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Acamprosate for Alcohol Use Disorder User Reviews (Page 4)

Acamprosate has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 242 reviews for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder. 85% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 7% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Acamprosate

  • Jaysoft
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 28, 2016

Campral (acamprosate) "I've been a functioning alcoholic for 15 years and started this drug a few weeks ago. So far, combined with venlafaxine 75 and mirtazapine 30, I feel quite good and hopeful for the future. Alcohol craving is virtually zero currently. I would love, if anyone comes back to this thread after a previous review, to follow up on how they are now, vs how they were when they first started taking it. For me personally, it seems to be working, but I am very curious about the so-called placebo effect. Any thoughts?"

9 / 10
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71 Report
  • Mags
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 20, 2018

Campral (acamprosate) "I’m ashamed to say I was drinking too much. I went voluntarily to my doctor for help, and she suggested Campral along with counseling. I had read the reviews and side effects, etc., and thought, OK, I’ll give it a try. I honestly can’t believe how this has worked for me. It’s only been two weeks on Campral, but I did change my drinking habits prior to starting Campral with a week completely off alcohol. I don’t feel much desire to drink, and I had previously dreaded nighttime and weekends that had been the hardest for me, but the Campral has worked so far. I know everyone is different, but I would urge you to give it a go. I just wish this was prescribed to my sister, who sadly passed 8 years ago, with alcohol dependence being a main factor. I’m sure it would have helped. Good luck to all on their journey."

10 / 10
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58 Report
  • Arowan
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 28, 2017

Campral (acamprosate) "I started using Campral 7 months ago to help me stop drinking, and it has been a godsend. It’s still taken some effort but has been much, much easier than I’d dared hope. I’m getting my life back and changing it as well. I don’t ever want to go back. If you are thinking about quitting drinking, then this medication is worth a try, although I understand it doesn’t work for everyone. I have also been taking Baclofen with it and planning to stay on both for a year."

9 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • touch...
  • October 28, 2013

Campral (acamprosate) "I have been drinking heavily for the past couple of years now, and on most occasions 7 days a week. This was built up of a number of things, but the one thing I blamed the most was the stress at work. After speaking to my psychiatrist, and explained to him the level of drinking I was consuming, he suggested I use Campral. I was drinking approximately 2-3 bottles of either white or red wine each afternoon after work, and smoking about 20 ciggies during this time, however as of 6 days ago I have only drank once (No smokes) and Campral seems to be working. For me, it just helps to slow down the urge to drink as frequently. If you do decide to drink while on Campral, look out for the hangover, it somehow makes you feel worse tenfold."

8 / 10
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90 Report
  • Scott
  • December 16, 2011

Campral (acamprosate) "Unbelievable. I have been in and out of AA for over 12 years. My doctor gave me Campral to try, and it has had a huge impact immediately. That driving force in my head that used to take me to get a drink is gone. I spoke to my doctor today and asked if this was normal, or was I imagining or talking myself into thinking it works, and was told, 'Nope, that's normal.' It seems to work right away. So I went online to read reviews, and I am having the same experience, that inner voice driving me to drink is gone, and when I try to think about getting a drink, it seems like my brain is blocking that thought from going forward. Try it, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain."

10 / 10
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101 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Ash
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 29, 2024

Campral (acamprosate) "I was prescribed Campral in early July 2024 after a 5-day-long hospital stay for alcohol withdrawal, cirrhosis of the liver, and delirium tremens. That would be my 5th hospital stay for those reasons. I had been drinking heavily for roughly 3 years straight (roughly a fifth a day). Whenever I tried to quit, either the withdrawal and anxiety would be so severe I would give in and drink again, or I would be extremely sick for a week (sometimes more), then start up again simply from the cravings. I am currently 60 days sober & counting. Longest I have been in three years. I have no doubt in my mind if I weren’t taking Campral, I wouldn’t have made it this far. I was once prescribed Naltrexone in 2022, but I had a severe allergic reaction. So anyone allergic to Vivitrol or Naltrexone should try Campral. Only side effects for me were sleepiness in the beginning. That’s since subsided. This drug is amazing. I am pretty sure it’s saving my life, literally."

10 / 10
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2 Report
  • Meherc
  • October 15, 2018

Campral (acamprosate) "I started the meds about 4 days ago. Went 2 days without drinking, but cravings overwhelmed me. Of course, I felt ashamed and like a hopeless failure. I hope that it will help me as much as all of these commenters. Maybe it will kick in with a little time. I'm desperate. Going to AA and to a therapist. Trying. Wish me luck."

