time applying it twice daily for a month. Now 2 weeks into the treatment and psoriasis has almost disappeared. I am suffering from the side effects however it is worthwhile if it means seeing my skin free of psoriasis. I expect it will return again time will tell. I have also been told to follow up the Enstilar with other creams to be used in monthly rotation (exorex and psoriderm)."

10 / 10
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5 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.