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More FAQ

  • 10Kazza
  • October 22, 2013

Campral (acamprosate) "I have been an alcoholic for 25 years. Drinking between 5 - 7 pints of cider and up to two bottles of wine per night! I went to the Priory twice, the second occasion I went in, they put me on Antabuse (when I went in to the Priory, my Gamma GT was 50 and just before I came out, my Gamma GT was 1600). Unfortunately, I was one in 28,000 people to have a severe side effect from this tablet. I was desperate to try something else and was eventually prescribed Campral. I have been on this medication for almost two months and have no cravings for alcohol. I surprised myself walking past pubs and going out for dinner without that strong need for a bottle of wine or two!!"

10 / 10
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84 Report
  • England...
  • February 13, 2014

Campral (acamprosate) "Well, been on Campral a week now. I will say I haven't had a drink, but the thoughts still go through my head just to have one, but we all know where that leads. I pray to God this helps me, time will tell."

8 / 10
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82 Report
  • Robert...
  • January 8, 2013

Campral (acamprosate) "I have been drinking heavily for the last 12 years. It got to a stage that I would have a beer first thing in the morning and keep going for the rest of the day. I was sacked from work as I was caught drinking at work. After 2 rounds of acute pancreatitis, I decided to put an end to this habit as it was ruining my marriage and life. I was put on Campral by my GP and I have not had a drink in 35 days. No cravings. This is a very effective medicine, that is if you really want to quit and are willing to give Campral a go."

10 / 10
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88 Report
  • Zapata
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 20, 2018

Campral (acamprosate) "I've been a heavy drinker for 25 years+. Since my early 20s, I drank a magnum of wine daily. About four years ago, my doctors wanted me to stop. I've been to detox three times, inpatient once, and intensive outpatient program (IOP) twice, DUI at 40, and fatty liver disease. AA is not my thing because I have social phobia. I tried Antabuse, but always relapsed with it still in my system. Recently, I was on Vivitrol, but drank the same amount, if not more. I was starting to drink a fifth in one night, and I knew I couldn't continue because I was killing me slowly. My doctor suggested Campral. My cravings aren't there, and it's only been five days, but I've never had this experience before. Usually, I'm climbing the walls in one way or another, and in the last few years, I've gained 50 pounds because I kept replacing alcohol with food every time I had sobriety. This is different. I just don't care about alcohol, and my family drinks heavily, and there are gallon bottles of booze on the counters."

9 / 10
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54 Report
  • Eric
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 30, 2013

Campral (acamprosate) "I was prescribed this medication after struggling to stay sober. It's very hard to put my finger on exactly how it works, or how it makes me 'feel', but the best I can do is to say that I feel as normal as ever, minus the cravings for alcohol! I no longer feel compelled to reach for alcohol. It just doesn't enter my mind anywhere as much. I am taking this as part of a comprehensive program (AA, individual therapy, medication management from a psychiatrist who understands addiction, etc.). It took a good 5 weeks for it to kick in for me, but when it did I definitely noticed it. Home run! It's not a magic bullet, but it's a BIG help for me!"

9 / 10
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84 Report
  • Prazza
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 22, 2019

Campral (acamprosate) "I just wanted to share my experience regarding taking Campral for my drinking. At first, I was skeptical that it would work. My wife has been telling me about this medication for a while now. I have been a heavy drinker; my weekly consumption would be a 3-4 700ml bottle of vodka. Some nights I would black out and not remember a thing. Since taking Campral for 1 month now, I do have some cravings, but not enough to start back up again. I highly recommend this medication to anyone who wants to give up or cut down drinking. Talk to your doctors, as they can recommend what steps need to be taken."

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48 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 6, 2012

Campral (acamprosate) "I am a 30-year-old female. I battled with alcohol for many years, drinking mostly 7 days a week. I am currently finishing a recovery program and asked my counselor about something to help with the intense (overpowering) cravings. She recommended Campral, and I was able to get a prescription from my doctor. I have been on the Campral for 2 days now and can't even believe how well it is working. Now I can focus my time on being productive, rather than wasting so much time dwelling on the cravings. My mood also seems better too. Life feels good. Thank God for Campral."

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90 Report
  • anna
  • March 21, 2013

Campral (acamprosate) "My psychiatrist prescribed Campral because I could not seem to get off the treadmill of daily black-out drinking despite years of trying. I've been taking it for just over a month. I'm frankly astonished at how it immediately started muting my cravings. For the first time in years, I didn't feel compelled to drink every night, a very odd feeling! It's important to take all three daily doses. During week two, I forgot to take my midday dose to work, worked later than usual, and stopped at the liquor store on the way home. I still work to stay sober - but overall, it is enormously helpful."

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80 Report
  • mimi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 2, 2019

Campral (acamprosate) "I have been drinking heavily for 2 years. I'm 39 years old. It's killing me. I have had a past DUI. I broke my leg after falling while drunk. Only day 2 for me. I hope it works. I need to stop, or alcohol will be my demise. I would drink until I blacked out. I pray that it works."

5 / 10
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46 Report
  • Steph
  • July 5, 2018

Campral (acamprosate) "I am 2 1/2 years sober. I did 16 weeks of treatment in early 2016 and 2+ years of weekly therapy along with weekly aftercare meetings. I still go to therapy, just not as often. With all that said, I was on Campral for the first year and then discontinued use and was fine. I've been back on it for 2 months as I was in a car accident in March 2018. My cravings since the accident were mostly for opioids, but since I was familiar with how Campral works in my body, I chose to be put back on it instead of something for opioid cravings. Campral has helped save my life twice. I'll stay on it this time until things mellow out. I guess why I'm writing this review is to tell people that this medication can help with cravings, but the reasons why you used in the first place need to be addressed as well. I never would have stayed sober if I hadn't worked on myself, too. This is a wonderful medication that works in tandem with other means of staying sober."

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49 Report
  • hanna...
  • June 21, 2008

Campral (acamprosate) "So far so good, I was very skeptical and put off asking for it, but my family was at the end of their rope with me. I began taking it about 1 month ago and I feel great, no urges to drink. I slipped once but I deliberately didn't drink even though I really didn't need to, but nothing changes, I felt like crap, haven't had a drink since and I plan on keeping it that way. Campral works - I'm not sure how or why - but I don't care. It really does work. Thank God"

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  • Anonymous
  • February 19, 2012

Campral (acamprosate) "I was a daily drinker for over 10 years and have been to 4 rehabs and AA. I just started taking Campral today and have completely lost the desire to drink. I can't explain why or how, I just simply don't crave or even want a drink. I finally feel like I can actually live without obsessing over drinking. I highly recommend this to anyone who is struggling with alcohol."

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81 Report
  • Its...
  • September 1, 2012

Campral (acamprosate) "It does work, but you need to give it a few weeks to help with the cravings. I lost my partner, my friends, and my license. Thanks to finding out about Campral myself on the net, my life has turned full circle and I got my REAL friends and life back again. My side effects were gas and lightheadedness. I can live with that."

9 / 10
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77 Report
  • want2...
  • June 4, 2011

Campral (acamprosate) "It's only been 18 hours since my first pill. I've been drinking close to 2 liters of rum in 3 days for years. Talking to a friend who knows my condition, I informed him I was going to start right then and there. I threw out the rest of what I was drinking, ate, and fell asleep. I would always wake up sick and of course to make myself feel calmer, I would drink. NOT TODAY. Soon I will reach 24 hours. PRAY FOR ME!"

9 / 10
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83 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 25, 2018

Campral (acamprosate) "Am 73 and have been a consistent drinker since 18 and would love $1 for every hangover over those years. The secret is after taking this for 3-4 days, you just don’t think about drinking, and you no longer crave or miss it. It’s like when observing others who are regular full-on daily boozers, thinking they don’t know what life is really about and they are shackled somehow, ruining and missing out on life’s real genuine pleasures and purposes. I now have just as much enjoyment with still social/heavy drinker friends by just having a tea or coffee and have, for the first time since I was a kid, some real respect and confidence in myself."

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47 Report
  • mom...
  • March 28, 2009

Campral (acamprosate) "This has saved my life. I felt like I was starting to get out of control with my drinking, going through life week to week. Then I realized it could be different. This is awesome. I can't believe how well it works and neither can my husband. I'm great now. First thing I always did when I got home from work was pour a vodka tonic, now... nothing. I have a new lease on life after work. I can drive after dinner."

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90 Report
  • 1bossco
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 2, 2015

Campral (acamprosate) "I was a binge drinker and finished a bottle of Scotch every second night, so when it started to be nearly every night, I went to my doctor and he prescribed me Campral. I never had any cravings and could be around anyone who was drinking, and it wouldn't bother me. It's now been 2 1/2 years since I had a drink! I only took it for 6 months and stopped taking it because the chemist couldn't get it, but I already knew I was fine by then. In Australia, it only cost $6 per script....saved me a fortune."

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62 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 21, 2009

Campral (acamprosate) "I had been an alcoholic for over 12 years. I tried AA, counseling, therapy, quitting by myself. Thank God, my doctor decided to try me with Campral after going to the hospital several times and detox. Since Campral, I have not had a drop of alcohol for almost a year. May 24, 2009 will be my anniversary. I haven't had a craving, and haven't had an interest to have a drink. My question is why don't we hear about this wonderful drug. I had almost given up until I started taking Campral."

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88 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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